ohbm / osr2022

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COINSTAC: A futuristic framework for collaborative big-data research. #42

Open spanta28 opened 2 years ago

spanta28 commented 2 years ago

By Sandeep Panta, TReNDSCenter, Georgia State University

Emergent sessions #2,#3,#4(The earliest session possible)

Short description and the goals for the session

COINSTAC is software to foster collaborative research, removing large barriers to traditional data-centric collaboration approaches. It enables groups of users to run common analyses on their own machines over their own datasets with ease. The results of these analyses are synchronized to the cloud, and undergo aggregate analyses processes using all contributor data. Federated (decentralized) pipelines allow for distributed, iterative, and feature rich analyses to be run, opening new and exciting capabilities for collaborative computation. It also offers data anonymity through differentially private algorithms, so members do not need to fear PHI traceback.

Our goal is to introduce COINSTAC to researchers in developing countries with limited hardware, networking capabilities and technical expertise to make collaborative big-data research possible on a global scale. We would like to hear feedback on our tool in general including potential roadblocks and improvements to make our tool more researcher friendly. We welcome anyone who wants to contribute to the project with their algorithm development skills and coding skills. We would also like to work with organizations together on grants, that could help us answer interesting neuroscience related questions using COINSTAC, that could not have been possible otherwise.

Useful Links

COINSTAC Github COINSTAC Vaults intro webpage Vaults demo video on Freesurfer data COINSTAC educational videos

NaomiGaggi commented 2 years ago

Hello @spanta28, You have been assigned to the emergent session 16:45-17:45 GMT+1 on June 20, 2022.

Please confirm that you have seen this reply by giving a thumbs up! This meeting will be recorded hybrid. Whether you are in-person or virtual, this meeting will be held on Crowdcast and streamed into the Gala Room. If in-person, please come to the SEC Armadillo Gala Room 15 minutes before your session to set up. If you are virtual, please join the Crowdcast 10 minutes before your session.

If you are a virtual speaker and did not register for OHBM, please sign this video release form (attached) and email it to ohbmopenscience@gmail.com. Please DO NOT fill out the ID/passport info.


rgbayrak commented 2 years ago

You have been assigned to session #2.

spanta28 commented 2 years ago

Great . Thankyou so much and I apologize for late reply.

NaomiGaggi commented 2 years ago

Crowdcast link for virtual attendance: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/osr-2022--emergent-2