ohdsi-studies / Covid19SubjectsAesiIncidenceRate

Extending on our previous work by Li et al. in understanding the incidence rates of adverse events of special interest (AESI) for COVID-19, this work will look at the rates of these AESIs in patients who had COVDI-19 disease.
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Error in exportConceptInformation - Vocabulary tables not found #17

Closed eminty closed 2 years ago

eminty commented 2 years ago

exportConceptInformation() is defined in CohortDiagnostics/ConceptIds.R

It uses DatabaseConnector::getTableNames(connection, schema) to retrieve the table names. These are then compared to a defined set of candidate vocabulary table names to find and subsequently query those vocabulary tables.

In exploring this, getTableNames(connection, cdmDatabaseSchema) returns character(0), (it doesn't matter if I add or remove backtics in the schema name, which I've noted has been an issue in the past). The cdmDatabaseSchema definition has been sufficient to execute the study thus far.

I can return the list of tables in the cohortDatabaseSchema using getTableNames() and the same connection however.

Thread: Main
Message:  Error in exportConceptInformation(connection = connection, cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,  :    Vocabulary tables not found in som-rit-phi-starr-prod.starr_omop_cdm5_deid_latest 
Level:  FATAL
Time:  2022-01-07 20:12:58

Stack trace:
6: logFatal(gsub("\n", " ", geterrmessage()))
5: (function () 
    logFatal(gsub("\n", " ", geterrmessage()))
    if (!is.null(previous
4: stop("Vocabulary tables not found in ", cdmDatabaseSchema)
3: exportConceptInformation(connection = connection, cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
2: CohortDiagnostics::runCohortDiagnostics(packageName = "Covid19SubjectsAesiIncidenceRate"
1: Covid19SubjectsAesiIncidenceRate::execute(connectionDetails = connectionDetails, verifyD

R version:
R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)


Attached base packages:
- stats
- graphics
- grDevices
- utils
- datasets
- methods
- base

Other attached packages:
- CirceR (1.1.1)
- BQJdbcConnectionStringR (0.1)
ericaVoss commented 2 years ago

@eminty - does your Vocab sit in the same schema as your CDM?

eminty commented 2 years ago

To circle back on this before closure - the vocab does sit in the same schema.

It appears that the issue stems from the getTableNames() method when applied to the cdm schema. Updating to the most recent version ( as of time of writing) of the simba JDBC driver did not fix it.

From conversation with @schuemie , this was not seen on the test BQ instance they have access to. It seems likely that it relates to a security / permission setting of the Stanford BQ repository in its interaction with the driver.

As a temporary work around, a branch of CohortDiagnostics was established that comments out the exportConceptInformation() call by @msuchard .

Will explore some internal solutions to this. Thanks for your help.