okashoi / isucon12-practice-20240720

0 stars 0 forks source link

やる #1

Closed okashoi closed 2 months ago

okashoi commented 2 months ago




isucon-s1: isucon-s2: isucon-s3:


pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago
isucon@ip-192-168-0-11:~$ cat /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/isuports.service
Description=isucon12 qualify webapp


ExecStart=docker compose -f docker-compose-go.yml up --build
ExecStop=docker compose -f docker-compose-go.yml down


pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


Top 20 Sort By Total
Count    Total     Mean   Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
  667  871.822   1.3071   1.5344   0.001   0.420   3.566   3.889   4.157   7.299  652    0   15    0      672631          0       1008       2468  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
  839  841.483   1.0030   1.6515   0.001   0.032   3.770   3.959   7.316   7.730  808    0   31    0     7779189          0       9271      14740  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
   11  111.497  10.1361   3.0133   3.658  10.969  12.851  13.505  13.505  13.505    9    0    2    0       13641          0       1240       1565  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
   66   88.005   1.3334   1.3184   0.001   1.009   3.549   3.757   7.102   7.102   59    0    7    0        3371          0         51         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
   26   40.399   1.5538   5.9289   0.002   0.032   0.299   8.740  30.001  30.001   25    0    1    0       50323          0       1935       5802  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
    6   13.016   2.1693   0.6697   1.483   2.741   2.997   2.997   2.997   2.997    6    0    0    0      110123      12150      18353      25820  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
  135    3.879   0.0287   0.1420   0.001   0.014   0.035   0.050   0.065   1.665  121    0   14    0      162538         39       1203       2792  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1    2.900   2.9000   0.0000   2.900   2.900   2.900   2.900   2.900   2.900    1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
    1    2.588   2.5880   0.0000   2.588   2.588   2.588   2.588   2.588   2.588    1    0    0    0        1597       1597       1597       1597  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   47    0.812   0.0173   0.0091   0.002   0.014   0.028   0.034   0.052   0.052   46    0    1    0        7725         39        164        189  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
   43    0.763   0.0177   0.0099   0.001   0.014   0.032   0.035   0.049   0.049   42    0    1    0         921         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
   11    0.548   0.0498   0.0444   0.001   0.052   0.102   0.123   0.123   0.123    6    0    5    0        1366         39        124        208  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
   30    0.323   0.0108   0.0121   0.002   0.006   0.028   0.048   0.050   0.050   30    0    0    0      542001       2942      18066      46093  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   16    0.200   0.0125   0.0045   0.005   0.013   0.018   0.019   0.019   0.019   15    0    1    0        2409         39        150        165  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    1    0.001   0.0010   0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001    1    0    0    0         177        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1    0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    0    0    1    0         134        134        134        134  GET /stream?streams=btcusdt@depth HTTP/1.1
    1    0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
    1    0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    1    0    0    0         479        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
    1    0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000    1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
mism-mism commented 2 months ago





               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           3.6Gi       1.1Gi       102Mi       0.0Ki       2.4Gi       2.2Gi
Swap:             0B          0B          0B



main    55593   isucon   41u  IPv4 181560      0t0  TCP localhost:49598->localhost:mysql (ESTABLISHED)
main    55593   isucon  117u  IPv4 181053      0t0  TCP localhost:49734->localhost:mysql (ESTABLISHED)
mysqld  56361    mysql   23u  IPv4 174368      0t0  TCP localhost:mysql (LISTEN)
mysqld  56361    mysql   35u  IPv4 180953      0t0  TCP localhost:mysql->localhost:49598 (ESTABLISHED)
mysqld  56361    mysql   38u  IPv4 181700      0t0  TCP localhost:mysql->localhost:49734 (ESTABLISHED)
nginx   56441     root    6u  IPv4 174519      0t0  TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   56442 www-data    6u  IPv4 174519      0t0  TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   56443 www-data    6u  IPv4 174519      0t0  TCP *:https (LISTEN)


  UNIT                                           LOAD   ACTIVE SUB     DESCRIPTION
  acpid.service                                  loaded active running ACPI event daemon
  apparmor.service                               loaded active exited  Load AppArmor profiles
  apport.service                                 loaded active exited  LSB: automatic crash report generation
  blackauth.service                              loaded active running isucon12 qualify auth server
  blk-availability.service                       loaded active exited  Availability of block devices
  chrony.service                                 loaded active running chrony, an NTP client/server
  cloud-config.service                           loaded active exited  Apply the settings specified in cloud-config
  cloud-final.service                            loaded active exited  Execute cloud user/final scripts
  cloud-init-local.service                       loaded active exited  Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking)
  cloud-init.service                             loaded active exited  Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler)
  console-setup.service                          loaded active exited  Set console font and keymap
  containerd.service                             loaded active running containerd container runtime
  cron.service                                   loaded active running Regular background program processing daemon
  dbus.service                                   loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus
  docker.service                                 loaded active running Docker Application Container Engine
  finalrd.service                                loaded active exited  Create final runtime dir for shutdown pivot root
  getty@tty1.service                             loaded active running Getty on tty1
  irqbalance.service                             loaded active running irqbalance daemon
  isuports.service                               loaded active running isucon12 qualify webapp
  keyboard-setup.service                         loaded active exited  Set the console keyboard layout
  kmod-static-nodes.service                      loaded active exited  Create List of Static Device Nodes
  lvm2-monitor.service                           loaded active exited  Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors, snapshots etc. using dmeventd or progress polling
  multipathd.service                             loaded active running Device-Mapper Multipath Device Controller
  mysql.service                                  loaded active running MySQL Community Server
  networkd-dispatcher.service                    loaded active running Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd
  nginx.service                                  loaded active running A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server
  packagekit.service                             loaded active running PackageKit Daemon
  plymouth-quit-wait.service                     loaded active exited  Hold until boot process finishes up
  plymouth-quit.service                          loaded active exited  Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen
  plymouth-read-write.service                    loaded active exited  Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data
  polkit.service                                 loaded active running Authorization Manager
  redis-server.service                           loaded active running Advanced key-value store
  rsyslog.service                                loaded active running System Logging Service
  serial-getty@ttyS0.service                     loaded active running Serial Getty on ttyS0
  setvtrgb.service                               loaded active exited  Set console scheme
  snap.amazon-ssm-agent.amazon-ssm-agent.service loaded active running Service for snap application amazon-ssm-agent.amazon-ssm-agent
  snapd.apparmor.service                         loaded active exited  Load AppArmor profiles managed internally by snapd
  snapd.seeded.service                           loaded active exited  Wait until snapd is fully seeded
  snapd.service                                  loaded active running Snap Daemon
  ssh.service                                    loaded active running OpenBSD Secure Shell server
  systemd-binfmt.service                         loaded active exited  Set Up Additional Binary Formats
  systemd-fsck-root.service                      loaded active exited  File System Check on Root Device
  systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2dlabel-UEFI.service loaded active exited  File System Check on /dev/disk/by-label/UEFI
  systemd-journal-flush.service                  loaded active exited  Flush Journal to Persistent Storage
  systemd-journald.service                       loaded active running Journal Service
  systemd-logind.service                         loaded active running User Login Management
  systemd-machine-id-commit.service              loaded active exited  Commit a transient machine-id on disk
  systemd-modules-load.service                   loaded active exited  Load Kernel Modules
  systemd-networkd-wait-online.service           loaded active exited  Wait for Network to be Configured
  systemd-networkd.service                       loaded active running Network Configuration
  systemd-random-seed.service                    loaded active exited  Load/Save Random Seed
  systemd-remount-fs.service                     loaded active exited  Remount Root and Kernel File Systems
  systemd-resolved.service                       loaded active running Network Name Resolution
  systemd-sysctl.service                         loaded active exited  Apply Kernel Variables
  systemd-sysusers.service                       loaded active exited  Create System Users
  systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service             loaded active exited  Create Static Device Nodes in /dev
  systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service                 loaded active exited  Create Volatile Files and Directories
  systemd-udev-trigger.service                   loaded active exited  Coldplug All udev Devices
  systemd-udevd.service                          loaded active running Rule-based Manager for Device Events and Files
  systemd-update-utmp.service                    loaded active exited  Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP
  systemd-user-sessions.service                  loaded active exited  Permit User Sessions
  ubuntu-fan.service                             loaded active exited  Ubuntu FAN network setup
  ufw.service                                    loaded active exited  Uncomplicated firewall
  unattended-upgrades.service                    loaded active running Unattended Upgrades Shutdown
  user-runtime-dir@1001.service                  loaded active exited  User Runtime Directory /run/user/1001
  user@1001.service                              loaded active running User Manager for UID 1001

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
66 loaded units listed.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

PATH (バックアップ)


pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago

slow query

SELECT player_id, MIN(created_at) AS min_created_at FROM visit_history WHERE tenant_id = 36 AND competition_id = '155bc48ec' GROUP BY player_id

-- before
mysql> explain SELECT player_id, MIN(created_at) AS min_created_at FROM visit_history WHERE tenant_id = 36 AND competition_id = '155bc48ec' GROUP BY player_id;
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type | possible_keys | key           | key_len | ref   | rows  | filtered | Extra                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | visit_history | NULL       | ref  | tenant_id_idx | tenant_id_idx | 8       | const | 84748 |    10.00 | Using where; Using temporary |

-- add inex
mysql> ALTER TABLE visit_history ADD INDEX (tenant_id, competition_id, player_id, created_at);

-- after
mysql> explain SELECT player_id, MIN(created_at) AS min_created_at FROM visit_history WHERE tenant_id = 36 AND competition_id = '155bc48ec' GROUP BY player_id;
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type | possible_keys           | key       | key_len | ref         | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | visit_history | NULL       | ref  | tenant_id_idx,tenant_id | tenant_id | 1030    | const,const | 3025 |   100.00 | Using index |

https://isunarabe.org/teams/682/benchmark_jobs/10670 02:28:19.114746 SCORE: 4981 (+4981 0(0%))

mism-mism commented 2 months ago


mism-mism commented 2 months ago


visit_history 10756622 1308 0 1217
id_generator 16250 16249 16250 0
tenant 8240 8 0 7


TABLE_NAME TABLE_ROWS total_storage_mb avg_storage_b total_data_mb total_index_mb
visit_history 2969004 266 94 209 56
id_generator 1 0 32768 0 0
tenant 107 0 306 0 0
okashoi commented 2 months ago



02:44:29.283843 ERROR[0] load: load-validation: Get "https://isucon.t.isucon.pw/api/player/player/224605ea1": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:63c385ad1 playerID:224605ea1
02:44:29.284131 Error 1 (Critical:0)
02:44:29.284180 PASSED: true
02:44:29.284189 SCORE: 4718 (+4765 -47(1%))
okashoi commented 2 months ago

4 も微減したのでこれもマージ一旦見送り

02:51:37.104645 ERROR[0] load: load-validation: Get "https://jbj-wq-8.t.isucon.pw/api/organizer/billing": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) tenant:jbj-wq-8 role:organizer playerID:organizer 
02:51:37.104931 Error 1 (Critical:0)
02:51:37.104938 PASSED: true
02:51:37.104941 SCORE: 4518 (+4563 -45(1%))
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


isucon@ip-192-168-0-11:~/webapp (pprof)
$ docker compose -f docker-compose-go.yml run webapp bash
isucon@ip-192-168-0-11:~/webapp/go$ go version
go version go1.18.4 linux/amd64
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


Top 20 Sort By Total
Count     Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max   2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
 1310  1846.814  1.4098  2.5022   0.001   0.038   3.764   4.922  12.761  20.290  1265    0   45    0    13034872          0       9950      14737  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
 1168  1532.024  1.3117  2.5188   0.001   0.150   3.274   3.666  11.956  28.594  1104    0   63    1      958398          0        820       2263  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
   80   148.412  1.8551  2.0667   0.001   1.181   3.817   5.170  12.677  12.677    73    0    7    0        4134          0         51         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
   35    80.090  2.2883  3.4360   0.001   1.451   2.868  11.755  17.938  17.938    34    0    1    0       49790          0       1422       1552  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
   36    22.037  0.6121  2.9069   0.002   0.030   0.278   1.567  17.701  17.701    35    0    1    0       65612          0       1822       4928  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
   10    18.896  1.8896  0.6023   0.890   2.171   2.698   2.698   2.698   2.698    10    0    0    0      178011      12150      17801      23580  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
    1     3.972  3.9720  0.0000   3.972   3.972   3.972   3.972   3.972   3.972     1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
  201     3.382  0.0168  0.0124   0.001   0.014   0.035   0.041   0.051   0.054   188    0   13    0      213493         39       1062       2663  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
   12     1.917  0.1598  0.2009   0.001   0.086   0.439   0.629   0.629   0.629     7    0    5    0        1517         39        126        196  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
    2     1.477  0.7385  0.3075   0.431   1.046   1.046   1.046   1.046   1.046     2    0    0    0        3155       1568       1577       1587  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   62     1.303  0.0210  0.0380   0.007   0.015   0.025   0.027   0.312   0.312    61    0    1    0       10000         39        161        185  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
   57     1.249  0.0219  0.0435   0.002   0.014   0.025   0.046   0.342   0.342    56    0    1    0        1215         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
   45     0.344  0.0076  0.0072   0.002   0.005   0.017   0.018   0.043   0.043    45    0    0    0     1498478       2942      33299     602067  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   15     0.188  0.0125  0.0040   0.002   0.012   0.018   0.019   0.019   0.019    14    0    1    0        2249         39        149        165  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    1     0.001  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001     1    0    0    0         177        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0         479        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
okashoi commented 2 months ago

5 微増

03:26:38.262107 ERROR[0] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/player/5e2629d32 : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:hgp-yqb-25 role:player playerID:9fa53577 playerID:5e2629d32
03:26:38.262447 Error 1 (Critical:0)
03:26:38.262453 PASSED: true
03:26:38.262456 SCORE: 5109 (+5160 -51(1%))
Top 20 Sort By Total
Count     Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max   2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
 1324  1672.308  1.2631  2.2650   0.002   0.037   3.553   4.323  11.630  13.338  1282    0   42    0    12517111          0       9454      14739  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
 1283  1452.590  1.1322  2.0200   0.001   0.074   3.203   3.618  11.224  13.706  1244    0   38    1     1218676          0        949       2237  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
   85   148.829  1.7509  2.0226   0.002   1.069   3.623   4.301  12.376  12.376    78    0    7    0        4399          0         51         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
   36    79.454  2.2071  2.8235   0.001   1.287   4.764   8.299  15.051  15.051    34    0    2    0       49668          0       1379       1551  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
   37    26.732  0.7225  3.9122   0.002   0.025   0.369   0.553  24.185  24.185    36    0    1    0       73395          0       1983       5245  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
   10    21.967  2.1967  0.9178   1.055   2.278   4.135   4.135   4.135   4.135    10    0    0    0      194811      12150      19481      25596  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
    1     4.946  4.9460  0.0000   4.946   4.946   4.946   4.946   4.946   4.946     1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
  217     3.592  0.0166  0.0129   0.001   0.014   0.036   0.042   0.056   0.059   202    0   15    0      255430         39       1177       2708  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
   60     1.341  0.0223  0.0315   0.005   0.014   0.046   0.067   0.242   0.242    59    0    1    0        1278         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
   65     1.187  0.0183  0.0096   0.007   0.016   0.025   0.033   0.064   0.064    64    0    1    0       10611         39        163        185  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
    2     0.976  0.4880  0.0520   0.436   0.540   0.540   0.540   0.540   0.540     2    0    0    0        3170       1584       1585       1586  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   48     0.439  0.0091  0.0105   0.002   0.005   0.021   0.036   0.057   0.057    48    0    0    0     1544903       3070      32185     602067  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   12     0.426  0.0355  0.0316   0.000   0.041   0.091   0.094   0.094   0.094     7    0    5    0        1514         39        126        194  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
   17     0.259  0.0152  0.0077   0.001   0.013   0.028   0.035   0.035   0.035    16    0    1    0        2556         39        150        165  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    1     0.001  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001     1    0    0    0         177        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0         479        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
okashoi commented 2 months ago

つづいて GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking をやる

okashoi commented 2 months ago

6: 微増

03:57:45.605920 ERROR[0] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa52b49/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:i-hezmh-1721447804 role:player playerID:9fa52b08 competitionID:9fa52b49 rankAfter:
03:57:45.605936 ERROR[1] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa52e71/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:jjsjx-tdwrrx-10 role:player playerID:14f0d02e4 competitionID:9fa52e71 rankAfter:
03:57:45.605945 ERROR[2] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa531ff/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:dz-n-1721447812 role:player playerID:9fa52ff5 competitionID:9fa531ff rankAfter:
03:57:45.605949 ERROR[3] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa531ff/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:dz-n-1721447812 role:player playerID:9fa53141 competitionID:9fa531ff rankAfter:
03:57:45.605954 ERROR[4] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa53ad6/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:wvf-yom-16 role:player playerID:524577dc7 competitionID:9fa53ad6 rankAfter:
03:57:45.605958 ERROR[5] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa53ad6/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:wvf-yom-16 role:player playerID:9fa538d5 competitionID:9fa53ad6 rankAfter:
03:57:45.605961 ERROR[6] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa53fa5/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:aeja-cuzvf-1721447827 role:player playerID:9fa53f6d competitionID:9fa53fa5 rankAfter:
03:57:45.605964 ERROR[7] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa53fa5/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:aeja-cuzvf-1721447827 role:player playerID:9fa53f9f competitionID:9fa53fa5 rankAfter:
03:57:45.605968 ERROR[8] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa53fa5/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:aeja-cuzvf-1721447827 role:player playerID:9fa53b92 competitionID:9fa53fa5 rankAfter:
03:57:45.605970 ERROR[9] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa5446d/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:o-yluz-3 role:player playerID:3660b2c10 competitionID:9fa5446d rankAfter:
03:57:45.605974 ERROR[10] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/4ce9b66c7/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:63c385ad1 competitionID:4ce9b66c7 rankAfter:
03:57:45.606268 Error 11 (Critical:0)
03:57:45.606275 PASSED: true
03:57:45.606278 SCORE: 5156 (+5793 -637(11%))
Top 20 Sort By Total
Count     Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max   2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
 1387  1374.245  0.9908  1.7980   0.001   0.026   3.842   5.480   6.488  11.312  1325    0   51   11    14284074          0      10298      14708  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
 1943   741.221  0.3815  1.1103   0.001   0.015   1.254   3.200   5.598   6.486  1887    0   56    0     1489616          0        766       2401  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
   84   150.653  1.7935  1.5592   0.001   1.235   3.936   5.599   6.403   6.403    77    0    7    0        4344          0         51         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
   35    79.450  2.2700  3.6640   0.001   1.384   4.588   9.723  21.227  21.227    34    0    1    0       49691          0       1419       1542  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
   14    31.268  2.2334  0.5418   0.816   2.246   2.700   3.321   3.321   3.321    13    0    1    0      253455          0      18103      26716  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
   32    22.519  0.7037  3.7273   0.002   0.023   0.086   0.132  21.456  21.456    31    0    1    0       60707          0       1897       4342  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
    1     3.947  3.9470  0.0000   3.947   3.947   3.947   3.947   3.947   3.947     1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
  210     3.247  0.0155  0.0159   0.001   0.013   0.029   0.046   0.095   0.106   196    0   14    0      210833         39       1003       2802  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
   55     1.198  0.0218  0.0359   0.001   0.013   0.032   0.068   0.267   0.267    54    0    1    0        1173         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
   64     1.083  0.0169  0.0067   0.008   0.014   0.029   0.031   0.038   0.038    63    0    1    0       10391         39        162        191  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
   14     0.779  0.0556  0.0974   0.001   0.040   0.061   0.398   0.398   0.398     9    0    5    0        1894         39        135        195  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
    2     0.725  0.3625  0.0505   0.312   0.413   0.413   0.413   0.413   0.413     2    0    0    0        3157       1562       1578       1595  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   46     0.422  0.0092  0.0136   0.002   0.005   0.017   0.036   0.083   0.083    46    0    0    0     1503318       3582      32680     602067  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   17     0.261  0.0154  0.0119   0.001   0.013   0.021   0.060   0.060   0.060    16    0    1    0        2551         39        150        165  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    1     0.001  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001     1    0    0    0         177        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0         479        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0


error at /api/player/competition/:competition_id/ranking: write tcp> write: broken pipe
okashoi commented 2 months ago

7: エラーが減ってスコア微増

04:31:36.983951 ERROR[0] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa52e83/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:v-uiwbb-14 role:player playerID:9fa52e81 competitionID:9fa52e83 rankAfter:
04:31:36.984048 ERROR[1] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa53549/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:v-uiwbb-14 role:player playerID:28a1e8344 competitionID:9fa53549 rankAfter:
04:31:36.984361 Error 2 (Critical:0)
04:31:36.984364 PASSED: true
04:31:36.984367 SCORE: 5566 (+5679 -113(2%))
Top 20 Sort By Total
Count     Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max   2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
 1415  1563.934  1.1053  1.8148   0.001   0.034   3.756   3.975   7.897  11.039  1366    0   46    3    14084270          0       9953      14810  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
 1657  1330.662  0.8031  1.3785   0.001   0.050   2.942   3.547   6.475   7.617  1597    0   60    0     1754880          0       1059       2597  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
   87   151.095  1.7367  1.5981   0.001   1.151   3.876   4.486   7.760   7.760    80    0    7    0        4498          0         51         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
   35    79.843  2.2812  3.4777   0.001   1.025   5.778  11.496  17.856  17.856    33    0    2    0       48234          0       1378       1551  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
   38    28.180  0.7416  4.0704   0.002   0.022   0.399   0.615  25.487  25.487    37    0    1    0       79482          0       2091       6100  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
   11    20.559  1.8690  0.8062   0.695   1.959   2.709   2.941   2.941   2.941    11    0    0    0      210103      12150      19100      25372  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
  225     7.324  0.0326  0.1643   0.001   0.014   0.036   0.054   0.073   1.876   210    0   15    0      278297         39       1236       2955  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1     2.951  2.9510  0.0000   2.951   2.951   2.951   2.951   2.951   2.951     1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
   61     1.441  0.0236  0.0548   0.006   0.014   0.028   0.037   0.444   0.444    60    0    1    0        1299         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
   66     1.124  0.0170  0.0076   0.002   0.017   0.028   0.030   0.047   0.047    65    0    1    0       10675         39        161        188  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
    2     1.068  0.5340  0.1520   0.382   0.686   0.686   0.686   0.686   0.686     2    0    0    0        3164       1569       1582       1595  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   12     0.412  0.0343  0.0404   0.000   0.040   0.046   0.153   0.153   0.153     7    0    5    0        1498         39        124        207  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
   48     0.362  0.0075  0.0074   0.001   0.005   0.015   0.018   0.046   0.046    48    0    0    0     1596097       3087      33252     602067  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   18     0.205  0.0114  0.0039   0.006   0.011   0.015   0.024   0.024   0.024    17    0    1    0        2693         39        149        163  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    1     0.001  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001     1    0    0    0         177        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0         479        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
mism-mism commented 2 months ago


04:37:23.279077 PASSED: true 04:37:23.279080 SCORE: 4887 (+5491 -604(11%))


pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago



GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking

(pprof) list competitionRankingHandler
Total: 1.73hrs
ROUTINE ======================== github.com/isucon/isucon12-qualify/webapp/go.competitionRankingHandler in /home/isucon/webapp/go/isuports.go
   10.20ms    929.87s (flat, cum) 14.89% of Total
         .          .   1340:}
         .          .   1341:
         .          .   1342:// 参加者向けAPI
         .          .   1343:// GET /api/player/competition/:competition_id/ranking
         .          .   1344:// 大会ごとのランキングを取得する
   10.20ms    10.20ms   1345:func competitionRankingHandler(c echo.Context) error {
         .          .   1346:   ctx := context.Background()
         .      2.35s   1347:   v, err := parseViewer(c)
         .          .   1348:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1349:       return err
         .          .   1350:   }
         .          .   1351:   if v.role != RolePlayer {
         .          .   1352:       return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, "role player required")
         .          .   1353:   }
         .          .   1354:
         .          .   1355:   tenantDB, err := connectToTenantDB(v.tenantID)
         .          .   1356:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1357:       return err
         .          .   1358:   }
         .          .   1359:   defer tenantDB.Close()
         .          .   1360:
         .     43.87s   1361:   if err := authorizePlayer(ctx, tenantDB, v.playerID); err != nil {
         .          .   1362:       return err
         .          .   1363:   }
         .          .   1364:
         .          .   1365:   competitionID := c.Param("competition_id")
         .          .   1366:   if competitionID == "" {
         .          .   1367:       return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "competition_id is required")
         .          .   1368:   }
         .          .   1369:
         .          .   1370:   // 大会の存在確認
         .      3.88s   1371:   competition, err := retrieveCompetition(ctx, tenantDB, competitionID)
         .          .   1372:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1373:       if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
         .          .   1374:           return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotFound, "competition not found")
         .          .   1375:       }
         .          .   1376:       return fmt.Errorf("error retrieveCompetition: %w", err)
         .          .   1377:   }
         .          .   1378:
         .          .   1379:   now := time.Now().Unix()
         .          .   1380:   var tenant TenantRow
         .      1.89s   1381:   if err := adminDB.GetContext(ctx, &tenant, "SELECT * FROM tenant WHERE id = ?", v.tenantID); err != nil {
         .          .   1382:       return fmt.Errorf("error Select tenant: id=%d, %w", v.tenantID, err)
         .          .   1383:   }
         .          .   1384:
         .      1.39s   1385:   if _, err := adminDB.ExecContext(
         .          .   1386:       ctx,
         .          .   1387:       "INSERT INTO visit_history (player_id, tenant_id, competition_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
         .          .   1388:       v.playerID, tenant.ID, competitionID, now, now,
         .          .   1389:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   1390:       return fmt.Errorf(
         .          .   1391:           "error Insert visit_history: playerID=%s, tenantID=%d, competitionID=%s, createdAt=%d, updatedAt=%d, %w",
         .          .   1392:           v.playerID, tenant.ID, competitionID, now, now, err,
         .          .   1393:       )
         .          .   1394:   }
         .          .   1395:
         .          .   1396:   var rankAfter int64
         .          .   1397:   rankAfterStr := c.QueryParam("rank_after")
         .          .   1398:   if rankAfterStr != "" {
         .          .   1399:       if rankAfter, err = strconv.ParseInt(rankAfterStr, 10, 64); err != nil {
         .          .   1400:           return fmt.Errorf("error strconv.ParseUint: rankAfterStr=%s, %w", rankAfterStr, err)
         .          .   1401:       }
         .          .   1402:   }
         .          .   1403:
         .          .   1404:   // player_scoreを読んでいるときに更新が走ると不整合が起こるのでロックを取得する
         .    862.39s   1405:   fl, err := flockByTenantID(v.tenantID)
         .          .   1406:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1407:       return fmt.Errorf("error flockByTenantID: %w", err)
         .          .   1408:   }
         .          .   1409:   defer fl.Close()
         .          .   1410:   pss := []PlayerScoreRow{}
         .      8.76s   1411:   if err := tenantDB.SelectContext(
         .          .   1412:       ctx,
         .          .   1413:       &pss,
         .          .   1414:       "SELECT * FROM player_score WHERE tenant_id = ? AND competition_id = ? ORDER BY row_num DESC",
         .          .   1415:       tenant.ID,
         .          .   1416:       competitionID,
         .          .   1417:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   1418:       return fmt.Errorf("error Select player_score: tenantID=%d, competitionID=%s, %w", tenant.ID, competitionID, err)
         .          .   1419:   }
         .          .   1420:
         .          .   1421:   // Create a map for quick lookup
         .          .   1422:   playerMap := make(map[string]PlayerRow)
         .          .   1423:   if len(pss) != 0 {
         .          .   1424:       // Collect all PlayerIDs
         .          .   1425:       playerIDs := make([]string, len(pss))
         .          .   1426:       for i, ps := range pss {
         .          .   1427:           playerIDs[i] = ps.PlayerID
         .          .   1428:       }
         .          .   1429:
         .          .   1430:       // 参加者を取得する
         .    10.20ms   1431:       players := make([]PlayerRow, len(playerIDs))
         .    51.02ms   1432:       query, args, err := sqlx.In(
         .          .   1433:           "SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN (?)",
         .          .   1434:           playerIDs,
         .          .   1435:       )
         .          .   1436:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1437:           return fmt.Errorf("error building query for players: %w", err)
         .          .   1438:       }
         .          .   1439:       query = tenantDB.Rebind(query)
         .      3.81s   1440:       if err := tenantDB.SelectContext(ctx, &players, query, args...); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
         .    10.20ms   1441:           return fmt.Errorf("error Select players: %w", err)
         .          .   1442:       }
         .          .   1443:
         .    10.20ms   1444:       for _, player := range players {
         .    40.82ms   1445:           playerMap[player.ID] = player
         .          .   1446:       }
         .          .   1447:   }
         .          .   1448:
         .          .   1449:   ranks := make([]CompetitionRank, 0, len(pss))
         .    30.61ms   1450:   scoredPlayerSet := make(map[string]struct{}, len(pss))
         .          .   1451:   for _, ps := range pss {
         .          .   1452:       // player_scoreが同一player_id内ではrow_numの降順でソートされているので
         .          .   1453:       // 現れたのが2回目以降のplayer_idはより大きいrow_numでスコアが出ているとみなせる
         .    30.61ms   1454:       if _, ok := scoredPlayerSet[ps.PlayerID]; ok {
         .          .   1455:           continue
         .          .   1456:       }
         .          .   1457:       scoredPlayerSet[ps.PlayerID] = struct{}{}
         .          .   1458:       p, ok := playerMap[ps.PlayerID]
         .          .   1459:       if !ok {
         .          .   1460:           return fmt.Errorf("player not found: id=%s", ps.PlayerID)
         .          .   1461:       }
         .          .   1462:       ranks = append(ranks, CompetitionRank{
         .          .   1463:           Score:             ps.Score,
         .          .   1464:           PlayerID:          p.ID,
         .          .   1465:           PlayerDisplayName: p.DisplayName,
         .          .   1466:           RowNum:            ps.RowNum,
         .          .   1467:       })
         .          .   1468:   }
         .          .   1469:
         .    40.82ms   1470:   sort.Slice(ranks, func(i, j int) bool {
         .          .   1471:       if ranks[i].Score == ranks[j].Score {
         .          .   1472:           return ranks[i].RowNum < ranks[j].RowNum
         .          .   1473:       }
         .          .   1474:       return ranks[i].Score > ranks[j].Score
         .          .   1475:   })
         .          .   1476:
         .          .   1477:   pagedRanks := make([]CompetitionRank, 0, 100)
         .          .   1478:   for i, rank := range ranks {
         .          .   1479:       if int64(i) < rankAfter {
         .          .   1480:           continue
         .          .   1481:       }
         .          .   1482:       pagedRanks = append(pagedRanks, CompetitionRank{
         .          .   1483:           Rank:              int64(i + 1),
         .          .   1484:           Score:             rank.Score,
         .          .   1485:           PlayerID:          rank.PlayerID,
         .          .   1486:           PlayerDisplayName: rank.PlayerDisplayName,
         .          .   1487:       })
         .          .   1488:       if len(pagedRanks) >= 100 {
         .          .   1489:           break
         .          .   1490:       }
         .          .   1491:   }
         .          .   1492:
         .          .   1493:   res := SuccessResult{
         .          .   1494:       Status: true,
         .          .   1495:       Data: CompetitionRankingHandlerResult{
         .          .   1496:           Competition: CompetitionDetail{
         .          .   1497:               ID:         competition.ID,
         .          .   1498:               Title:      competition.Title,
         .          .   1499:               IsFinished: competition.FinishedAt.Valid,
         .          .   1500:           },
         .          .   1501:           Ranks: pagedRanks,
         .          .   1502:       },
         .          .   1503:   }
         .      1.32s   1504:   return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, res)
         .          .   1505:}
         .          .   1506:
         .          .   1507:type CompetitionsHandlerResult struct {
         .          .   1508:   Competitions []CompetitionDetail `json:"competitions"`
         .          .   1509:}
(pprof) list flockByTenantID
Total: 1.73hrs
ROUTINE ======================== github.com/isucon/isucon12-qualify/webapp/go.flockByTenantID in /home/isucon/webapp/go/isuports.go
         0   1706.22s (flat, cum) 27.32% of Total
         .          .    433:   return filepath.Join(tenantDBDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d.lock", id))
         .          .    434:}
         .          .    435:
         .          .    436:// 排他ロックする
         .          .    437:func flockByTenantID(tenantID int64) (io.Closer, error) {
         .    10.20ms    438:   p := lockFilePath(tenantID)
         .          .    439:
         .          .    440:   fl := flock.New(p)
         .   1706.21s    441:   if err := fl.Lock(); err != nil {
         .          .    442:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("error flock.Lock: path=%s, %w", p, err)
         .          .    443:   }
         .          .    444:   return fl, nil
         .          .    445:}
         .          .    446:


mism-mism commented 2 months ago



okashoi commented 2 months ago



05:29:17.445293 ERROR[0] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/45c0c2910/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:63b36a24e competitionID:45c0c2910 rankAfter:
05:29:17.445317 ERROR[1] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competitions : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:63c385ad1 
05:29:17.445321 ERROR[2] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competitions : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:63b0e0be4 
05:29:17.445334 ERROR[3] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa537fd/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:617788cb9 competitionID:9fa537fd rankAfter:
05:29:17.445338 ERROR[4] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/45c0c2910/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:638ff28e4 competitionID:45c0c2910 rankAfter:
05:29:17.445342 ERROR[5] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competitions : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:638cf8d93 
05:29:17.445345 ERROR[6] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competitions : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:638b4b296 
05:29:17.445348 ERROR[7] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa54688/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:61d799135 competitionID:9fa54688 rankAfter:
05:29:17.445351 ERROR[8] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/174f069ca/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:isucon role:player playerID:63c11e74a competitionID:174f069ca rankAfter:
05:29:17.445660 Error 9 (Critical:0)
05:29:17.445668 PASSED: true
05:29:17.445671 SCORE: 5754 (+6323 -569(9%))
Top 20 Sort By Total
Count    Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max   2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
 1970  990.765  0.5029  0.8981   0.001   0.061   1.807   2.539   3.948   6.057  1920    0   50    0     1555196          0        789       2271  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
 1809  841.043  0.4649  0.9959   0.001   0.046   1.597   2.544   4.282   9.184  1760    0   44    5    15404251          0       8515      14665  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
   83  195.647  2.3572  2.8088   0.002   1.299   5.207   8.000  14.273  14.273    76    0    7    0        4287          0         51         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
  377  180.233  0.4781  1.0309   0.001   0.033   2.118   2.944   5.048   5.889   355    0   18    4      388489          0       1030       2913  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
   35   79.388  2.2682  3.7828   0.001   1.066   4.682   9.252  21.922  21.922    34    0    1    0       49934          0       1426       1551  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
   10   19.784  1.9784  1.0220   0.593   2.336   3.496   3.496   3.496   3.496    10    0    0    0      194363      12150      19436      26268  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
    2    3.145  1.5725  1.1785   0.394   2.751   2.751   2.751   2.751   2.751     2    0    0    0        3066       1532       1533       1534  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
    1    2.881  2.8810  0.0000   2.881   2.881   2.881   2.881   2.881   2.881     1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
   63    1.604  0.0255  0.0455   0.004   0.014   0.037   0.061   0.350   0.350    62    0    1    0       10137         39        160        183  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
   33    1.426  0.0432  0.0468   0.002   0.026   0.111   0.127   0.209   0.209    33    0    0    0       58371        320       1768       4666  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
   55    1.229  0.0223  0.0210   0.004   0.014   0.041   0.064   0.134   0.134    54    0    1    0        1173         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
   46    0.706  0.0153  0.0225   0.002   0.007   0.035   0.057   0.108   0.108    46    0    0    0     2706343       3088      58833     602067  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   12    0.517  0.0431  0.0545   0.001   0.028   0.111   0.194   0.194   0.194     7    0    5    0        1462         39        121        189  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
   17    0.226  0.0133  0.0091   0.001   0.012   0.026   0.043   0.043   0.043    16    0    1    0        2531         39        148        162  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    1    0.001  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001     1    0    0    0         177        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1    0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
    1    0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0         479        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
    1    0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago
$ journalctl -xfu isuports.service | grep '"status":500'
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
      Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal' can see all messages.
      Pass -q to turn off this notice.
Jul 20 05:29:20 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[183090]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:29:20.447149568Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/45c0c2910/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error Select players: too many SQL variables","latency":6610180087,"latency_human":"6.610180087s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:29 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:29.909071587Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competitions","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=63c11e74a, database is locked","latency":5041518205,"latency_human":"5.041518205s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:29 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:29.909801761Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa53609/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrieveCompetition: error Select competition: id=9fa53609, database is locked","latency":5262585507,"latency_human":"5.262585507s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:29 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:29.909995946Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa53609/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrieveCompetition: error Select competition: id=9fa53609, database is locked","latency":5091302669,"latency_human":"5.091302669s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:30 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:30.315509762Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa53609/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=5e7481f7f, database is locked","latency":5027939828,"latency_human":"5.027939828s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:30 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:30.420697282Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa53609/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=5e67936a9, database is locked","latency":5033755501,"latency_human":"5.033755501s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:43 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:43.706768939Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/597488a14/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error Select players: too many SQL variables","latency":5446674321,"latency_human":"5.446674321s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:49 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:49.03341277Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa5448f/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=63aefae59, database is locked","latency":5945862649,"latency_human":"5.945862649s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:49 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:49.040701225Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competitions","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=638cf8d93, database is locked","latency":6155514236,"latency_human":"6.155514236s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:50 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:50.052690751Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"admin.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/admin/tenants/billing?before=8","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"failed to billingReportByCompetition: error retrieveCompetition: error Select competition: id=174f069ca, database is locked","latency":12064860818,"latency_human":"12.064860818s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:50 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:50.448532372Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa5448f/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=63aefae59, database is locked","latency":5023788833,"latency_human":"5.023788833s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:50 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:50.457978765Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa5448f/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=62c46c835, database is locked","latency":7168029263,"latency_human":"7.168029263s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:50 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:50.458360104Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa5448f/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=638b4b296, database is locked","latency":6688165746,"latency_human":"6.688165746s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:35:50 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:35:50.478410693Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"j-jpeqh-28.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/player/39b353f85","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error Select competitions: database is locked","latency":6183954944,"latency_human":"6.183954944s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:36:04 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:36:04.82557865Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"n-zcxduo-1721453720.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa53fe9/ranking?rank_after=30","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"write tcp\u003e127.0.0.1:51584: write: broken pipe","latency":206122236,"latency_human":"206.122236ms","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":3969}
Jul 20 05:36:04 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:36:04.827068432Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"n-zcxduo-1721453720.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa54e13/ranking?rank_after=95","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"write tcp\u003e127.0.0.1:51652: write: broken pipe","latency":151877100,"latency_human":"151.8771ms","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":3969}
Jul 20 05:36:04 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:36:04.86413026Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"n-zcxduo-1721453720.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa53c18/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"write tcp\u003e127.0.0.1:51716: write: broken pipe","latency":146610303,"latency_human":"146.610303ms","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":3969}
Jul 20 05:36:04 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:36:04.879781946Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"n-zcxduo-1721453720.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa55869/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"write tcp\u003e127.0.0.1:49806: write: broken pipe","latency":1671036345,"latency_human":"1.671036345s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":3969}
Jul 20 05:36:05 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:36:05.40013918Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/59cb9aad2/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error Select players: too many SQL variables","latency":4251024589,"latency_human":"4.251024589s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:36:08 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:36:08.121174483Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"isucon.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa55536/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error Select player_score: tenantID=1, competitionID=9fa55536, database is locked","latency":6333916042,"latency_human":"6.333916042s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 05:36:08 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[187192]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T05:36:08.213766608Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"admin.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/admin/tenants/billing?before=8","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"failed to billingReportByCompetition: error Select count player_score: tenantID=1, competitionID=31a456f7b, database is locked","latency":18059786552,"latency_human":"18.059786552s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
okashoi commented 2 months ago

12: ちょい伸び?

06:19:22.888967 ERROR[0] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa54247/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:aqu-az-7 role:player playerID:9fa53e9a competitionID:9fa54247 rankAfter:
06:19:22.888981 ERROR[1] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/player/9fa52cbb : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:aqu-az-7 role:player playerID:9fa52dc0 playerID:9fa52cbb
06:19:22.888985 ERROR[2] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/player/9fa52cbe : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:aqu-az-7 role:player playerID:9fa52dc3 playerID:9fa52cbe
06:19:22.888988 ERROR[3] load: load-validation: GET /api/player/competition/9fa54247/ranking : expected([200]) != actual(500) tenant:aqu-az-7 role:player playerID:9fa52d5b competitionID:9fa54247 rankAfter:
06:19:22.889291 Error 4 (Critical:0)
06:19:22.889341 PASSED: true
06:19:22.889350 SCORE: 6176 (+6433 -257(4%))
Top 20 Sort By Total
Count     Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max   2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
 3872  1710.550  0.4418  0.8367   0.001   0.043   1.543   2.269   3.861   6.601  3753    0  112    7     3058318          0        789       2300  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
 3867  1551.216  0.4011  0.8783   0.001   0.033   1.517   2.382   3.695   9.189  3781    0   78    8    32535726          0       8413      14780  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
  171   351.386  2.0549  2.5081   0.001   1.192   4.634   5.883  13.532  13.978   154    0   17    0        8682          0         50         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
  724   329.109  0.4546  0.9133   0.001   0.025   1.846   2.718   3.756   5.152   689    0   33    2      750927          0       1037       2925  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
   71   153.632  2.1638  3.4231   0.000   1.175   3.101  10.496  20.512  20.512    68    0    2    1       99606          0       1402       1551  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
   22    47.909  2.1777  0.9986   0.636   2.398   3.449   3.647   4.153   4.153    21    0    1    0      412306          0      18741      26268  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
   71    27.243  0.3837  2.8571   0.002   0.023   0.092   0.189  24.283  24.283    71    0    0    0      130409        320       1836       5860  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
    4     5.862  1.4655  1.0956   0.372   2.222   2.854   2.854   2.854   2.854     4    0    0    0        6251       1549       1562       1575  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
    2     5.822  2.9110  0.3730   2.538   3.284   3.284   3.284   3.284   3.284     2    0    0    0         110         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
  116     2.966  0.0256  0.0874   0.001   0.015   0.032   0.045   0.073   0.955   114    0    2    0        2472         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
  130     2.720  0.0209  0.0312   0.002   0.015   0.027   0.042   0.120   0.342   128    0    2    0       21082         39        162        189  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
   94     1.005  0.0107  0.0184   0.002   0.005   0.031   0.039   0.154   0.154    94    0    0    0     4314019       2466      45893     602067  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   24     0.901  0.0375  0.0399   0.001   0.031   0.104   0.125   0.126   0.126    14    0   10    0        2982         39        124        201  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
   35     0.541  0.0155  0.0112   0.001   0.012   0.032   0.034   0.064   0.064    33    0    2    0        5236         39        149        165  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    2     0.002  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001     2    0    0    0         354        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    2     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     2    0    0    0       66588      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
    2     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     2    0    0    0        9736       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
    2     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000     2    0    0    0         958        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0


Jul 20 06:18:57 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[221366]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T06:18:57.449972365Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"aqu-az-7.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa54247/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=9fa53e9a, database is locked","latency":5033420961,"latency_human":"5.033420961s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 06:18:57 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[221366]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T06:18:57.550740902Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"aqu-az-7.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/player/9fa52cbb","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error Select competitions: database is locked","latency":5372845321,"latency_human":"5.372845321s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 06:18:59 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[221366]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T06:18:59.564939756Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"aqu-az-7.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/player/9fa52cbe","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrievePlayer from viewer: error Select player: id=9fa52dc3, database is locked","latency":5055564436,"latency_human":"5.055564436s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 06:18:59 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[221366]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T06:18:59.972224975Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"aqu-az-7.t.isucon.pw","method":"GET","uri":"/api/player/competition/9fa54247/ranking","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error retrieveCompetition: error Select competition: id=9fa54247, database is locked","latency":5066155983,"latency_human":"5.066155983s","bytes_in":0,"bytes_out":39}
mism-mism commented 2 months ago


06:43:03.289076 PASSED: true
06:43:03.289080 SCORE: 11123 (+14260 -3137(22%))
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago

sqliteのslow query

pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


mism-mism commented 2 months ago


mism-mism commented 2 months ago

@pinkumohikan これ見てほしい image

mism-mism commented 2 months ago

aptのデイリーアップデートがありCPU食ってた なくなったときのscore

06:53:36.352308 PASSED: true 06:53:36.352311 SCORE: 23600 (+24081 -481(2%))

mism-mism commented 2 months ago



mism-mism commented 2 months ago


pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


Top 20 Sort By Total
Count     Total     Mean   Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max    2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
10356  3191.960   0.3082   0.3607   0.003   0.210   0.600   0.885   1.761  10.219  10126    0  230    0    28647583          0       2766      14739  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
  102  1159.340  11.3661   8.6129   0.001  12.063  22.415  23.828  28.428  30.000     69    0   33    0        3930          0         38         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
 4844   760.775   0.1571   0.2332   0.002   0.085   0.341   0.532   1.257   3.040   4731    0  113    0     2106253          0        434       2291  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
 5175   640.495   0.1238   0.1684   0.002   0.074   0.264   0.389   0.846   2.412   5142    0   33    0     1777225          0        343       2774  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
   35   336.832   9.6238   5.0094   1.086   9.406  16.775  19.174  21.197  21.197     34    0    1    0      746619          0      21331      26268  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
  352    63.004   0.1790   0.3704   0.001   0.023   0.586   1.008   1.796   2.275    351    0    1    0      477737          0       1357       1615  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
   46    37.747   0.8206   3.8733   0.002   0.135   0.736   0.969  26.717  26.717     46    0    0    0       39407        323        856       5860  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
   57    13.802   0.2421   0.3750   0.005   0.168   0.449   0.703   2.728   2.728     56    0    1    0        1215         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
   90    11.175   0.1242   0.1236   0.008   0.098   0.210   0.266   0.898   0.898     89    0    1    0       14771         39        164        199  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
    1     9.853   9.8530   0.0000   9.853   9.853   9.853   9.853   9.853   9.853      1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
   82     6.574   0.0802   0.0871   0.002   0.056   0.211   0.245   0.496   0.496     82    0    0    0     2931114       4266      35745     624915  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   28     3.660   0.1307   0.2262   0.006   0.045   0.610   0.698   0.937   0.937     28    0    0    0       44140       1525       1576       1655  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   38     0.655   0.0172   0.0399   0.000   0.004   0.036   0.158   0.194   0.194     33    0    5    0        6376         39        167        213  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
    9     0.349   0.0388   0.0385   0.001   0.015   0.106   0.106   0.106   0.106      8    0    1    0        1292         39        143        160  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    1     0.001   0.0010   0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001      1    0    0    0         177        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
    1     0.000   0.0000   0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0         479        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
okashoi commented 2 months ago

14 エラーは減ったがスコアは下がった

07:02:21.702099 Error 0 (Critical:0)
07:02:21.702103 PASSED: true
07:02:21.702106 SCORE: 20519 (+20519 0(0%))
Top 20 Sort By Total
Count     Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max    2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
15637  5435.307  0.3476  0.4674   0.001   0.226   0.664   1.013   2.469   8.597  15389    0  248    0    70147206          0       4485      14771  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
12231  2361.088  0.1930  0.2902   0.001   0.117   0.382   0.575   1.343   7.210  12117    0  114    0     6227674          0        509       2468  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
  229  1581.803  6.9074  6.2045   0.001   5.617  15.641  18.039  20.903  27.553    165    0   63    1        9789          0         42         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
 6614   955.353  0.1444  0.1928   0.001   0.095   0.293   0.415   0.926   4.396   6569    0   45    0     3234707          0        489       2928  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
   60   243.659  4.0610  3.7494   0.102   3.559   9.717  11.876  15.242  15.242     58    0    2    0     1198756          0      19979      26716  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
  471   115.909  0.2461  0.4205   0.001   0.113   0.589   0.810   1.954   5.419    469    0    2    0      638045          0       1354       1643  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
  113    91.501  0.8097  3.6345   0.002   0.194   0.866   1.319  27.537  27.940    113    0    0    0      114226        317       1010       6240  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
  141    34.581  0.2453  0.3549   0.001   0.171   0.431   0.555   1.414   3.619    137    0    4    0        3033         21         21         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
  193    31.632  0.1639  0.1735   0.001   0.117   0.319   0.423   1.084   1.368    188    0    5    0       31158          0        161        188  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
    4    31.319  7.8297  0.5490   7.391   7.756   8.748   8.748   8.748   8.748      4    0    0    0         220         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
  169    20.589  0.1218  0.1326   0.002   0.084   0.240   0.297   0.748   1.243    168    0    1    0     6027782          0      35667     628051  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
   38     7.967  0.2097  0.2231   0.004   0.096   0.643   0.673   0.680   0.680     38    0    0    0       60004       1545       1579       1616  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   77     2.241  0.0291  0.0611   0.000   0.004   0.095   0.168   0.338   0.338     57    0   20    0       11376         39        147        207  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
   25     1.668  0.0667  0.1013   0.002   0.042   0.164   0.304   0.450   0.450     21    0    4    0        3467         39        138        165  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    2     0.002  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001      2    0    0    0         354        177        177        177  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    4     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      4    0    0    0        1916        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
    4     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      4    0    0    0      133176      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
    4     0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      4    0    0    0       19472       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking

(pprof) list competitionRankingHandler
Total: 4.33hrs
ROUTINE ======================== github.com/isucon/isucon12-qualify/webapp/go.competitionRankingHandler in /home/isucon/webapp/go/isuports.go
  362.50ms   2741.14s (flat, cum) 17.58% of Total
         .          .   1320:}
         .          .   1321:
         .          .   1322:// 参加者向けAPI
         .          .   1323:// GET /api/player/competition/:competition_id/ranking
         .          .   1324:// 大会ごとのランキングを取得する
  362.50ms   362.50ms   1325:func competitionRankingHandler(c echo.Context) error {
         .          .   1326:   ctx := context.Background()
         .    833.31s   1327:   v, err := parseViewer(c)
         .          .   1328:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1329:       return err
         .          .   1330:   }
         .          .   1331:   if v.role != RolePlayer {
         .          .   1332:       return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, "role player required")
         .          .   1333:   }
         .          .   1334:
         .    214.66s   1335:   tenantDB, err := connectToTenantDB(v.tenantID)
         .          .   1336:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1337:       return err
         .          .   1338:   }
         .          .   1339:   defer tenantDB.Close()
         .          .   1340:
         .     49.11s   1341:   if err := authorizePlayer(ctx, tenantDB, v.playerID); err != nil {
         .          .   1342:       return err
         .          .   1343:   }
         .          .   1344:
         .          .   1345:   competitionID := c.Param("competition_id")
         .          .   1346:   if competitionID == "" {
         .          .   1347:       return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "competition_id is required")
         .          .   1348:   }
         .          .   1349:
         .          .   1350:   // 大会の存在確認
         .      4.04s   1351:   competition, err := retrieveCompetition(ctx, tenantDB, competitionID)
         .          .   1352:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1353:       if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
         .          .   1354:           return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotFound, "competition not found")
         .          .   1355:       }
         .          .   1356:       return fmt.Errorf("error retrieveCompetition: %w", err)
         .          .   1357:   }
         .          .   1358:
         .       25ms   1359:   now := time.Now().Unix()
         .          .   1360:   var tenant TenantRow
         .    794.31s   1361:   if err := adminDB.GetContext(ctx, &tenant, "SELECT * FROM tenant WHERE id = ?", v.tenantID); err != nil {
         .          .   1362:       return fmt.Errorf("error Select tenant: id=%d, %w", v.tenantID, err)
         .          .   1363:   }
         .          .   1364:
         .    723.21s   1365:   if _, err := adminDB.ExecContext(
         .          .   1366:       ctx,
         .          .   1367:       "INSERT INTO visit_history (player_id, tenant_id, competition_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
         .       25ms   1368:       v.playerID, tenant.ID, competitionID, now, now,
         .          .   1369:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   1370:       return fmt.Errorf(
         .          .   1371:           "error Insert visit_history: playerID=%s, tenantID=%d, competitionID=%s, createdAt=%d, updatedAt=%d, %w",
         .          .   1372:           v.playerID, tenant.ID, competitionID, now, now, err,
         .          .   1373:       )
         .          .   1374:   }
         .          .   1375:
         .          .   1376:   var rankAfter int64
         .          .   1377:   rankAfterStr := c.QueryParam("rank_after")
         .          .   1378:   if rankAfterStr != "" {
         .          .   1379:       if rankAfter, err = strconv.ParseInt(rankAfterStr, 10, 64); err != nil {
         .          .   1380:           return fmt.Errorf("error strconv.ParseUint: rankAfterStr=%s, %w", rankAfterStr, err)
         .          .   1381:       }
         .          .   1382:   }
         .          .   1383:
         .         1s   1384:   tx, err := tenantDB.Beginx()
         .          .   1385:   if err != nil {
         .          .   1386:       return fmt.Errorf("error begin transaction failed: %w", err)
         .          .   1387:   }
         .          .   1388:
         .          .   1389:   pss := []PlayerScoreRow{}
         .     85.55s   1390:   if err := tx.SelectContext(
         .          .   1391:       ctx,
         .          .   1392:       &pss,
         .          .   1393:       "SELECT * FROM player_score WHERE tenant_id = ? AND competition_id = ? ORDER BY row_num DESC",
         .          .   1394:       tenant.ID,
         .          .   1395:       competitionID,
         .          .   1396:   ); err != nil {
         .          .   1397:       _ = tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1398:       return fmt.Errorf("error Select player_score: tenantID=%d, competitionID=%s, %w", tenant.ID, competitionID, err)
         .          .   1399:   }
         .          .   1400:
         .          .   1401:   // Create a map for quick lookup
         .          .   1402:   playerMap := make(map[string]PlayerRow)
         .          .   1403:   if len(pss) != 0 {
         .          .   1404:       // Collect all PlayerIDs
         .          .   1405:       playerIDs := make([]string, len(pss))
         .          .   1406:       for i, ps := range pss {
         .          .   1407:           playerIDs[i] = ps.PlayerID
         .          .   1408:       }
         .      750ms   1409:       slices.Sort(playerIDs)
         .    12.50ms   1410:       uniquePlayerIDs := slices.Compact(playerIDs)
         .          .   1411:
         .          .   1412:       // 参加者を取得する
         .          .   1413:       players := make([]PlayerRow, len(uniquePlayerIDs))
         .      125ms   1414:       query, args, err := sqlx.In(
         .          .   1415:           "SELECT * FROM player WHERE id IN (?)",
         .          .   1416:           uniquePlayerIDs,
         .          .   1417:       )
         .          .   1418:       if err != nil {
         .          .   1419:           _ = tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1420:           return fmt.Errorf("error building query for players: %w", err)
         .          .   1421:       }
         .       25ms   1422:       query = tx.Rebind(query)
         .     17.93s   1423:       if err := tx.SelectContext(ctx, &players, query, args...); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
         .          .   1424:           _ = tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1425:           return fmt.Errorf("error Select players: %w", err)
         .          .   1426:       }
         .          .   1427:
         .          .   1428:       for _, player := range players {
         .      375ms   1429:           playerMap[player.ID] = player
         .          .   1430:       }
         .          .   1431:   }
         .          .   1432:
         .      1.10s   1433:   if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
         .          .   1434:       _ = tx.Rollback()
         .          .   1435:       return fmt.Errorf("error commit transaction failed: %w", err)
         .          .   1436:   }
         .          .   1437:
         .          .   1438:   ranks := make([]CompetitionRank, 0, len(pss))
         .       50ms   1439:   scoredPlayerSet := make(map[string]struct{}, len(pss))
         .          .   1440:   for _, ps := range pss {
         .          .   1441:       // player_scoreが同一player_id内ではrow_numの降順でソートされているので
         .          .   1442:       // 現れたのが2回目以降のplayer_idはより大きいrow_numでスコアが出ているとみなせる
         .   112.50ms   1443:       if _, ok := scoredPlayerSet[ps.PlayerID]; ok {
         .          .   1444:           continue
         .          .   1445:       }
         .       25ms   1446:       scoredPlayerSet[ps.PlayerID] = struct{}{}
         .    12.50ms   1447:       p, ok := playerMap[ps.PlayerID]
         .          .   1448:       if !ok {
         .          .   1449:           return fmt.Errorf("player not found: id=%s", ps.PlayerID)
         .          .   1450:       }
         .          .   1451:       ranks = append(ranks, CompetitionRank{
         .          .   1452:           Score:             ps.Score,
         .          .   1453:           PlayerID:          p.ID,
         .          .   1454:           PlayerDisplayName: p.DisplayName,
         .          .   1455:           RowNum:            ps.RowNum,
         .          .   1456:       })
         .          .   1457:   }
         .          .   1458:
         .      150ms   1459:   sort.Slice(ranks, func(i, j int) bool {
         .          .   1460:       if ranks[i].Score == ranks[j].Score {
         .          .   1461:           return ranks[i].RowNum < ranks[j].RowNum
         .          .   1462:       }
         .          .   1463:       return ranks[i].Score > ranks[j].Score
         .          .   1464:   })
         .          .   1465:
         .       25ms   1466:   pagedRanks := make([]CompetitionRank, 0, 100)
         .          .   1467:   for i, rank := range ranks {
         .          .   1468:       if int64(i) < rankAfter {
         .          .   1469:           continue
         .          .   1470:       }
         .          .   1471:       pagedRanks = append(pagedRanks, CompetitionRank{
         .          .   1472:           Rank:              int64(i + 1),
         .          .   1473:           Score:             rank.Score,
         .          .   1474:           PlayerID:          rank.PlayerID,
         .          .   1475:           PlayerDisplayName: rank.PlayerDisplayName,
         .          .   1476:       })
         .          .   1477:       if len(pagedRanks) >= 100 {
         .          .   1478:           break
         .          .   1479:       }
         .          .   1480:   }
         .          .   1481:
         .          .   1482:   res := SuccessResult{
         .          .   1483:       Status: true,
         .      150ms   1484:       Data: CompetitionRankingHandlerResult{
         .          .   1485:           Competition: CompetitionDetail{
         .          .   1486:               ID:         competition.ID,
         .          .   1487:               Title:      competition.Title,
         .          .   1488:               IsFinished: competition.FinishedAt.Valid,
         .          .   1489:           },
         .          .   1490:           Ranks: pagedRanks,
         .          .   1491:       },
         .          .   1492:   }
         .     14.69s   1493:   return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, res)
         .          .   1494:}
         .          .   1495:
         .          .   1496:type CompetitionsHandlerResult struct {
         .          .   1497:   Competitions []CompetitionDetail `json:"competitions"`
         .          .   1498:}
okashoi commented 2 months ago

tenent.name にインデックスをはった

 ALTER TABLE tenant ADD INDEX `tenant_name_idx` (`name`);
07:33:30.619694 Error 0 (Critical:0)
07:33:30.619698 PASSED: true
07:33:30.619701 SCORE: 24146 (+24146 0(0%))
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


$ journalctl -xfu isuports.service | grep '"status":500'
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
      Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal' can see all messages.
      Pass -q to turn off this notice.
Jul 20 07:49:20 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[318722]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T07:49:20.096487539Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"u-hnyhw-1721461742.t.isucon.pw","method":"POST","uri":"/api/organizer/players/add","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error dispenseID: error REPLACE INTO id_generator: Error 1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction","latency":17637206971,"latency_human":"17.637206971s","bytes_in":5263,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 07:49:20 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[318722]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T07:49:20.098762595Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"ndgb-ekyf-1721461699.t.isucon.pw","method":"POST","uri":"/api/organizer/competition/9fa57f58/score","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error dispenseID: error REPLACE INTO id_generator: Error 1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction","latency":18497408062,"latency_human":"18.497408062s","bytes_in":3896,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 07:49:20 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[318722]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T07:49:20.1014904Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"fao-ssxg-1721461732.t.isucon.pw","method":"POST","uri":"/api/organizer/competition/9fa58863/score","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error dispenseID: error REPLACE INTO id_generator: Error 1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction","latency":12315799489,"latency_human":"12.315799489s","bytes_in":3609,"bytes_out":39}
Jul 20 07:49:20 ip-192-168-0-11 docker[318722]: webapp-webapp-1  | {"time":"2024-07-20T07:49:20.103552883Z","id":"","remote_ip":"","host":"gyi-hrio-1721461741.t.isucon.pw","method":"POST","uri":"/api/organizer/players/add","user_agent":"isucandar","status":500,"error":"error dispenseID: error REPLACE INTO id_generator: Error 1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction","latency":18802236707,"latency_human":"18.802236707s","bytes_in":5599,"bytes_out":39}
mism-mism commented 2 months ago


08:12:20.340647 Error 0 (Critical:0)
08:12:20.340651 PASSED: true
08:12:20.340655 SCORE: 27420 (+27420 0(0%))
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago

アプリ側でidを採番する #15 をマージ ✅ これでエラーが減ってスコアが安定するはず

pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


Top 20 Sort By Total
Count      Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max    2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
 6297  10252.896  1.6282  2.0677   0.001   0.976   3.539   5.319  10.991  27.463   6073    0  224    0    83918504          0      13326      15573  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
11799   7478.838  0.6339  1.2794   0.002   0.248   1.434   2.342   6.540  21.518  11620    0  179    0     6891332          0        584       2342  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
 1183    559.652  0.4731  1.0826   0.001   0.198   0.972   1.447   6.280  16.962   1165    0   18    0      661800          0        559       2781  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
  158    329.463  2.0852  2.7946   0.002   1.257   4.825   6.266  14.474  23.165    145    0   13    0      138979          0        879       5856  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
   40    185.215  4.6304  1.7735   0.455   5.019   6.718   6.995   7.000   7.000     40    0    0    0      948512      13250      23712      29334  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
  170    139.208  0.8189  0.9439   0.003   0.478   2.044   2.887   4.764   5.752    167    0    3    0        3546          0         20         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
  202     86.721  0.4293  0.6689   0.001   0.248   0.905   1.173   3.574   5.712    196    0    6    0       10788          0         53         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
  185     75.235  0.4067  0.8376   0.001   0.165   0.879   1.767   5.025   7.156    184    0    1    0     5649344          0      30536     626667  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
  191     73.098  0.3827  0.6616   0.001   0.164   0.975   1.778   3.068   6.066    190    0    1    0       33407         39        174        203  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
  402     70.370  0.1750  0.9381   0.001   0.006   0.040   0.368   4.048  13.294    400    0    2    0      544003          0       1353       1613  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
    9     11.669  1.2966  3.5018   0.001   0.040  11.199  11.199  11.199  11.199      7    0    2    0        1162          0        129        168  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
    1      8.070  8.0700  0.0000   8.070   8.070   8.070   8.070   8.070   8.070      1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
   32      7.306  0.2283  1.2028   0.004   0.008   0.030   0.040   6.925   6.925     32    0    0    0       50754       1552       1586       1678  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   42      0.319  0.0076  0.0300   0.000   0.002   0.006   0.019   0.197   0.197     37    0    5    0        7171         39        170        212  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
    1      0.001  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001      1    0    0    0         188        188        188        188  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1      0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
    1      0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
    1      0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0         479        479        479        479  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago


(pprof) list billingReportByCompetition
Total: 12.93hrs
ROUTINE ======================== github.com/isucon/isucon12-qualify/webapp/go.billingReportByCompetition in /home/isucon/webapp/go/isuports.go
         0    353.65s (flat, cum)  0.76% of Total
         .          .    530:   MinCreatedAt int64  `db:"min_created_at"`
         .          .    531:}
         .          .    532:
         .          .    533:// 大会ごとの課金レポートを計算する
         .          .    534:func billingReportByCompetition(ctx context.Context, tenantDB dbOrTx, tenantID int64, competitonID string) (*BillingReport, error) {
         .   228.92ms    535:   comp, err := retrieveCompetition(ctx, tenantDB, competitonID)
         .          .    536:   if err != nil {
         .          .    537:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieveCompetition: %w", err)
         .          .    538:   }
         .          .    539:
         .          .    540:   // ランキングにアクセスした参加者のIDを取得する
         .    12.05ms    541:   vhs := []VisitHistorySummaryRow{}
         .    334.16s    542:   if err := adminDB.SelectContext(
         .          .    543:       ctx,
         .          .    544:       &vhs,
         .          .    545:       "SELECT player_id, MIN(created_at) AS min_created_at FROM visit_history WHERE tenant_id = ? AND competition_id = ? GROUP BY player_id",
         .          .    546:       tenantID,
         .          .    547:       comp.ID,
         .          .    548:   ); err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    549:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("error Select visit_history: tenantID=%d, competitionID=%s, %w", tenantID, comp.ID, err)
         .          .    550:   }
         .          .    551:   billingMap := map[string]string{}
         .          .    552:   for _, vh := range vhs {
         .          .    553:       // competition.finished_atよりもあとの場合は、終了後に訪問したとみなして大会開催内アクセス済みとみなさない
         .          .    554:       if comp.FinishedAt.Valid && comp.FinishedAt.Int64 < vh.MinCreatedAt {
         .          .    555:           continue
         .          .    556:       }
         .    96.39ms    557:       billingMap[vh.PlayerID] = "visitor"
         .          .    558:   }
         .          .    559:
         .          .    560:   // スコアを登録した参加者のIDを取得する
         .          .    561:   scoredPlayerIDs := []string{}
         .     19.10s    562:   if err := tenantDB.SelectContext(
         .          .    563:       ctx,
         .          .    564:       &scoredPlayerIDs,
         .          .    565:       "SELECT DISTINCT(player_id) FROM player_score WHERE tenant_id = ? AND competition_id = ?",
         .          .    566:       tenantID, comp.ID,
         .          .    567:   ); err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
         .          .    568:       return nil, fmt.Errorf("error Select count player_score: tenantID=%d, competitionID=%s, %w", tenantID, competitonID, err)
         .          .    569:   }
         .          .    570:   for _, pid := range scoredPlayerIDs {
         .          .    571:       // スコアが登録されている参加者
         .    60.24ms    572:       billingMap[pid] = "player"
         .          .    573:   }
         .          .    574:
         .          .    575:   // 大会が終了している場合のみ請求金額が確定するので計算する
         .          .    576:   var playerCount, visitorCount int64
         .          .    577:   if comp.FinishedAt.Valid {
mism-mism commented 2 months ago



08:51:01.202484 Error 0 (Critical:0) 08:51:01.202487 PASSED: true 08:51:01.202491 SCORE: 40494 (+40494 0(0%))

mism-mism commented 2 months ago


09:19:59.116979 Error 0 (Critical:0)
09:19:59.116982 PASSED: true
09:19:59.116985 SCORE: 61738 (+61738 0(0%))


Top 20 Sort By Total
Count      Total    Mean  Stddev     Min   P50.0   P90.0   P95.0   P99.0     Max    2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  TotalBytes   MinBytes  MeanBytes   MaxBytes  Request
14374  14729.961  1.0248  1.4190   0.001   0.565   2.345   3.576   7.622  19.102  14010    0  364    0    33621315          0       2339       2981  GET /api/player/competition/[a-z0-9]+/ranking
31392  12856.188  0.4095  0.8405   0.001   0.154   0.936   1.557   4.450  12.288  31045    0  347    0    25312058          0        806       2026  GET /api/player/player/[a-z0-9]+
 2160    633.670  0.2934  0.6971   0.001   0.108   0.659   1.088   3.031  12.691   2133    0   27    0     1439579          0        666       2015  GET /api/player/competitions HTTP/2.0
  307    501.200  1.6326  2.7924   0.002   0.762   3.784   5.672  14.277  23.592    295    0   12    0      282956          0        921       2048  GET /api/organizer/billing HTTP/2.0
  321    195.519  0.6091  1.1352   0.001   0.253   1.380   2.480   5.747  10.595    318    0    3    0        6717          0         20         39  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/finish
   50    182.056  3.6411  1.6563   0.255   3.203   6.115   6.430   7.109   7.109     50    0    0    0      156811       1101       3136       3904  POST /api/organizer/players/add HTTP/2.0
  364    111.893  0.3074  0.5731   0.001   0.157   0.554   0.856   2.988   6.452    356    0    8    0       19419          0         53         62  POST /api/organizer/competition/[a-z0-9]+/score
  351     96.170  0.2740  0.6659   0.001   0.094   0.574   1.029   3.597   6.804    349    0    2    0       60951          0        173        209  POST /api/organizer/competitions/add HTTP/2.0
  346     94.736  0.2738  0.7038   0.002   0.083   0.609   1.059   3.355   8.757    343    0    3    0     1286370          0       3717      87381  GET /api/organizer/players HTTP/2.0
  555     85.135  0.1534  1.0841   0.001   0.005   0.027   0.119   4.331  15.372    553    0    2    0      756562          0       1363       1639  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing?before=<num> HTTP/2.0
    1      4.985  4.9850  0.0000   4.985   4.985   4.985   4.985   4.985   4.985      1    0    0    0          55         55         55         55  POST /initialize HTTP/2.0
   11      1.791  0.1628  0.1860   0.001   0.113   0.390   0.600   0.600   0.600     10    0    1    0        1612         39        146        168  POST /api/organizer/player/[a-z0-9]+/disqualified
   42      1.262  0.0300  0.0894   0.004   0.007   0.042   0.048   0.563   0.563     42    0    0    0       65740       1534       1565       1604  GET /api/admin/tenants/billing HTTP/2.0
   52      0.540  0.0104  0.0554   0.000   0.001   0.004   0.017   0.403   0.403     47    0    5    0        8922         39        171        208  POST /api/admin/tenants/add HTTP/2.0
    1      0.001  0.0010  0.0000   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001   0.001      1    0    0    0         188        188        188        188  GET /api/organizer/competitions HTTP/2.0
    1      0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0        4868       4868       4868       4868  GET /css/app.83b4c321.css HTTP/2.0
    1      0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0         835        835        835        835  GET /index.html HTTP/2.0
    1      0.000  0.0000  0.0000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000      1    0    0    0       33294      33294      33294      33294  GET /js/app.3a4ec98c.js HTTP/2.0
pinkumohikan commented 2 months ago

テナントのキャッシュ #19 マージ ✅

https://isunarabe.org/teams/682/benchmark_jobs/10915 09:27:39.845202 SCORE: 75971 (+75971 0(0%))

mism-mism commented 2 months ago

