ohno / Antique.jl

Self-contained, well-tested, well-documented Analytical Solutions of Quantum Mechanical Equations.
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Adding Rigid Rotor model #38

Closed ajarifi closed 3 months ago

ajarifi commented 3 months ago

I add a 3D rigid rotor model #8 . I hope it is enough for the paper. Of course, it is very simple and I do not add many things.

By the way, I had a problem when running include("./developer/docs.jl"). the error message is given below. Other than that, I think there is no problem.

ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package SparseArrays does not have SuiteSparse_jll in its dependencies:

ohno commented 3 months ago

The number of arguments was wrong. https://github.com/ohno/Antique.jl/commit/9521c154b82e75dd6dde375d16cf3cd13cc311c1

- Antique.ψ(::RigidRotor, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any)
+ Antique.ψ(::RigidRotor, ::Any, ::Any)
ohno commented 3 months ago

I updated developer tools. https://github.com/ohno/Antique.jl/commit/54fde9ab8408d503bf9f3cf740d3b1bf44c8846d

Please uncomment some lines in docs.jl. We can run Pkg.instantiate() and Pkg.resolve().