ohbm / osr2020

Website for the Open Science Room at the OHBM 2020 meeting
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Past, Present and Future of Open Science (Emergent session): Multi-Echo (fMRI) Community meeting #51

Open jsheunis opened 4 years ago

jsheunis commented 4 years ago

Multi-Echo (fMRI) Community meeting

By Stefano Moia, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language


Multi-echo (ME) BOLD fMRI is an acquisition method that offers great advantages in improving the quality of fMRI data, as well as facilitating its preprocessing and data analysis. The development of tools that facilitate the handling of such steps and the increased compatibility of ME with various acquisition sequences makes it accessible to a wider user base. In parallel, it’s clear how the interest in ME acquisition is already raising in the scientific community, given the increase of recent publications based on ME data, and in particular in the OHBM community, given the increasing amount of presented ME-related posters in previous OHBM edition and the symposium scheduled for the current OHBM. Despite this, there is still a lack of ground-based evidence on the benefits of using ME data, especially in the clinical practice. It would be beneficial to clinicians, researchers, methodologists and developers to plan a synergetic action to:

  1. increase the community awareness about what ME can offer
  2. collectively identify two or three main focus points or general aim to improve the use of ME data
  3. create a stronger, interdisciplinary community around ME BOLD fMRI. At the moment, a few efforts have been carried out to tackle (1) and (3), respectively with the organisation of the OHBM 2020 symposium “Two is better than one (and many are better): Multi-echo fMRI methods and applications” and with the creation of tedana and the constant effort of its community. Despite this, only a limited part of the ME community seems to be involved in such activities. Following the ME gatherings in 2018 and 2019, I would like to invite current ME users and developers, together with ME-curious OHBM participants to gather for a discussion with the following two aims:
    • strengthen the ME community, either by facilitating their involvement with tedana (at the same time understanding why such involvement is limited at the moment) or by developing a platform that could offer a stronger base for the ME community.
    • identify one or two aims to create a synergetic action to improve the research and use of ME.

Scheduling request: There is an OHBM symposium that is focused on multi-echo fMRI: "Two is better than one (and many are better): Multi-echo fMRI methods and applications" https://www.humanbrainmapping.org/files/2020/OHBM_Two.pdf If this emergent session can be scheduled after the symposium, we can promote it during the symposium.

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Tagging @smoia

complexbrains commented 4 years ago

This event has been scheduled to be run on 30.06.2020, 19:00 - 20:00 GMT

For more information, please go to https://ohbm.github.io/osr2020/schedule/emea

smoia commented 4 years ago

Sorry @complexbrains , I'm a bit confused - shouldn't it be 19.00-20.00 GMT/20.00-21.00 BST/21.00-22.00 CEST? That's at least what I see here if I set the time on Madrid (that should be CEST or GMT+2).

jsheunis commented 4 years ago

Fixed now

complexbrains commented 4 years ago

Waaa! So sorry @smoia 😞 and thank you for the correction @jsheunis!

smoia commented 4 years ago

No worries @complexbrains ! In total honesty I think I made the same mistake when I booked the meeting!

complexbrains commented 4 years ago

waa I should learn my time! So confusing all those for one! (pfff... started to talk like Yoda again... it is better me to go...) Sorry again the confusion :(

handwerkerd commented 4 years ago

I see that this session is tagged as "tweeted" but I can't find the tweet. Where is it so that I can retweet?

complexbrains commented 4 years ago

Hi, @handwerkerd from my very quick search I guess they meant this tweet https://twitter.com/OhbmOpen/status/1262466310082043906. But sure they should be doing another reminder on the day too. Let's ask @jsheunis he should have the latest updates.

emdupre commented 4 years ago

Here's the agenda -- would be great to have folks introduce themselves there / add in points for discussion !