ohcnetwork / features

Wishlist of features are listed in Issues. Covid-19 India Map - Corona Literacy mission
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Store and Analyse the daily status report for India #4

Closed bodhish closed 4 years ago

bodhish commented 4 years ago

Data could sourced from: https://www.mohfw.gov.in/

aswinmohanme commented 4 years ago

Maybe build a single dashboard that contains all the information ?

aswinmohanme commented 4 years ago

2 and #1 can be merged with this maybe ?

bodhish commented 4 years ago

Yes that works. I started a repo to store this values. We can club these after the first round. @aswinmohanme I was nothing down the ideas. Add your ideas. Let's share this with people intrested to work.

bodhish commented 4 years ago

https://covidout.in/ is a good example

codename062 commented 4 years ago

Someone has already created this and is maintaining it. https://github.com/gulan28/covid19-viz

scarface-49 commented 4 years ago

As a next level, each state should be able to get data district wise. The Key info as a trend chart will be death rate vs recovered cases

bodhish commented 4 years ago

We have a similar plot at map.coronasafe.in where the kerala data is supplied.

We should ideally create something like this.


iamunni commented 4 years ago

What us the status of this prpject? Has someone started working on this? Then I can also join and work together.

akaushal123 commented 4 years ago

What are the remaining checkpoints? I want to contribute.

codename062 commented 4 years ago

District vise data https://www.covid19india.org/

bodhish commented 4 years ago

handled in https://map.coronasafe.network/