ohnosequences / nice-sbt-settings

sbt plugin with common settings for all era7/ohnosequences releases
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Issue with release command #11

Closed pablopareja closed 10 years ago

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

Hello everyone!

I just got this weird error in sbt when hitting release command:

release [error] java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "git.exe": CreateProcess error=2 , The system cannot find the file specified [error] Use 'last' for the full log.

Any ideas?

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

it says:

Cannot run program "git.exe"

Because it uses git to commit version change and make a tag, etc. So try quit sbt and run git. If it doesn't work, something is wrong with your git. Tell me if that's the case.

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

May be git is just not in your $PATH, so show it to me ")

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

Typing git doesn't work, I'm gonna try adding it to $PATH

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

sorry, I edited your message, because in this case that last log is not needed ")

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

Did you solve it?

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

Not really, it looks like I have to do something else now:

release [error] Aborting release. Working directory is dirty. [error] Use 'last' for the full log.

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

Maybe I should clean somehow the directory? (I just don't know how... :smiley: )

eparejatobes commented 10 years ago

commit your changes

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

just did and I keep getting the same error, do you want me to paste what I get when I type "last" ?

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

no, better paste, what you get from git status

eparejatobes commented 10 years ago

you probably have stuff outside of your working tree

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

There you go:

C:\era7\ppareja\proyectos\JAVA\bio4j-model>git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#       deleted:    src/main/java/com/era7/Lalalala.java
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
eparejatobes commented 10 years ago
git rm src/main/java/com/era7/Lalalala.java
git commit -am 'delete test file'
laughedelic commented 10 years ago

wai-wai-wait "/ why do you need to do git rm? Why not just

git commit -am 'delete test file'


pablopareja commented 10 years ago

jijiji too late! I already removed it and release seem to be working :wink:

eparejatobes commented 10 years ago

@laughedelic that it won't work is a good reason (for the first thing you posted)

Your updated version works just fine

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

ok, then closing it.

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

Wait! It looked like it was about to finish but it got frozen here:

> release
[info] Starting release process off commit: 20d2ed7ca99bb61945844b694460ea14205d
[info] Checking remote [origin] ...

Is it possible that this is caused by my internet connection?

eparejatobes commented 10 years ago
git remote -v show


pablopareja commented 10 years ago
$ git remote -v show
origin  git@github.com:bio4j/bio4j-model.git (fetch)
origin  git@github.com:bio4j/bio4j-model.git (push)
eparejatobes commented 10 years ago

@pablopareja pull changes, you had a lot of eclipse-specific stuff there

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

Just did it and ran release again but it looks like it got stucked at the same place... (my internet connection shouldn't be a problem because I'm doing other things at the same time at it works fine...)

eparejatobes commented 10 years ago

@laughedelic something related with timetracking maybe? or funny git on windows stuff?

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

ok, well. @pablopareja show me please your .git/config file

pablopareja commented 10 years ago

Where's that? :smile:

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

in your repo, where you do all this stuff.

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

I hope all this was solved somehow..