oidcproxydotnet / OidcProxy.Net

An extendible framework for .NET to implement the BFF Security Pattern (a.k.a. Token Handler Pattern) in Single Page Applications
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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No means to provide a redirect url after ending the session #173

Open jusefb opened 3 months ago

jusefb commented 3 months ago


First of all thanks for a great library, I have managed to implement BFF in my app using it, keep up the great work. I am just having one issue with the logout procedure. Currently, there appears to be no way to specify a redirect URL after ending a session in OidcProxy.Net. This functionality is crucial for a seamless user experience, allowing users to be redirected to a specified page after they log out. I am using Auth0 with Angular 17.

Expected Behavior

After a user ends their session using the /.auth/end-session endpoint, the application should redirect them to a pre-defined URL. This is typically handled by providing a post_logout_redirect_uri parameter in the logout request.

Current Behavior

There is no parameter or method documented or available in OidcProxy.Net that supports specifying a redirect URL post-logout. When a session is ended, the user is not redirected, impacting the user flow and experience.

Possible Solution

Implement an option to specify a post_logout_redirect_uri as part of the logout process. This could be a configuration in the startup settings or as part of the logout URL query parameters.

Steps to Reproduce

appie2go commented 3 months ago

Hi there,

Thanks for your feedback. I believe this issue is a duplicate of https://github.com/oidcproxydotnet/OidcProxy.Net/issues/123

Can you let me know if this provides a solution for you?



jusefb commented 3 months ago

Thank you for pointing at the above issue, however, I don't see any way of providing a post redirect URL when using Auth0Proxy. Also in the provided example you pass "options" to the method, I cant seem to be able to figure out what object is expected in this options parameter: ` o.RegisterIdentityProvider<IIdentityProvider, OpenIdConnectProviderWithRedirectUrl>(options);

I have tried to do this but I can't figure out how to correctly set the options parameter:

var authConfig = configuration

builder.Services.AddAuth0Proxy(authConfig, o =>
    o.RegisterIdentityProvider<IIdentityProvider, Auth0ProviderWithRedirectUrl>(options);
public class Auth0ProviderWithRedirectUrl : Auth0IdentityProvider
    public Auth0ProviderWithRedirectUrl(ILogger logger, IMemoryCache cache, HttpClient client, Auth0Config config) : base(logger, cache, client, config)
    protected override Task<Uri> BuildEndSessionUri(string? idToken, string redirectUri)
        var goHereInstead = $"{redirectUri}dashboard";
        return base.BuildEndSessionUri(idToken, goHereInstead);

Additionally if I try to use Oidc Provider with Auth0 I can not provide "Adience" to the Oidc configuration which breaks that integration with the Api that requests are being proxied to

appie2go commented 2 months ago


Sorry for the late reply, i was traveling.

I see. I will see if I can include your example in the auth0 demo because i believe it's a valid case. I'll see if I can make that happen before the end of the month.

Cheers, and thanks again for your feedback,