ojosproject / website

The Ojos Project website containing our blogs and documentation!
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Road to Iris #49

Closed calejvaldez closed 2 months ago

calejvaldez commented 2 months ago


This is a technical news post about the developers' journey towards learning the three tools we're using for Iris: Rust, NextJS, Tauri, and git/GitHub! It would be amazing if all the devs shared their opinion here. :)

Getting Started

As usual, please pull this road-to-iris branch to your repo. You must edit the 09-20-road-to-iris.md file. You can do so like this:

git clone https://github.com/ojosproject/website
cd website
git branch road-to-iris
git switch road-to-iris
git pull origin road-to-iris

Add yourself as an author

At the top of the file, you will find an authors array. Please add yourself as an author using your UCI email!

Introducing yourself

When you begin writing your section (that is, a new ## heading), please make sure to introduce yourself with the following information:

Starting a development environment

Just writing on the Markdown file should be enough, but if you'd like to see how the website would look with your changes, you can do this:

npm i
npm run clear
npm run start

This news post will be in the News tab on the website.

Before submitting your changes...

Before you submit your changes, please do the following:

npm run clear
npm run build

Building your project will point out any errors that might exist!

What should I write about?

Write about your experience in developing Iris, what you enjoyed, what was challenging, etc. Specifically, about our toolset! Any and all that may be relevant to you:

How much should I write?

As much as you’d like! Though, please only have one h2 heading (##) per person, and as many h3 headings (###) as you need!
