ohh2ahh / AppAvailability

This Cordova / PhoneGap plugin allows you to check if an app is installed.
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Checking an app NOT installed always invoke the success callback on IOS #31

Closed jeandat closed 7 years ago

jeandat commented 7 years ago

Hi guys,

Did you ever experienced something similar ? Even though the app has been removed, AppAvailability still invoke the success callback. Restarting the phone doesn't change anything.

Is there a cache of some type ? I tried to remove the scheme in Info.plist, don't change anything.

    function () {  // Success callback
        // always invoked even tough the app is not installed anymore
    function () {  // Error callback
        // do something


ohh2ahh commented 7 years ago

You have to check for the app's URL scheme (e.g. fb:// for Facebook) instead of a simple URL. http://www.bepark.eu will be always true, because the URL scheme http:// is always available. This plugin doesn't support the new Universal Links.

jeandat commented 7 years ago

Good to know. My mistake. Work like a charm now. Thanks.