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Documentation and demo examples for BIDS Datasets: running FitLins with 3dREMLfit in AFNI #81

Open afni-gangc opened 2 years ago

afni-gangc commented 2 years ago


Documentation and demo examples for BIDS Datasets: running FitLins with 3dREMLfit in AFNI

Short description and the goals for the OHBM BrainHack

FitLins is the numerical engine developed to solve models for FMRI data analysis. 3dREMLfit is an AFNI program that fits subject-level time series data with the temporal correlations of the residuals characterized through an ARMA(1,1) structure. The output includes regression coefficients, their t- and F-statistics (plus the associated degrees of freedom). The functionality of 3dREMLfit has been incorporated into FitLins, but its usage has not been documented.

This project solicits volunteers to write documents about model specification using FitLins with 3dREMLfit and to provide demonstrative examples.

Below are some related links: https://github.com/nih-fmrif/code-convergence-summaries/issues/8 https://fitlins.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/doc/program_help/3dREMLfit.html

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Project lead

Gang Chen (github: afni-gangc; discord: Gang Chen#1967)

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BIDS derivatives BIDS Stats Models Subject-level FMRI data analysis AFNI

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djarecka commented 2 years ago

Thank you for submitting the project! We have 35 projects right now, woohoo! But that means the projects pitches will have to be short. We will give you tomorrow 2 minutes to pitch your project, you can have one slide or no slides! If you decide to use a slide, please include the link to the slide here.

And don't worry, you will still have more time to talk about your project during the BrainHack :-)