ohbm / osr2024

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As open as possible and as closed as necessary - revisited #3

Open gorana011 opened 3 months ago

gorana011 commented 3 months ago

The spirit of OS is to reduce obstacles to knowledge, data and tools in an attempt to speed up scientific discovery and promote scientific accountability and collaboration. Whilst we all subscribe and aspire to adhere to these worthy goals, the reality is that not all science is, or should be made open. Increasingly, neuroscience research is funded by industry, commercial companies and governmental bodies. The issues around “openness” arise when Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are involved or when the research study and its findings involve potentially classified data. In this session, we will discuss some obstacles to OS when working with industry and governmental agencies, from different cultural perspectives. We will share our experiences, propose various solutions (e.g. hybrid OS-IP models), and open a discussion about safe research practices in neuroscience for future adoption of OS in a commercial world.