ojacques / SynthesiaKontrol

:musical_keyboard: Use Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol mk2 light guide in Synthesia
MIT License
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Custom Light Effects #35

Open eliasehmann opened 1 year ago

eliasehmann commented 1 year ago

Hey there,

first of all great work 👍 This is not really an issue but I figured I could modify the code to make some custom light effects. I'm thinking about a fire animation like this one.

I'm not so good with python but I can probably make it. I just don't get which code represents which color for example: bufferC = [0x00] * 249 makes everything blackwhile bufferC = [0x09] * 249 makes everything orange.

But where can I look up the values, without having to brute force the colors. Can you please help me out :)

Also maybe you have an idea for the algorithm to do this effect. I'm thinking an list of x colors like red, orange, yellow, white and randomly going up or down that list. Each key independently.
