ohno / Antique.jl

Self-contained, well-tested, well-documented Analytical Solutions of Quantum Mechanical Equations.
MIT License
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Stable documentation is not deployed #4

Closed hyrodium closed 6 months ago

hyrodium commented 7 months ago

https://ohno.github.io/Antique.jl/stable returns 404. Maybe, DOCUMENTER_KEY is not set correctly? https://documenter.juliadocs.org/dev/man/hosting/#GitHub-Actions


JuliaRegistrator や TagBot でtag 打ちをしても stable Document が生成されない対処法

ohno commented 6 months ago

Currently https://ohno.github.io/Antique.jl/stable/ is working. I have not changed DOCUMENTER_KEY. This might be due to that I deleted the gh-pages branch after adding the tag (v0.1.0). I deleted it because it did not work after the package name change. Just now, the stable documentation is automatically generated (https://github.com/ohno/Antique.jl/commit/e505d20feb392c9794bc4cce97d764a10d0e9dbc) by what I added a new tag (v0.1.1).

ohno commented 4 days ago

I set DOCUMENTER_KEY. It was necessary for automatic deployment by JuliaRegistrator.