ohmplatform / FreedomGPT

This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
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About fnt tokens. #142

Open kbuwel opened 3 weeks ago

kbuwel commented 3 weeks ago

The problem with mining coins is that the difficulty increases and requires a high-end PC. FNT tokens may also have this problem. I assume the mining program will probably use xmrig, but how will you solve the difficulty problem? Currently, you can earn enough income with 5600x, but due to the increase in difficulty, which is a chronic problem with coins, I expect that mining with 5900x will not make any income in the near future. Additionally, coins have a half-life. How will fnt token overcome the halving?

Darcy-P commented 3 weeks ago

I suggest taking a read here: https://www.freedomgpt.com/fnt There is also a dated post from February 2024 here, https://www.freedomgpt.com/news/freedom-network-token FNT can now be converted directly to credits, currently on a 1:1 basis. And if you like some details, a whitepaper on FNT is available here: https://freedomgpt.com/Whitepaper

From what I understand, to answer your questions in summary, FNT is an ERC20 token. We are not mining FNT. Currently the project is using XMRig to mine Monero and issuing FNT as reward (if you opt-in). FNT reward can either be converted to credits to spend on using cloud AI, or transfered to a supported crypto wallet for future investment. So, since we are earning FNT as reward for mining, the underlying mining algorithm and difficulty is irrelevant as we are not directly earning the cypto being mined. If it becomes unsustainable with the current mining algorithm for them to fund in FNT, they may change the mining process to something else.

I have found the conversion of FNT to credits very generous if you are going to spend them on AI vs buying credits for AI use. They also currently offer to trade back 200,000FNT in exchange for $200USD worth of ETH, which isn't too bad either. If you are going to bank FNT in a crypto wallet, then I guess you have to figure your own benefits and risk.

Hope that answers your questions.