ohno / Antique.jl

Self-contained, well-tested, well-documented Analytical Solutions of Quantum Mechanical Equations.
MIT License
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English Proofreading #65

Closed ohno closed 1 week ago

ohno commented 3 weeks ago

Could you proofread the documentation? Please check README.md in particular carefully. index.md is almost same as README.md.

ajarifi commented 2 weeks ago

The README.md looks fine to me.

But, there is a small typo here: Write documnetation in this file. Include at least the definition of the Hamiltonian and the analytical solutions (eigenvalues and eigenfunctions). Calls a docstring in the source code (src/ModelName.jl) .

I think it should be "documentation" and "Call".

ohno commented 2 weeks ago

@ajarifi Thank you! I updated README.md.

ohno commented 2 weeks ago

@lhapp27 Please close this issue after you check README.md.

ajarifi commented 2 weeks ago

Just another comment, but not very important. The Figure labels $r$ and $\psi$ look rather small. It may be better if they are bigger.

ajarifi commented 2 weeks ago

Anyway, it is good that you have added the demonstration. I think it is a good example of the application in research.

ajarifi commented 2 weeks ago

Just another comment, but not very important. The Figure labels r and ψ look rather small. It may be better if they are bigger.

Anyway, do not worry about this at the moment. It is not crucial.

lhapp27 commented 2 weeks ago

I checked the README.md file, see related pull request #67 . Proofreading the entire documentation is quite a lot and a rather tedious, since the text is located in two separate files (docstrings in source code and extra markdown file). Maybe we can automate that with some spellchecking software?