ohmplatform / FreedomGPT

This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.59k stars 352 forks source link

There is some sugestions #25

Open rabasss opened 1 year ago

rabasss commented 1 year ago

First my English is not the best, i have instald it yesterday and i have tested it, i think the freedomgpt have a realy good potencial but in this inicial phase i found some things that can be adjusted:

-newer gpt version(gpt neo) -beter translation -memory -speed optimize

So the freedomgpt ia using a variant of gpt-2, i think this gpt version is a litle obsolent and some of their answeres arent good enought, gpt 3 or 3.5 have a realy Better potencial and performance improvements, gpt 4 is good but very slower: Newer gpt version (3.5)

The freedomgpt seems to get slower when i talk in some non-english language, and all the Times i talk to him in portuguese he talk to me in English or spanhich, some translater can be an option like detect the language, traduct the prompt and give it to gpt, gpt give a new prompt to the translater to traduct to the language used by the user: Beter translation and speed.

Ik the freedomgpt cant memorize the prompts, bc if he did her answers can get nonsense, Thats becouse of some gpt-2 limitations, this can be changed by using a newer gpt version or something i cant think now but probably worse that a newer gpt: Memorysing prompts.

For now this seems to be realy much slower that chatgpt, im using a r5 3600 rx5700xt 16g RAM and SSD, this can be inproved by adding setings to chose use cpu or gpu or maybe the two. Maybe cpu for translater and gpu for gpt if u can not use botw for gpt: Speed optimize.

Update 1:

I have searched more and l have found that gpt 3 have not an opensource version so the newer version Open sourse is "GPT-NEO" search for it i think this project can be much Better if it use a powerful gpt version. This can be an option to enable, becouse its realy Better but is slower. And my solution to the translation, is good but it need to be an option becouse if u ask something and gpt need to know the language ur talking or if u ask him to translate something u gonna get a realy wrong answer.

Update 2:

the diference betwin freedomgpt and chat gpt making the skane game in console c#:

prompt: can u make me a console c# code to a snake game?


using System;

class SnakeGame { public static void Main() { int n1 = Console.ReadLine(); // Number of players

// Drawing the screen with score and other info's
Console.SetTitle("SNAKE GAME");

for (int i=0;i

chatgpt: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;

class SnakeGame { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.CursorVisible = false; Console.SetWindowSize(40, 20); Console.SetBufferSize(40, 20);

    var snake = new List<Point>()
        new Point(10, 10),
        new Point(9, 10),
        new Point(8, 10),
        new Point(7, 10),
        new Point(6, 10)

    var food = GenerateFood(snake);
    The entire game code working

and i can not ask freedomgpt to continue the code becouse he has no memory.

cooperdk commented 1 year ago

Your AMD GPU will never mean much in AI, which is basically only supported on nVidia CUDA. But, this specific software is (for reasons unknown) CPU only, which makes it slow.

Also it will only write max 3 KB of text, for some odd reason.

rabasss commented 1 year ago

Thanks you for the answer, anyway um going to update my sugestions becouse when i write ir i have no idea se dont have a gpt 3 Open sourse version, i forgot that Open ai is not an Open sourse company anymore.