ojaksch / MiSTer_tty2rpi

The even bigger brother of tty2oled and tty2tft. A simple but powerful Marquee solution.
8 stars 2 forks source link

Just wanted to say thanks! #3

Closed garyjsweet closed 1 year ago

garyjsweet commented 1 year ago

No issue here, I just wanted to say thanks for your awesome work on this project. It gave me a massive head-start when I wanted to write my own variant of this written natively in C++ on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. You can see my work-in-progress here and a video of it running here.

I have a small mod to MainMiSTer which allows me to have the marquees work in the menu system as well as for the game that is running. I needed to go to C++ in order to get it to run fast enough while using the menu system.

It's still a work in progress, I have some buttons on the display that I need to code a menu overlay for, but it's mostly in good working shape; not nearly ready enough for anyone else to just pick and and use yet though I suspect.

Anyway, none of this would have been possible without your code as a starting point, so thanks again!

ojaksch commented 1 year ago

Woah! You are welcome! I always appreciate any praise and blame :)

Very nice to see that you mean it seriously and that "someone" can use my ideas (and code) to reinvent and improve the wheel. I'll keep having an eye to your fork. And don't hesitate to ask etc.pp. if anything is unclear or where I could help you. I can code in C++ (Arduino style) too - see my other project, but I'm not that professional in that language, so I decided to keep tty2rpi as KISS. It was intended to "...if it is working for me, it could be good to others". That said: You make me happy with your "issue".

Issue closed to have some drinks to be glad and satisfied.