ohsewon / test

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[Example] Multi-Cam with TF-Lite Filter. #353

Open ohsewon opened 6 years ago

ohsewon commented 6 years ago

Issue by myungjoo-ham Thursday Jul 26, 2018 at 11:49 GMT Originally opened as https://github.sec.samsung.net/STAR/nnstreamer/issues/353

This is going to be a show case of "multi-modal" interaction. Prerequisite: tensor_merge ( #351 )

Note that in addition to the following suggestions, we need additional elements for the visualization.

Suggestion 1.

cam1 -- preprocessors -- tensor_converter --+-- tensor_merge -- tensor_filter -- tensor_sink
cam2 -- preprocessors -- tensor_converter --+

Suggestion 2.

cam1 -- preprocessors -- tensor_converter -- tensor_filter_1 --+-- tensor_merge -- tensor_sink
cam2 -- preprocessors -- tensor_converter -- tensor_filter_2 --+

Suggestion 3.

cam1 -- preprocessors -- tensor_converter ----- tensor_filter_1 --+-- tensor_merge -- tensor_sink_1
cam2 -- preprocessors -- tensor_converter --+-- tensor_filter_2 --+
                                            +-- tensor_filter_3 -- tensor_sink_2
ohsewon commented 6 years ago

Comment by git-bot-sec Thursday Jul 26, 2018 at 11:49 GMT

:octocat: cibot: Thank you for posting issue #353. The person in charge will reply soon.

ohsewon commented 6 years ago

Comment by jy1210-jung Thursday Jul 26, 2018 at 12:11 GMT

to add two cams in pipeline, v4l2src device=/dev/video0 for cam1 v4l2src device=/dev/video1 for cam2

v4l2src property 'device' default value is '/dev/video0'