oierbravo / create-mechanical-extruder

Mechanical extruder for the amazing Create mod.
MIT License
5 stars 8 forks source link

extruder accepts rotation from either side #4

Closed redgoblin88 closed 2 years ago

redgoblin88 commented 2 years ago

it seems that when placing the extruder, it will "face" away from you, which is what i would expect, however if you place it against a shaft then it will be facing "backwards"

but when facing towards or "away" from the rotational input, it will still operate, i assume this is because most of vanilla create kinetic things accepts on both ends so additional work might be needed to allow for only one side to accept

note: using the wrench does work so you can fix it that way, though this is just visual as both ends work as seen below

2022-10-07_11 28 41

oierbravo commented 2 years ago

Thank! I'm looking to resolve. You are correct with the vanilla create asumption... but I think the saw or the drill can give me some direction.

oierbravo commented 2 years ago

Create Fans for the win! I think it's working now. Both placement and one sided shaft. Connects correctly to the rotation provider. Added LeftShift key functionality too. New version uploaded to curseforge.