oidc-mytoken / client

The command line client for the mytoken service
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What does "up-scoping is not allowed" mean? #42

Open XMol opened 5 months ago

XMol commented 5 months ago

Hi @zachmann,

I've set up a mytoken client on my machine with a token issued by mytoken.data.kit.edu and "wlcg" (wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it) as provider[1]. But when I try to get an access token with it, only the error "Up-scoping is not allowed" is returned.

I don't understand the error. The (dynamically registered) client at wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it allows way broader scope than I wanted the MT to use (seems like the mytoken server UI doesn't put that as a restriction into the database). But even limiting the scope on command line yields the same error.

$ jwt_decode <.mytoken/mytoken.data.kit.edu/wlcg.cnaf.mt
  "ver": "0.6",
  "token_type": "mytoken",
  "iss": "https://mytoken.data.kit.edu/",
  "sub": "...",
  "seq_no": 1,
  "name": "gridka-monitoring",
  "aud": "https://mytoken.data.kit.edu/",
  "oidc_sub": "...",
  "oidc_iss": "https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/",
  "capabilities": [
  "nbf": 1706085638,
  "iat": 1706085638,
  "auth_time": 1706085638,
  "jti": "..."

$ mytoken at --MT-file .mytoken/mytoken.data.kit.edu/wlcg.cnaf.mt
oidc_error: invalid_scope: Up-scoping is not allowed.
$ mytoken at --MT-file .mytoken/mytoken.data.kit.edu/wlcg.cnaf.mt --scope storage.read:/
oidc_error: invalid_scope: Up-scoping is not allowed.

mytoken has no verbose or debug mode, so I'm uncertain which party raised this error.

XMol commented 5 months ago

Now I've created a new MT with scope restrictions included and mytoken is able to obtain ATs just fine.

$ jwt_decode <.mytoken/mytoken.data.kit.edu/wlcg.cnaf.mt
  "ver": "0.6",
  "token_type": "mytoken",
  "iss": "https://mytoken.data.kit.edu/",
  "sub": "szq/Z2I1Q7cip2oh3YxZg514QXEnnWNxsxRkWBY0uL0=",
  "seq_no": 1,
  "name": "gridka-monitoring-restricted",
  "aud": "https://mytoken.data.kit.edu/",
  "oidc_sub": "d00e6f11-f45a-465d-975b-0b5083c44b7f",
  "oidc_iss": "https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/",
  "capabilities": [
  "nbf": 1706092825,
  "iat": 1706092825,
  "auth_time": 1706092825,
  "jti": "dcc4d5e4-3948-4961-9824-b489903d2646",
  "restrictions": [
      "scope": "storage.create:/ storage.read:/ storage.modify:/ storage.stage:/ wlcg wlcg.groups",
      "audience": [

$ mytoken at --MT-file .mytoken/mytoken.data.kit.edu/wlcg.cnaf.mt | jwt_decode
  "wlcg.ver": "1.0",
  "sub": "...",
  "aud": "https://wlcg.cern.ch/jwt/v1/any",
  "nbf": 1706107287,
  "scope": "storage.create:/ storage.read:/ storage.stage:/ storage.modify:/ wlcg wlcg.groups",
  "iss": "https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/",
  "exp": 1706110887,
  "iat": 1706107287,
  "jti": "...",
  "client_id": "...",
  "wlcg.groups": [

I simply did not understand that the GUI for creating MTs on mytoken.data.kit.edu changes the restrictions immediately, in-place. Therefor my previous MT was completely unrestricted. My guess is, that in this configuration mytoken.data.kit.edu uses some syntax that wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it understands as requesting more scopes then the client was originally registered for.

zachmann commented 5 months ago

If no scopes restrictions are given, the mytoken has alle the scopes available that are registered for the client that is used with the mytoken server instance. This should not be a problem. I tried the following:

This did work fine for me.

XMol commented 5 months ago

Did your AT then have any storage scope claim?

XMol commented 5 months ago

Sorry, I linked your comment to the wrong issue in my head. Do you want me to reproduce the issue? I had closed it already as user-error.

zachmann commented 5 months ago


  "wlcg.ver": "1.0",
  "sub": "50a4837f-f34c-4819-bef7-17fbea86f375",
  "aud": "https://wlcg.cern.ch/jwt/v1/any",
  "nbf": 1706542432,
  "scope": "entitlements openid compute.create profile compute.read storage.read:/ compute.modify storage.stage:/ eduperson_entitlement wlcg storage.create:/ compute.cancel eduperson_scoped_affiliation eduperson_assurance storage.modify:/ email wlcg.groups",
  "iss": "https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/",
  "exp": 1706546032,
  "iat": 1706542432,
  "jti": "8c77f4bc-ff82-4541-8b49-4209f041e145",
  "client_id": "221734cc-257d-4b56-9869-4f32cde240cd",
  "wlcg.groups": [
zachmann commented 5 months ago

Sorry, I linked your comment to the wrong issue in my head. Do you want me to reproduce the issue? I had closed it already as user-error.

If you can reproduce the issue, that might be something we should fix. Because if I understood correctly, what you described should work.

zachmann commented 5 months ago

However, what might be the problem is that we try to obtain all the scopes configured for our client which includes storage scopes as well as compute scopes. But those scopes are only available to users within a certain group. You are in the /wlcg/xfers group but not in /wlcg/pilots. So that might be the problem.

XMol commented 5 months ago
reproduce the issue by using an MT token without any restrictions
$ jwt_decode <.mytoken/wlcg-scope-issue-unrestricted.mt
  "ver": "0.6",
  "token_type": "mytoken",
  "iss": "https://mytoken.data.kit.edu/",
  "sub": "...",
  "seq_no": 1,
  "name": "demo-scope-issue",
  "aud": "https://mytoken.data.kit.edu/",
  "oidc_sub": "...",
  "oidc_iss": "https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/",
  "capabilities": [
  "nbf": 1706543601,
  "iat": 1706543601,
  "auth_time": 1706543601,
  "jti": "..."
$ mytoken AT --MT-file .mytoken/wlcg-scope-issue-unrestricted.mt | jwt_decode
oidc_error: invalid_scope: Up-scoping is not allowed.
zachmann commented 5 months ago

I can use a mytoken without restrictions successfully. As I said, I guess it is related to the groups. I'll look into the code so see if we can improve there.