ohbm / hackathon2022

Website for the 2022 OHBM Hackathon
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DataLad-Dataverse integration #43

Open adswa opened 2 years ago

adswa commented 2 years ago


DataLad-Dataverse integration

Short description and the goals for the OHBM BrainHack

Dataverse is open source research data repository software that is deployed all over the world in data or metadata repositories, so called Dataverse collections. It supports sharing, preserving, citing, exploring, and analyzing research data with descriptive metadata, and thus contributes greatly to open, reproducible, and FAIR science. DataLad, on the other hand, is a data management and data publication tool build on Git and git-annex. Its core data structure, DataLad datasets, can version control files of any size, and streamline data sharing, updating, and collaboration. In this hackathon project, we aim to make DataLad interoperable with Dataverse to support dataset transport from and to Dataverse instances. To this end, we will build a new DataLad extension datalad-dataverse, and would be delighted to welcome you onboard of the contributor team.

Link to the Project


Image for the OHBM brainhack website


Project lead

Adina Wagner - GitHub: @adswa - Discord: adina#1671 (Glasgow) Benjamin Poldrack - GitHub: @bpoldrack - Discord: bpoldrack#3763 (virtual EMEA)

Main Hub


Other Hub covered by the leaders


We plan to start from zero with this project, and welcome all kinds of contributions from various skills at any level. From setting up and writing documentation, discussing relevant functionality, or user-experience-testing, to Python-based implementation of the desired functionality and creating real-world use cases and workflows.

You can help us with any of the following skills: You have used a Dataverse instance before and/or have access to one, or you are interested in using one in the future - You know technical details about Dataverse, such as its API, or would have fun finding out about them - You know Python - You have experience with the Unix command line - You are interested in creating accessible documentation - You are interested in learning about the DataLad ecosystem or the process of creating a DataLad extension - Your secret hobby is Git plumbing - You know git-annex, and/or about its backends - You want to help create metadata extractors for Dataverse to generate dataset metadata automatically

Recommended tutorials for new contributors

Good first issues

We will try to generate a constant flow of good-first-issues throughout the project. Some examples are:

Twitter summary

The DataLad-Dataverse integration project aims to make the data management tool @datalad interoperable with @dataverseorg. Do you want to publish your DataLad datasets to your favourite dataverse instance? Then come hack with us at https://github.com/datalad/datalad-dataverse!

Short name for the Discord chat channel (~15 chars)


Please read and follow the OHBM Code of Conduct

raamana commented 2 years ago

Hi Adina, slightly off-topic question, but do you know neuro-folks using DataVerse, and for what purposes? thanks.

adswa commented 2 years ago

Hi @raamana! From the top of my head, I know that MIT has a dataverse instance (@djarecka or @satra might know whether its in use by neuro-people), our institute at research center juelich has an instance hosting solely metadata which we plan to use in the future, the Max Planck society in Berlin will migrate from seafile to a Dataverse-based data storage system soonish - other than that, nothing neuro-related comes to mind immediately.

djarecka commented 2 years ago

@anibalsolon - i don't see a figure on the website. should we specify how the figure should be included?

anibalsolon commented 2 years ago

@djarecka right! it needs to be just an URL

djarecka commented 2 years ago

@anibalsolon - thanks!

@adswa - edited your issue just to fix the figure

djarecka commented 2 years ago

Thank you for submitting the project! We have 35 projects right now, woohoo! But that means the projects pitches will have to be short. We will give you tomorrow 2 minutes to pitch your project, you can have one slide or no slides! If you decide to use a slide, please include the link to the slide here.

And don't worry, you will still have more time to talk about your project during the BrainHack :-)