ohbm / hackathon2021

Website for the 2021 OHBM Hackathon
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ARTEM-IS web app: working towards an Agreed Reporting Template for EEG Methodology (International Standard) #11

Open suzyjstyles opened 3 years ago

suzyjstyles commented 3 years ago

Project info

Title: ARTEM-IS web app: working towards an Agreed Reporting Template for EEG Methodology (International Standard)

Project leads: suzyjstyles asoskic

Timezone: +8 (Singapore) +2 (Serbia)

Description: In the EEG 'Garden of Forking Paths,' most research reports do not have enough detail to know which path has been taken, hampering reproducibility, replication and meta-science (Šoškić et al 2021 https://psyarxiv.com/jp6wy/). Our initiative to create an Agreed Reporting Template for an International Standard includes a draft template designed to make reporting EEG methodology easier and more accurate, by providing fields for researchers to input specific methodological details (ARTEM-IS https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PDX6Y). Read more about why we need this tool and how you can help to make it better in our preprint: (https://psyarxiv.com/myn7t). Join us in the Hack to make the tools we need.

Link to project: Static docs can be found on the ARTEM-IS OSF: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PDX6Y Editable doc links will be shared directly on Mattermost and in the ARTEM-IS Clubroom in Gathertown ARTEM-IS Clubroom: https://gather.town/app/Bw3fcD2KiO11izhe/artemisclubroom (Password on Mattermost)

Mattermost handle: @suzyjstyles

Goals for the OHBM Brainhack In this hackathon, participants work together to refine and convert fields in the draft template into a structured format making up the backend of a webapp (based on the model of COBIDAS Information Collection Protocol: https://ohbm.github.io/cobidas/#/ ). The webapp helps researchers document methodological details accurately in a simple, un-get-wrong-able form. Participants may also collaborate on revisions and extensions of the draft template to maximise the utility of the tool.

Good first issues: • Translating the existing template fields into a viable eCOBIDAS App (with @Remi-Gau 's generous support) • Updating/refining the template fields, including working on BIDs compatibility

Skills: Want to improve reproducibility, replicability and transparency in EEG? Basic spreadsheet experience and programming skills are both welcome! Experience conducting EEG or describing EEG methods would be a bonus, but not necessary to participate

Chat channel: https://mattermost.brainhack.org/brainhack/channels/artem-is

Participant Capacity: 5-15

Contributions Contributors in the OHBM BrainHack will be acknowledged on a contributors page in the ARTEM-IS OSF Project

Meeting Schedule Launch and daily check-in 10am CET each day Flexible co-working in the ARTEM-IS Clubroom

Onboarding Info Live Onboarding Doc When working on ARTEM-IS documents, please keep our design considerations in mind

Image for the OHBM brainhack website


Project submission

Submission checklist

Once the issue is submitted, please check items in this list as you add under 'Additional project info'

Please include the following above (all required):

You can also include information about (all optional):

We would like to think about how you will credit and onboard new members to your project. We recommend reading references from this section. If you'd like to share your thoughts with future project participants, you can include information about (recommended):

QMENTA has agreed to sponsor the event and provide computational resources through their platform.

tiborauer commented 3 years ago

Hi @suzyjstyles, Have you closed this issue because you are no longer interested in submitting it?

asoskic commented 3 years ago

Hi, just to confirm that we are still submitting, I am unsure about why the issue got closed, and I will let Suzy know. :)

johalgermissen commented 3 years ago

Hi @suzyjstyles @asoskic great to see this submitted! Me (and maybe some more people from EEGManyPipelines, currently interrogating options) would be happy to help!

Can you already say a bit more about your plans (e.g. first issues)? What exactly do you plan to work on? Mostly spread-sheet based (pushing the reporting template further), or also the eCOBIDAS App?

suzyjstyles commented 3 years ago

Hi @johalgermissen - great to hear from you! We are excited by the chance to team up with as many of the ManyThings teams as we can! I'm a bit of a noob on this platform so please do bear with us while we figure out how to do stuff...

We have 2 main things planned, exactly as you suggest:

  1. translating the existing template fields into a viable eCOBIDAS App (with @Remi-Gau 's generous support)
  2. updating/refining the template fields i.e., pushing the template further

We expect different people might be interested in different aspects of the work, so we want to make space for both kinds of activity :) Our big push will be on the App side for this event, since a viable App will provide easier opportunities for feedback on the current template structure.

tiborauer commented 3 years ago

@suzyjstyles, Can you, please, update the issue according to the checklist?

suzyjstyles commented 3 years ago

Working on it now :)

suzyjstyles commented 3 years ago

hi @ohbm/project-monitors: I think my project is ready! - sorry for all of the mistakes along the way 😅

suzyjstyles commented 3 years ago

You can find our live Onboarding Doc [here](here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hcLGQS2M6cLRTKl_nSurmN8owrQmGfTlJOYe0gaRqPY/edit) When working on ARTEM-IS documents, please keep these design considerations in mind: [Uploading ARTEM-IS_DesignGuidelines.pdf…]()