oilshell / oil

Oils is our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime. It's also for Python and JavaScript users who avoid shell!
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github URL pastebin #1993

Open andychu opened 2 weeks ago

andychu commented 2 weeks ago

#nix > Replacing bash with osh in Nixpkgs stdenv

andychu commented 2 weeks ago

#nix > How do we express "let" ?

andychu commented 2 weeks ago

#language-design > block arguments as third / fourth arg group

andychu commented 2 weeks ago

#language-design > Let's make shell easy to run

andychu commented 2 weeks ago

#language-design > More legacy syntax to remove in YSH

andychu commented 1 week ago

#language-design > Exterior-first philosophy: implications

andychu commented 1 week ago

#containers > TODO Next #server-side > TODO Next

andychu commented 1 week ago

#blog-ideas > Lossless Syntax Tree After 6 Years

andychu commented 1 week ago

#performance > Weird Scaling Behavior / Process Dict Leak