okTurtles / dnschain

A blockchain-based DNS + HTTP server that fixes HTTPS security, and more!
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domain NOTFOUND #157

Closed vladare closed 9 years ago

vladare commented 9 years ago

No domain found in command response. Here is the command and debug log

dig @localhost -p 5333 freespeechme.bit

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.2-Ubuntu <<>> @localhost -p 5333 freespeechme.bit ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 53062 ;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;; QUESTION SECTION: ;freespeechme.bit. IN A

;; Query time: 12 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Thu May 07 22:03:58 EEST 2015 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 34

2015-05-07T18:57:17.220Z - debug: [DNS] creating bottleneck on: dns- (dns.coffee:75) 2015-05-07T18:57:17.223Z - debug: [DNS] received question { name: 'freespeechme.bit', type: 1, class: 1 } 2015-05-07T18:57:17.224Z - debug: [DNS] resolving via namecoin... ( dns.coffee:148) { domain: 'freespeechme.bit', q: { name: 'freespeechme.bit', type: 1, class: 1 } } 2015-05-07T18:57:17.227Z - debug: [NMC] namecoin resolve ( namecoin.coffee:77) { property: 'd/freespeechme' } 2015-05-07T18:57:17.248Z - debug: [DNS] namecoin resolved query (dns.coffee:161) { q: { name: 'freespeechme.bit', type: 1, class: 1 }, d: 'freespeechme.bit', result: { version: '0.0.1', header: { datastore: 'namecoin' }, data: { name: 'd/freespeechme', value: { fingerprint: '00:94:93:86:DC:A9:0C:9F:B7:3E:D9:01:04:0A:92:99:9A:DE:97:1C', map: { www: { ip: '', ip6: '2001:19f0:6c00:8567::64' } }, email: 'jeremy@veclabs.net', info: 'Viral Electron Chaos Laboratories' }, txid: 'de0e53bc9e3bef74a62636a14cdeb7feaef961e5567622c801e33b0c2145d94b', address: 'MzzESs3XwEbY8v5gm9QZTNPe5oSv8eX5e7', expires_in: 31339 } } } 2015-05-07T18:57:17.267Z - debug: [NMC] A handler for namecoin ( blockchain.coffee:149) 2015-05-07T18:57:17.273Z - warn: [NMC] no useful data from nmc_show ( blockchain.coffee:243) { q: { name: 'freespeechme.bit', type: 1, class: 1 } } 2015-05-07T18:57:17.287Z - debug: [DNS](sendErr> dns.coffee:269) { code: 3, name: 'NOTFOUND' }

taoeffect commented 9 years ago

This is a duplicate of #4. DNSChain doesn't yet support Namecoin's map notation.