Closed ovanbiervliet closed 2 years ago
Some further testing: the number changes to null when dhw schedule is set to off, and a valid number when schedule is on. However, with schedule off and setting temp to 48, charging is happening.
that's because the viessmann API doesn't offer the data point when dhw is off. The HA integration cannot fix that unfortunately. It's an API limitation.
Using 2021.12 with latest ha_vicare, I created an automation to set DHW water (water_heater.vicare_water_0) temp to 10℃ when set to off according to time schedule, and to 48℃ when programmed to heat the water. I believe this is the 'charging' attribute?
The value appears to be set correctly, I can see it in the ViCare app. However, after a number of seconds, it disappears again in HA and shows 'null'. Sometimes the automations are triggered incorrectly, it would be nice to always have the correct value available.
min_temp: 10 max_temp: 60 current_temperature: 31 temperature: null target_temp_high: null target_temp_low: null charging_active: true circulation_pump_active: false friendly_name: ViCare Water 0 supported_features: 1