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Website for the 2022 OHBM Hackathon
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Expanding AFNI tutorials/examples #77

Open mrneont opened 2 years ago

mrneont commented 2 years ago


Expanding AFNI tutorials/examples

Short description and the goals for the OHBM BrainHack

MRI processing can range from simple to complex. Having tutorials and demos helps people learn how to expand their processing repertoire, to make scripts more efficient, or to generate new ideas.

AFNI contains a loooot of programs for a wide variety of tasks, across FMRI, DWI/DTI and structural MRI; many programs are even used for processing other modalities such as EEG, MEG, etc. Several tutorials and demos exist in the documentation: https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/doc/htmldoc/tutorials/main_toc.html .... but it would be great to add more.

So, this project could create more tutorials/examples/demos, either with Python or shell scripting, and can even involve making a Sphinx-based RST page for adding to the website. Bring your own scripting ideas, and/or find out how to do processing with AFNI.

Link to the Project


Image for the OHBM brainhack website

No response

Project lead

Paul Taylor (github: mrneont; discord: Paul Taylor#5207) Gang Chen (github: afni-gangc)

Main Hub


Other Hub covered by the leaders


AFNI MRI processing interest/experience Sphinx/RST experience/interest shell scripting and/or Python

Recommended tutorials for new contributors

Good first issues

No response

Twitter summary

Adding to AFNI tutorials

Short name for the Discord chat channel (~15 chars)


Please read and follow the OHBM Code of Conduct

djarecka commented 2 years ago

Thank you for submitting the project! We have 35 projects right now, woohoo! But that means the projects pitches will have to be short. We will give you tomorrow 2 minutes to pitch your project, you can have one slide or no slides! If you decide to use a slide, please include the link to the slide here.

And don't worry, you will still have more time to talk about your project during the BrainHack :-)

mrneont commented 2 years ago

Here is a screenshot of a tutorial, from: https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/doc/htmldoc/tutorials/rois_corr_vis/afni11_roi_cmds.html#resampling-regridding-rois ohbm2022-demo_tutorial_screen