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Enhancement: registration for the library #15

Open patrick-mzaaber opened 3 years ago

patrick-mzaaber commented 3 years ago

The text on the [registration page](https://www.orient-institut.org/ library/online-registration/ ) for the library needs fixing. We see two solutions:

  1. Give us access to the content of these forms so we ourselves can update them as need arises.
  2. Otherwise implement the following changes
    • Replace
      • the sentence “All the following fields are required to complete your request.”
      • with: "Kindly note that all fields marked with (*) are mandatory. The remaining fields are voluntary and you therefore may leave them blank if you don’t want to provide the respective information."
    • Everything should be optional except for the First Name, Last Name and E-Mail address
  3. It has been noticed by the library team that the title isn't always accurate when it comes to new registrations. For example, if you select Mr. and Male, it'll be sent as Ms. and Male.
tillgrallert commented 3 years ago

I just updated the issue description to better reflect our wishes

DavidKattanOIB commented 3 years ago

I just added an issue concerning the title field

GeorgeBatrouni commented 3 years ago

This is Done