Thanks so much for the wonderful plugin. It took me a while to figure out how to OSCYank the current line, and I imagine a lot of other users have the same desire, so I was hoping you could add another example usage to help them
Just below...
<leader>oip " copy the inner paragraph
<leader>o_ "copy the current line
I've been using vim a while and I knew that normal-mode-underscore moved to the beginning of nonwhitespace of a line, but I didn't know it was the movement needed to do "apply the operation to the whole line".
Thanks so much for the wonderful plugin. It took me a while to figure out how to OSCYank the current line, and I imagine a lot of other users have the same desire, so I was hoping you could add another example usage to help them
Just below...
I've been using vim a while and I knew that normal-mode-underscore moved to the beginning of nonwhitespace of a line, but I didn't know it was the movement needed to do "apply the operation to the whole line".