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[distrobox] Run in Vanilla OS: fatal--not-a-git-repository--or-any-of-the-parent-directories----git- #413

Closed davidas13 closed 9 months ago

davidas13 commented 1 year ago

I tried to install on vanilla OS but something like this appears when I first run on the console:

Expected: username@vanilla ~ >

Current: Displays the following error username@vanilla ~ | fatal--not-a-git-repository--or-any-of-the-parent-directories----git-X > image

But if you enter container mode it looks normal image

What should I do to make it look normal?

akinomyoga commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what is going on there, but what is the output of the following command in your home directory (~)?

$ command git symbolic-ref -q HEAD 2>/dev/null
tamsyn548 commented 1 year ago

i have exactly the same issue..:(

tamsyn548 commented 1 year ago


I'm not sure what is going on there, but what is the output of the following command in your home directory (~)?

$ command git symbolic-ref -q HEAD 2>/dev/null
akinomyoga commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the result of the command. This means that in your environment, the command outputs the error messages to stdout (1) instead of stderr (2). Or another possibility might be that /dev/null is actually connected to stdout.

akinomyoga commented 1 year ago

Could you also check the result of the following command?

$ echo test >/dev/null
akinomyoga commented 1 year ago

I tried the latest version of Vanilla OS Live Media, but the problem doesn't seem to be reproduced. Now I'm trying to install it in VirtualBox.

akinomyoga commented 1 year ago

I set up Vanilla OS and could reproduce the problem. I have installed git through apx install git. This creates a file at ~/.local/bin/git, but the file is actually a shell script to run the git command in some environment:

# distrobox_binary
# name: apx_managed
if [ ! -f /run/.containerenv ] && [ ! -f /.dockerenv ]; then
        command="/usr/lib/apx/distrobox-enter  -n apx_managed --  /usr/bin/git  "
        for arg in "$@"; do
                if echo "${arg}" | grep -Eq "'|\""; then
                        command="${command} \
                                $(echo "${arg}" | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g' |
                                sed 's| |\\ |g' |
                                sed 's|\$|\\\$|g' |
                                sed "s|'|\\\'|g" |
                                sed 's|"|\\\"|g')"
                elif echo "${arg}" | grep -q "'"; then
                        command="${command} \"${arg}\""
                        command="${command} '${arg}'"
        eval ${command}
        /usr/bin/git "$@"

The problem seems to be that stdout and stderr are combined in stdout by distrobox-enter

$ /usr/lib/apx/distrobox-enter -n apx_managed -- /usr/bin/bash -c 'echo hello >&2' >| stdout 2>| stderr
$ head stdout stderr
==> stdout <==

==> stderr <==

The content originally written to stderr inside distrobox is redirected to stdout.

I believe this should be considered a bug of apx/distrobox.

akinomyoga commented 1 year ago

In Vanilla OS, distrobox-enter runs the command using podman exec.

The reason that stderr and stdout are merged into stdout seems to be that distrobox-enter passes the option --tty to podman exec, so podman creates an independent TTY and run the command inside the TTY. Because stderr and stdout are both connected to the TTY, the outputs to two streams are mixed. After that the TTY redirects the received data to the original stdout.

It seems that stdout and stderr will not mix if we do not pass --tty to podman exec. The distrobox-enter command accepts an option -T to do that. However, the call of distrobox-enter is hardcoded in ~/.local/bin/git, so there is no way to specify it to distribox-enter for the execution of git unless we directly edit ~/.local/bin/git.

Even when we decided to edit ~/.local/bin/git, we sometimes need -T and sometimes should not specify -T (e.g. when a TUI editor needs to be called to edit the commit message). It could be non-trivial to automatically decide whether to specify -T or not. Maybe we could test whether stdout is connected to a TTY or not.

However, when we need the TTY but the command can also fail, there seems to be no solution to the problem. If we specify -T, the text editor fails. If we do not specify -T, there is no way to distinguish error messages (stderr) from the output (stdout).

akinomyoga commented 1 year ago

Now I have general doubts about the overall design of the execution model adopted by Vanilla OS. With the current model, every execution of the commands installed in the user directory is done within an independent TTY, which means that it is impossible to run commands (installed in the user directory) in the current session.

I have also checked the implementations of distrobox-enter and distrobox-export, but these scripts are obviously written by beginners and have many security issues. I have submitted a few PRs (https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox/pull/697, https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox/pull/698, https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox/pull/699) to distrobox, but there are still many other issues in these scripts.

I have to say that this operating system is broken in many ways at the current stage.

akinomyoga commented 1 year ago

The only solution is to remove git in the user directory and install git in the host system using abroot.

$ apx remove git
$ sudo abroot exec apt install git
$ sudo reboot
AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

I have the same problem with OpenSuse Aeon (it also uses distrobox).

I changed to the theme "agnoster" which does not print the error (but it has other issues).

akinomyoga commented 11 months ago

What is the version of your distrobox? My patches seem to be applied to distrobox-1.5.0.

AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

I am using distrobox:

akinomyoga commented 11 months ago

Ah, OK. I've again read my replies to remember what has been the problem. The problem is not related to my patches but is related to the design of Distrbox executing commands with an independent TTY. This means that stdout and stderr of the command are not preserved separately. As far as Distrobox is used, it is impossible to separate the outputs to the original stdout and stderr.

This seems to be the design bug of Distrobox. We might have checked the output of the git command for every possible error message to judge whether it originated from stderr, but I wouldn't like to rely on such an unstable assumption about the detailed messages and wouldn't like to carry the database of error messages just for a bug of a specific framework.

AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

Did you file the issue with Distrobox? Maybe they can fix this upstream...

akinomyoga commented 11 months ago

No, I haven't. Actually, I don't have an idea if it is even possible to fix it, but maybe they have an idea. I don't usually use Distrobox and am unfamiliar with it, so maybe there could be a way to configure it properly. I can investigate whether there is an existing solution, and if I can't find any, I can ask upstream. Or if you are familiar with the detailed configurations and setups of Distrobox, could you instead summarize and report the issue to the upstream?

AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

I am very very new to Linux, I installed it 3 days ago so I think it is better if you file the issue. I am learning a lot of new things and if I found out something new I will report it here but I am very much a noob :)

akinomyoga commented 11 months ago

I see. Thanks for the reply. I'm not either a user of OpenSuse Aeon or Vanilla OS, so I also need to take time to understand the whole structure of the operating systems and who is responsible for the specific parts of the operating system. Actually, this matter of TTY might not be the one Distrobox is responsible for. Maybe some other people who configure the Distrobox settings could be responsible. Anyway, it might take time to check it.

If you are new to Linux, maybe OpenSuse Aeon might not be a good choice unless you are forced to do so for another reason. In my view, Vanilla OS and a system based on Distrobox seem to have not yet been sophisticated very well and are effectively still in the experimental stage. Also, it is not a common and typical setup of Linux, so I'm not sure if it is useful for learners.

AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

Thank you very much for sharing your opinion! Very interesting!

I agree with most of what you said but I chose Aeon for mainly two reasons:

I have to say that right now my experience has been very positive, most of the things worked right away and I did not have to spend much time making the hardware work. I know that immutable distros are harder to customize but I think that for now giving up on that front is worth all the other advantages I get.

I hope this makes sense!

AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

I see. Thanks for the reply. I'm not either a user of OpenSuse Aeon or Vanilla OS, so I also need to take time to understand the whole structure of the operating systems and who is responsible for the specific parts of the operating system. Actually, this matter of TTY might not be the one Distrobox is responsible for. Maybe some other people who configure the Distrobox settings could be responsible. Anyway, it might take time to check it.

I completely understand and if you have any question or I can help in any way feel free to ping me. It would be nice to resolve this issue once and for all.

akinomyoga commented 11 months ago

I was wondering why Distrobox creates an independent TTY so checked the Distrobox page again. Maybe Distrobox is not primarily designed for exporting the commands inside containers as independent commands. Then, maybe we could just specify the option --no-tty for the commands exported by distrobox-export.

I have a question. What is the current content of your git command? Your git commands is supposed to be replaced by a shell script generated by distrobox-export and is probably located in ~/.local/bin/git. What are the results of the following commands?

$ type -p git
$ cat "$(type -p git)"     # If it is a shell script (not binary)
AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

$ type -p git


$ cat "$(type -p git)" # If it is a shell script (not binary)

# distrobox_binary
# name: atools
if [ -z "${CONTAINER_ID}" ]; then
    exec /usr/bin/distrobox-enter  -n atools --          /usr/bin/git  "$@"
    exec /usr/bin/git "$@"
akinomyoga commented 11 months ago

Thank you.

What I would like to ask you to check is whether the problems reported here and #464 are solved by rewriting ~/.local/bin/git as follows (please notice that an option --no-tty is added to dropbox-enter):

# distrobox_binary
# name: atools
if [ -z "${CONTAINER_ID}" ]; then
    exec /usr/bin/distrobox-enter --no-tty -n atools -- /usr/bin/git  "$@"
    exec /usr/bin/git "$@"
AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

Yes, this resolves both problems! Awesome!

akinomyoga commented 11 months ago

Thanks for trying! Then, I may ask Dropbox whether it makes sense to make --no-tty default for the scripts generated by distrobox-export (Note: e.g., ~/.local/bin/git is generated by distrobox-export).

AlbertoFabbri93 commented 11 months ago

Yes, I think it makes sense.

The command used for binary files like git is distrobox-export --bin.

AlbertoFabbri93 commented 10 months ago

Thanks for trying! Then, I may ask Dropbox whether it makes sense to make --no-tty default for the scripts generated by distrobox-export (Note: e.g., ~/.local/bin/git is generated by distrobox-export).

Hi @akinomyoga, did you file a bug with Distrobox? If yes, can you share the link?

akinomyoga commented 10 months ago

Sorry, I'm now busy and haven't reported it in Distrobox.

akinomyoga commented 9 months ago

Thank you for creating an Issue in the upstream Distrobox!

akinomyoga commented 9 months ago

The problem has been fixed in the upstream Distrobox https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox/issues/965. It should be applied to the next release of Distrobox. Let me close the issue. Thank you for your reports!