okbob / pspg

Unix pager (with very rich functionality) designed for work with tables. Designed for PostgreSQL, but MySQL is supported too. Works well with pgcli too. Can be used as CSV or TSV viewer too. It supports searching, selecting rows, columns, or block and export selected area to clipboard.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
2.43k stars 85 forks source link

Getting issues while trying to query out data with postgis #236

Closed anbumech closed 7 months ago

anbumech commented 8 months ago


postgres=# SELECT streets.gid, streets.name, ST_Transform(streets.geom, 4326), streets.geom <-> 'SRID=26918;POINT(583571.9 4506714.3)'::geometry AS dist FROM nyc_streets streets ORDER BY dist LIMIT 3; sh: pspg: command not found

Expected result (Below output along with column st_transform which is of geometry type):

gid | name | dist -------+-----------+-------------------- 17385 | Wall St | 0.749987508809928 17390 | Broad St | 0.8836306235191059 17436 | Nassau St | 1.3368280241070414

But the error: sh: pspg: command not found

Running this in psql (14.10 (Homebrew))

okbob commented 8 months ago

I maybe don't understand to your problem. It looks so you don't have installed pspg.