ohld / igbot

🐙 Free scripts, bots and Python API wrapper. Get free followers with our auto like, auto follow and other scripts!
Apache License 2.0
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Ultimate_Schedule like speed is too fast, adjusting configs do not work #1210

Closed gixxerfrank closed 4 years ago

gixxerfrank commented 4 years ago

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Paste the output of python 3.72 here:


import atexit import datetime import logging import os import random import signal import time

from .. import utils from ..api import API from .state.bot_state import BotState from .state.bot_cache import BotCache from .bot_archive import archive, archive_medias, unarchive_medias from .bot_block import block, block_bots, block_users, unblock, unblock_users from .bot_checkpoint import load_checkpoint, save_checkpoint from .bot_comment import ( comment, comment_geotag, comment_hashtag, comment_medias, comment_user, comment_users, is_commented, reply_to_comment, ) from .bot_delete import delete_comment, delete_media, delete_medias from .bot_direct import ( approve_pending_thread_requests, send_hashtag, send_like, send_media, send_medias, send_message, send_messages, send_photo, send_profile, ) from .bot_filter import check_media, check_not_bot, check_user, filter_medias from .bot_follow import ( approve_pending_follow_requests, follow, follow_followers, follow_following, follow_users, reject_pending_follow_requests, ) from .bot_get import ( convert_to_user_id, get_archived_medias, get_comment, get_comment_likers, get_geotag_medias, get_geotag_users, get_hashtag_medias, get_hashtag_users, get_last_user_medias, get_link_from_media_id, get_locations_from_coordinates, get_media_commenters, get_media_comments, get_media_comments_all, get_media_id_from_link, get_media_info, get_media_likers, get_media_owner, get_messages, get_pending_follow_requests, get_pending_thread_requests, get_popular_medias, get_self_story_viewers, get_timeline_medias, get_timeline_users, get_total_hashtag_medias, get_total_user_medias, get_user_followers, get_user_following, get_user_id_from_username, get_user_info, get_user_likers, get_user_medias, get_user_reel, get_user_stories, get_user_tags_medias, get_username_from_user_id, get_your_medias, search_users, get_muted_friends, ) from .bot_like import ( like, like_comment, like_followers, like_following, like_geotag, like_hashtag, like_location_feed, like_media_comments, like_medias, like_timeline, like_user, like_users, ) from .bot_photo import download_photo, download_photos, upload_photo from .bot_stats import save_user_stats from .bot_story import download_stories, upload_story_photo, watch_users_reels from .bot_support import ( check_if_file_exists, console_print, extract_urls, read_list_from_file, ) from .bot_unfollow import ( unfollow, unfollow_everyone, unfollow_non_followers, unfollow_users, ) from .bot_unlike import ( unlike, unlike_comment, unlike_media_comments, unlike_medias, unlike_user, ) from .bot_video import download_video, upload_video

class Bot(object): def init( self, whitelist_file="MGO_whitelist.txt", blacklist_file="MGO_blacklist.txt", comments_file="MGO_comments.txt", followed_file="MGO_followed.txt", unfollowed_file="MGO_unfollowed.txt", skipped_file="MGO_skipped.txt", friends_file="MGO_friends.txt", base_path="", proxy=None, max_likes_per_day=random.randint(50,5 0), max_unlikes_per_day=random.randint(0, 0), max_follows_per_day=random.randint(50, 50), max_unfollows_per_day=random.randint(0, 0), max_comments_per_day=random.randint(0, 0), max_blocks_per_day=random.randint(0, 0), max_unblocks_per_day=random.randint(0, 0), max_likes_to_like=random.randint(50, 50), min_likes_to_like=random.randint(50, 50), max_messages_per_day=random.randint(0, 0), filter_users=True, filter_private_users=True, filter_users_without_profile_photo=False, filter_previously_followed=False, filter_business_accounts=False, filter_verified_accounts=False, max_followers_to_follow=5000, min_followers_to_follow=10, max_following_to_follow=2000, min_following_to_follow=10, max_followers_to_following_ratio=15, max_following_to_followers_ratio=15, min_media_count_to_follow=3, max_following_to_block=2000, like_delay=random.randint(150, 150), unlike_delay=random.randint(300, 700), follow_delay=random.randint(300, 700), unfollow_delay=random.randint(300, 700), comment_delay=random.randint(300, 700), block_delay=random.randint(300, 700), unblock_delay=random.randint(300, 700), message_delay=random.randint(300, 700), stop_words=("shop", "store", "free"), blacklist_hashtags=["#shop", "#store", "#free"], blocked_actions_protection=True, blocked_actions_sleep=False, blocked_actions_sleep_delay=random.randint(300, 500), verbosity=True, device=None, save_logfile=True, log_filename=None, loglevel_file=logging.INFO, loglevel_stream=logging.DEBUG, log_follow_unfollow=True, ): self.api = API( device=device, base_path=base_path, save_logfile=save_logfile, log_filename=log_filename, loglevel_file=loglevel_file, loglevel_stream=loglevel_stream, ) self.log_follow_unfollow = log_follow_unfollow self.base_path = base_path

    self.state = BotState()

    self.delays = {
        "like": like_delay,
        "unlike": unlike_delay,
        "follow": follow_delay,
        "unfollow": unfollow_delay,
        "comment": comment_delay,
        "block": block_delay,
        "unblock": unblock_delay,
        "message": message_delay,

    # limits - follow
    self.filter_users = filter_users
    self.filter_private_users = filter_private_users
    self.filter_users_without_profile_photo = filter_users_without_profile_photo
    self.filter_business_accounts = filter_business_accounts
    self.filter_verified_accounts = filter_verified_accounts
    self.filter_previously_followed = filter_previously_followed

    self.max_per_day = {
        "likes": max_likes_per_day,
        "unlikes": max_unlikes_per_day,
        "follows": max_follows_per_day,
        "unfollows": max_unfollows_per_day,
        "comments": max_comments_per_day,
        "blocks": max_blocks_per_day,
        "unblocks": max_unblocks_per_day,
        "messages": max_messages_per_day,

    self.blocked_actions_protection = blocked_actions_protection

    self.blocked_actions_sleep = blocked_actions_sleep
    self.blocked_actions_sleep_delay = blocked_actions_sleep_delay

    self.max_likes_to_like = max_likes_to_like
    self.min_likes_to_like = min_likes_to_like
    self.max_followers_to_follow = max_followers_to_follow
    self.min_followers_to_follow = min_followers_to_follow
    self.max_following_to_follow = max_following_to_follow
    self.min_following_to_follow = min_following_to_follow
    self.max_followers_to_following_ratio = max_followers_to_following_ratio
    self.max_following_to_followers_ratio = max_following_to_followers_ratio
    self.min_media_count_to_follow = min_media_count_to_follow
    self.stop_words = stop_words
    self.blacklist_hashtags = blacklist_hashtags

    # limits - block
    self.max_following_to_block = max_following_to_block

    # current following and followers
    self.cache = BotCache()

    # Adjust file paths
    followed_file = os.path.join(base_path, followed_file)
    unfollowed_file = os.path.join(base_path, unfollowed_file)
    skipped_file = os.path.join(base_path, skipped_file)
    friends_file = os.path.join(base_path, friends_file)
    comments_file = os.path.join(base_path, comments_file)
    blacklist_file = os.path.join(base_path, blacklist_file)
    whitelist_file = os.path.join(base_path, whitelist_file)

    # Database files
    self.followed_file = utils.file(followed_file)
    self.unfollowed_file = utils.file(unfollowed_file)
    self.skipped_file = utils.file(skipped_file)
    self.friends_file = utils.file(friends_file)
    self.comments_file = utils.file(comments_file)
    self.blacklist_file = utils.file(blacklist_file)
    self.whitelist_file = utils.file(whitelist_file)

    self.proxy = proxy
    self.verbosity = verbosity

    self.logger = self.api.logger
    self.logger.info("Instabot Started")

def user_id(self):
    # For compatibility
    return self.api.user_id

def username(self):
    # For compatibility
    return self.api.username

def password(self):
    # For compatibility
    return self.api.password

def last_json(self):
    # For compatibility
    return self.api.last_json

def blacklist(self):
    # This is a fast operation because
    # `get_user_id_from_username` is cached.
    return [
        for i in self.blacklist_file.list
        if i is not None

def whitelist(self):
    # This is a fast operation because
    # `get_user_id_from_username` is cached.
    return [
        for i in self.whitelist_file.list
        if i is not None

def following(self):
    now = time.time()
    last = self.last.get("updated_following", now)
    if self._following is None or (now - last) > 7200:
        self.console_print("`bot.following` is empty, will download.", "green")
        self._following = self.get_user_following(self.user_id)
        self.last["updated_following"] = now
    return self._following

def followers(self):
    now = time.time()
    last = self.last.get("updated_followers", now)
    if self._followers is None or (now - last) > 7200:
        self.console_print("`bot.followers` is empty, will download.", "green")
        self._followers = self.get_user_followers(self.user_id)
        self.last["updated_followers"] = now
    return self._followers

def start_time(self):
    return self.state.start_time

def start_time(self, value):
    self.state.start_time = value

def total(self):
    return self.state.total

def total(self, value):
    self.state.total = value

def sleeping_actions(self):
    return self.state.sleeping_actions

def sleeping_actions(self, value):
    self.state.sleeping_actions = value

def blocked_actions(self):
    return self.state.blocked_actions

def blocked_actions(self, value):
    self.state.blocked_actions = value

def last(self):
    return self.state.last

def last(self, value):
    self.state.last = value

def _following(self):
    return self.cache.following

def _following(self, value):
    self.cache.following = value

def _followers(self):
    return self.cache.followers

def _followers(self, value):
    self.cache.followers = value

def _user_infos(self):
    return self.cache.user_infos

def _user_infos(self, value):
    self.cache.user_infos = value

def _usernames(self):
    return self.cache.usernames

def _usernames(self, value):
    self.cache.usernames = value

def version():
        from pip._vendor import pkg_resources
    except ImportError:
        import pkg_resources
    return next(
            for p in pkg_resources.working_set
            if p.project_name.lower() == "instabot"
        "No match",

def logout(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Bot stopped. " "Worked: %s", datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time

def login(self, **args):
    """if login function is run threaded, for example in scheduled job,
    signal will fail because it 'only works in main thread'.
    In this case, you may want to call login(is_threaded=True).
    if self.proxy:
        args["proxy"] = self.proxy
    if self.api.login(**args) is False:
        return False
    if "is_threaded" in args:
        if args["is_threaded"]:
            return True
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.print_counters)
    return True

def prepare(self):
    storage = load_checkpoint(self)
    if storage is not None:
        ) = storage

        for k, v in total.items():
            self.total[k] = v

def print_counters(self, *args, **kwargs):
    for key, val in self.total.items():
        if val > 0:
                "Total {}: {}{}".format(
                    "/" + str(self.max_per_day[key])
                    if self.max_per_day.get(key)
                    else "",
    for key, val in self.blocked_actions.items():
        if val:
            self.logger.info("Blocked {}".format(key))
    self.logger.info("Total requests: {}".format(self.api.total_requests))

def delay(self, key):
    Sleep only if elapsed time since
    `self.last[key]` < `self.delay[key]`.
    last_action, target_delay = self.last[key], self.delays[key]
    elapsed_time = time.time() - last_action
    if elapsed_time < target_delay:
        t_remaining = target_delay - elapsed_time
        time.sleep(t_remaining * random.uniform(0.25, 1.25))
    self.last[key] = time.time()

def error_delay(self):

def small_delay(self):
    time.sleep(random.uniform(0.75, 3.75))

def very_small_delay(self):
    time.sleep(random.uniform(0.175, 0.875))

def reached_limit(self, key):
    current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
    passed_days = (current_date.date() - self.start_time.date()).days
    if passed_days > 0:
    return self.max_per_day[key] - self.total[key] <= 0

def reset_counters(self):
    for k in self.total:
        self.total[k] = 0
    for k in self.blocked_actions:
        self.blocked_actions[k] = False
    self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

def reset_cache(self):
    self._following = None
    self._followers = None
    self._user_infos = {}
    self._usernames = {}

# getters
def get_user_stories(self, user_id):
    Returns array of stories links
    return get_user_stories(self, user_id)

def get_user_reel(self, user_id):
    return get_user_reel(self, user_id)

def get_self_story_viewers(self, story_id):
    return get_self_story_viewers(self, story_id)

def get_pending_follow_requests(self):
    return get_pending_follow_requests(self)

def get_your_medias(self, as_dict=False):
    Returns your media ids. With parameter
    as_dict=True returns media as dict.
    :type as_dict: bool
    return get_your_medias(self, as_dict)

def get_archived_medias(self, as_dict=False):
    Returns your archived media ids. With parameter
    as_dict=True returns media as dict.
    :type as_dict: bool
    return get_archived_medias(self, as_dict)

def get_timeline_medias(self):
    return get_timeline_medias(self)

def get_popular_medias(self):
    return get_popular_medias(self)

def get_user_medias(self, user_id, filtration=True, is_comment=False):
    return get_user_medias(self, user_id, filtration, is_comment)

def get_total_user_medias(self, user_id):
    return get_total_user_medias(self, user_id)

def get_last_user_medias(self, user_id, count):
    Returns the last number of posts specified in count in media ids array.
    :type count: int
    :param count: Count of posts
    :return: array
    return get_last_user_medias(self, user_id, count)

def get_hashtag_medias(self, hashtag, filtration=True):
    return get_hashtag_medias(self, hashtag, filtration)

def get_total_hashtag_medias(self, hashtag, amount=100, filtration=False):
    return get_total_hashtag_medias(self, hashtag, amount, filtration)

def get_geotag_medias(self, geotag, filtration=True):
    return get_geotag_medias(self, geotag, filtration)

def get_locations_from_coordinates(self, latitude, longitude):
    return get_locations_from_coordinates(self, latitude, longitude)

def get_media_info(self, media_id):
    return get_media_info(self, media_id)

def get_timeline_users(self):
    return get_timeline_users(self)

def get_hashtag_users(self, hashtag):
    return get_hashtag_users(self, hashtag)

def get_geotag_users(self, geotag):
    return get_geotag_users(self, geotag)

def get_user_id_from_username(self, username):
    return get_user_id_from_username(self, username)

def get_user_tags_medias(self, user_id):
    return get_user_tags_medias(self, user_id)

def get_username_from_user_id(self, user_id):
    return get_username_from_user_id(self, user_id)

def get_user_info(self, user_id, use_cache=True):
    return get_user_info(self, user_id, use_cache)

def get_user_followers(self, user_id, nfollows=None):
    return get_user_followers(self, user_id, nfollows)

def get_user_following(self, user_id, nfollows=None):
    return get_user_following(self, user_id, nfollows)

def get_comment_likers(self, comment_id):
    return get_comment_likers(self, comment_id)

def get_media_likers(self, media_id):
    return get_media_likers(self, media_id)

def get_media_comments(self, media_id, only_text=False):
    return get_media_comments(self, media_id, only_text)

def get_media_comments_all(self, media_id, only_text=False, count=False):
    return get_media_comments_all(self, media_id, only_text, count)

def get_comment(self):
    return get_comment(self)

def get_media_commenters(self, media_id):
    return get_media_commenters(self, media_id)

def get_media_owner(self, media):
    return get_media_owner(self, media)

def get_user_likers(self, user_id, media_count=10):
    return get_user_likers(self, user_id, media_count)

def get_media_id_from_link(self, link):
    return get_media_id_from_link(self, link)

def get_link_from_media_id(self, link):
    return get_link_from_media_id(self, link)

def get_messages(self):
    return get_messages(self)

def search_users(self, query):
    return search_users(self, query)

def get_muted_friends(self, muted_content="stories"):
    return get_muted_friends(self, muted_content)

def convert_to_user_id(self, usernames):
    return convert_to_user_id(self, usernames)

def get_pending_thread_requests(self):
    return get_pending_thread_requests(self)

# like

def like(

    return like(

def like_comment(self, comment_id):
    return like_comment(self, comment_id)

def like_medias(

    return like_medias(

def like_timeline(self, amount=None):
    return like_timeline(self, amount)

def like_media_comments(self, media_id):
    return like_media_comments(self, media_id)

def like_user(self, user_id, amount=None, filtration=True):
    return like_user(self, user_id, amount, filtration)

def like_hashtag(self, hashtag, amount=None):
    return like_hashtag(self, hashtag, amount)

def like_geotag(self, geotag, amount=None):
    return like_geotag(self, geotag, amount)

def like_users(self, user_ids, nlikes=None, filtration=True):
    return like_users(self, user_ids, nlikes, filtration)

def like_location_feed(self, place, amount):
    return like_location_feed(self, place, amount)

def like_followers(self, user_id, nlikes=None, nfollows=None):
    return like_followers(self, user_id, nlikes, nfollows)

def like_following(self, user_id, nlikes=None, nfollows=None):
    return like_following(self, user_id, nlikes, nfollows)

# unlike

def unlike(self, media_id):
    return unlike(self, media_id)

def unlike_comment(self, comment_id):
    return unlike_comment(self, comment_id)

def unlike_media_comments(self, media_id):
    return unlike_media_comments(self, media_id)

def unlike_medias(self, media_ids):
    return unlike_medias(self, media_ids)

def unlike_user(self, user):
    return unlike_user(self, user)

# story
def download_stories(self, username):
    return download_stories(self, username)

def upload_story_photo(self, photo, upload_id=None):
    return upload_story_photo(self, photo, upload_id)

def watch_users_reels(self, user_ids, max_users=100):
    return watch_users_reels(self, user_ids, max_users=max_users)

# photo
def download_photo(
    self, media_id, folder="photos", filename=None, save_description=False
    return download_photo(self, media_id, folder, filename, save_description)

def download_photos(self, medias, folder="photos", save_description=False):
    return download_photos(self, medias, folder, save_description)

def upload_photo(
    self, photo, caption=None, upload_id=None, from_video=False, options={}
    """Upload photo to Instagram
    @param photo        Path to photo file (String)
    @param caption      Media description (String)
    @param upload_id    Unique upload_id (String). When None, then
                        generate automatically
    @param from_video   A flag that signals whether the photo is loaded
                        from the video or by itself
                        (Boolean, DEPRECATED: not used)
    @param options      Object with difference options,
                        e.g. configure_timeout, rename (Dict)
                        Designed to reduce the number of function
                        arguments! This is the simplest request object.

    @return             Object with state of uploading to
                        Instagram (or False)
    return upload_photo(self, photo, caption, upload_id, from_video, options)

# video
def upload_video(self, video, caption="", thumbnail=None, options={}):
    """Upload video to Instagram

    @param video      Path to video file (String)
    @param caption    Media description (String)
    @param thumbnail  Path to thumbnail for video (String). When None,
                      then thumbnail is generated automatically
    @param options    Object with difference options, e.g.
                      configure_timeout, rename_thumbnail, rename (Dict)
                      Designed to reduce the number of function arguments!

    @return           Object with Instagram upload state (or False)
    return upload_video(self, video, caption, thumbnail, options)

def download_video(
    self, media_id, folder="videos", filename=None, save_description=False
    return download_video(self, media_id, folder, filename, save_description)

# follow
def follow(self, user_id, check_user=True):
    return follow(self, user_id, check_user)

def follow_users(self, user_ids, nfollows=None):
    return follow_users(self, user_ids, nfollows)

def follow_followers(self, user_id, nfollows=None):
    return follow_followers(self, user_id, nfollows)

def follow_following(self, user_id, nfollows=None):
    return follow_following(self, user_id, nfollows)

# unfollow
def unfollow(self, user_id):
    return unfollow(self, user_id)

def unfollow_users(self, user_ids):
    return unfollow_users(self, user_ids)

def unfollow_non_followers(self, n_to_unfollows=None):
    return unfollow_non_followers(self, n_to_unfollows)

def unfollow_everyone(self):
    return unfollow_everyone(self)

def approve_pending_follow_requests(self):
    return approve_pending_follow_requests(self)

def reject_pending_follow_requests(self):
    return reject_pending_follow_requests(self)

# direct
def send_message(self, text, user_ids, thread_id=None):
    return send_message(self, text, user_ids, thread_id)

def send_messages(self, text, user_ids):
    return send_messages(self, text, user_ids)

def send_media(self, media_id, user_ids, text=None, thread_id=None):
    return send_media(self, media_id, user_ids, text, thread_id)

def send_medias(self, media_id, user_ids, text=None):
    return send_medias(self, media_id, user_ids, text)

def send_hashtag(self, hashtag, user_ids, text="", thread_id=None):
    return send_hashtag(self, hashtag, user_ids, text, thread_id)

def send_profile(self, profile_user_id, user_ids, text="", thread_id=None):
    return send_profile(self, profile_user_id, user_ids, text, thread_id)

def send_like(self, user_ids, thread_id=None):
    return send_like(self, user_ids, thread_id)

def send_photo(self, user_ids, filepath, thread_id=None):
    return send_photo(self, user_ids, filepath, thread_id)

def approve_pending_thread_requests(self):
    return approve_pending_thread_requests(self)

# delete
def delete_media(self, media_id):
    return delete_media(self, media_id)

def delete_medias(self, medias):
    return delete_medias(self, medias)

def delete_comment(self, media_id, comment_id):
    return delete_comment(self, media_id, comment_id)

# archive
def archive(self, media_id, undo=False):
    return archive(self, media_id, undo)

def unarchive(self, media_id):
    return archive(self, media_id, True)

def archive_medias(self, medias):
    return archive_medias(self, medias)

def unarchive_medias(self, medias):
    return unarchive_medias(self, medias)

# comment
def comment(self, media_id, comment_text):
    return comment(self, media_id, comment_text)

def reply_to_comment(self, media_id, comment_text, parent_comment_id):
    return reply_to_comment(self, media_id, comment_text, parent_comment_id)

def comment_hashtag(self, hashtag, amount=None):
    return comment_hashtag(self, hashtag, amount)

def comment_medias(self, medias):
    return comment_medias(self, medias)

def comment_user(self, user_id, amount=None):
    return comment_user(self, user_id, amount)

def comment_users(self, user_ids, ncomments=None):
    return comment_users(self, user_ids, ncomments)

def comment_geotag(self, geotag):
    return comment_geotag(self, geotag)

def is_commented(self, media_id):
    return is_commented(self, media_id)

# block
def block(self, user_id):
    return block(self, user_id)

def unblock(self, user_id):
    return unblock(self, user_id)

def block_users(self, user_ids):
    return block_users(self, user_ids)

def unblock_users(self, user_ids):
    return unblock_users(self, user_ids)

def block_bots(self):
    return block_bots(self)

# filter
def filter_medias(
    self, media_items, filtration=True, quiet=False, is_comment=False
    return filter_medias(self, media_items, filtration, quiet, is_comment)

def check_media(self, media):
    return check_media(self, media)

def check_user(self, user, unfollowing=False):
    return check_user(self, user, unfollowing)

def check_not_bot(self, user):
    return check_not_bot(self, user)

# support
def check_if_file_exists(self, file_path, quiet=False):
    return check_if_file_exists(file_path, quiet)

def extract_urls(self, text):
    return extract_urls(text)

def read_list_from_file(self, file_path):
    return read_list_from_file(file_path)

def console_print(self, text, color=None):
    return console_print(self, text, color)

# stats
def save_user_stats(self, username, path=""):
    return save_user_stats(self, username, path=path)

Error/Debug Log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

Describe your issue

The like actions, and all actions, are too fast and the config times do not adjust speed everything is at or around 10 seconds

duplicate-issues[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hey @gixxerfrank,

We did a quick check and this issue looks very darn similar to

This could be a coincidence, but if any of these issues solves your problem then I did a good job :smile:

If not, the maintainers will get to this issue shortly.

Cheers, Your Friendly Neighborhood ProBot

gixxerfrank commented 4 years ago

pasted the bot.py file for reference

The issue applies for both like hashtags and and like followers of functions

fighterii commented 4 years ago

Came across this too. Like delay is as default a random between 30 and 70 (newest version of bot.py!) (atm its 67 for me) and my like action is getting blocked after 36 liked medias. Frustrating. We have to investigate this further, how we can prevent block!

bruvv commented 4 years ago

30 and 70 is even better than hardcoded 30 it was set to. Anyway you can easlly adjust it yourself (make it hardcoded). Can you share the code of the script you are running in a code block? I have no idea what your issue really is when you just copy paste text.

fighterii commented 4 years ago

@bruvv the Problem seems to be that Instagram is much more likely to block the like action. I mean with a like delay of 67 I get blocked after just 34 liked medias, that is nearly to not usable...

I also use a (modified) version of examples/ultimate_scheduled, and there for example the method like_followers_from_random_file

bruvv commented 4 years ago

What do you suggest @fighterii? Do you think a bigger like delay will not make you blocked?

fighterii commented 4 years ago

I don't think that this alone will solve the problem, over 1 min is big enough. At the moment I don't have an idea.

bruvv commented 4 years ago

I think we should make something that is explained here: https://github.com/instagrambot/instabot/issues/1194 Still didn't have time to figure something out with the current code base