ojosproject / website

The Ojos Project website containing our blogs and documentation!
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Summer Sendoff #48

Open Electric108 opened 2 months ago

Electric108 commented 2 months ago

News update on what the Ojos Project did this Summer including:

Electric108 commented 2 months ago

I think pictures of some of the parts we made and links to different parts of the documentation we make be done.

calejvaldez commented 1 month ago

Looking over the news post. A few tips:

Overall it looks pretty good. Spelling/capitalization is the only actual caveat before merging.

Electric108 commented 1 month ago

I was holding off on the CHI competition so we can make an actual blog post on it. And include the link before we link it here.

Electric108 commented 1 month ago

But I'll add the spelling add it i thought it was already installed

calejvaldez commented 1 month ago

In my mind, adding the link regardless of whether the competition is properly introduced or not is more of a user experience issue. People may be curious about the competition and may want to look it up. Instead of making them open a new tab, go to Google, search up CHI Competition, and figure out which is the most updated link... providing the link for them greatly improves the UX because they can just click on the name, imo.