oidcproxydotnet / OidcProxy.Net

An extendible framework for .NET to implement the BFF Security Pattern (a.k.a. Token Handler Pattern) in Single Page Applications
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Register identity provider that extends OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider #240

Open RafalOsieka opened 5 days ago

RafalOsieka commented 5 days ago

I have a custom IdentityProvider class implementation, that overrides one method in OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider.

Currently there is no easy way of registering such implementation using the AddOidcProxy method (https://github.com/oidcproxydotnet/OidcProxy.Net/blob/main/src/OidcProxy.Net.OpenIdConnect/ModuleInitializer.cs#L27).

It would be great to have a generic AddOidcProxy method that allows to register custom identity provider implementation instead of the default OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider.

appie2go commented 2 days ago

Hi Rafal,

Thanks for your comment. And I agree. It's too complicated.

Assume anything is possible. Do you have a preference what the interface for registering an identityprovider should look like?


RafalOsieka commented 2 days ago

Hi, assuming I have a custom identity provider class MyIdentityProvider : OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider { ... }, then in the Program.cs I would like to configure it in the following way builder.Services.AddOidcProxy<MyIdentityProvider>(oidcProxyConfig).

This is enough for my use case, but maybe it would be good to have the possibility to have custom config. Hypothetically, MyIdentityProvider uses class MyOidcProxyConfig : OidcProxyConfig { ... }, then I would like to configure it the same way, i.e. builder.Services.AddOidcProxy<MyIdentityProvider, MyOidcProxyConfig>(myOidcProxyConfig).

I think the following signature should be ok

public static IServiceCollection AddOidcProxy<TOpenIdConnectIdentityProvider, TOpenIdConnectConfig>(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, TOpenIdConnectConfig config, Action<ProxyOptions>? configureOptions = null)
    where TOpenIdConnectIdentityProvider : OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider
    where TOpenIdConnectConfig : OpenIdConnectConfig
    // later the services.ConfigureOpenIdConnect... is called - it should have similar signature

It allows to configure custom idp/options, but forces to use the base implementations (OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider/OpenIdConnectConfig).

NOTE: my use case uses the OpenIdConnectIdentityProvider. Probably the same should be done for the rest providers as well (EntraId, Auth0)