ohbm / osr2022

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Emergent session: Harmonized analysis of fMRI data using HALFpipe #43

Open HippocampusGirl opened 2 years ago

HippocampusGirl commented 2 years ago

By Lea Waller, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Recording and streaming volunteer unknown

Emergent sessions 2 (or alternatively 3 or 4)>

Short description and the goals for the session

In the ENIGMA consortium, when we set out to do fMRI meta analyses, we encountered a number of issues with how to standardize and harmonize processing across diverse data sets.

To attempt to solve these problems, we developed HALFpipe, an easy-to-use pipeline built on top of fMRIPrep and other existing tools.

In this session, it would be great to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardized pipelines such as HALFpipe, and more generally, how to integrate the diverse set of pipelines that are being developed within the community.

Useful Links

https://github.com/HALFpipe/HALFpipe https://bit.ly/tbfmrimanual https://doi.org/hmts https://doi.org/gfv773

rgbayrak commented 2 years ago

@HippocampusGirl session #1 is a pre-assigned BIDS Town Hall, could you please pick another one, just in case #3 does not work?

HippocampusGirl commented 2 years ago

Could you link me to the sessions? I might have been using the wrong schedule

HippocampusGirl commented 2 years ago

I found it! Sorry for the confusion. I will edit the post now

NaomiGaggi commented 2 years ago

Hello @hippocampusgirl, You have been assigned to the emergent session 18:00-19:00 GMT+1 on June 20, 2022.

Please confirm that you have seen this reply by giving a thumbs up! This meeting will be recorded hybrid. Whether you are in-person or virtual, this meeting will be held on Crowdcast and streamed into the Gala Room. If in-person, please come to the SEC Armadillo Gala Room 15 minutes before your session to set up. If you are virtual, please join the Crowdcast 10 minutes before your session.

If you are a virtual speaker and did not register for OHBM, please sign this video release form (attached) and email it to ohbmopenscience@gmail.com. Please DO NOT fill out the ID/passport info.


rgbayrak commented 2 years ago

You have been assigned to session #3.

NaomiGaggi commented 2 years ago

Crowdcast link for virtual attendance:
