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Operator Wishlist for OKD #456

Open LorbusChris opened 3 years ago

LorbusChris commented 3 years ago

Operator Wishlist for OKD

Currently Unavailable

Available in Community Catalog

Available in Upstream Catalog

bdlink commented 3 years ago

OCP 4.6 docs have a section on Metering (missing from OKD docs) that mentions the Metering Operator from OperatorHub. This sounds like a useful operator to add. There is https://operatorhub.io/operator/metering-upstream (which mentions 4.2 version) that refers to https://github.com/kube-reporting/metering-operator but this is no longer under development. I am not clear which specific operator the OCP document is referencing.

kanadaj commented 3 years ago

Does the upstream rook-ceph operator work? Or does it need additional SCCs?

bdlink commented 3 years ago

Please add gitlab operator, see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gl-openshift/gitlab-operator/ It manages the GitLab runner that allows gitlab-based pipelines on OCP (so hopefully OKD). It is not on operatorhub.io
This is used in some redhat blogs as well, see https://www.openshift.com/blog/building-openshift-pipelines-with-gitlab

chriskuipers commented 3 years ago

I thought it was just us not having access to these operators! But apparently we're not the only ones... I'm here for the popcorn :popcorn:

ibotty commented 3 years ago

Rook-ceph works great if deployed using the openshift-sccs from its examples. It is not using OLM though.

OleksandrShtepa commented 3 years ago

Please, add openshift-local-storage https://github.com/openshift/local-storage-operator

LorbusChris commented 3 years ago

I've updated the list with the latest suggestions

msheldyakov commented 3 years ago

KubeVirt Operator now available in community catalog https://github.com/operator-framework/community-operators/tree/master/community-operators/community-kubevirt-hyperconverged

Tekton-Pipelines Operator deprecated and archived. the OpenShift Pipeline Operator lives in the tektoncd/operator upstream repository. https://github.com/tektoncd/operator

LorbusChris commented 3 years ago

thanks @msheldyakov, I've updated the list :)

msheldyakov commented 3 years ago

New item for wishlist https://github.com/openshift/cluster-kube-descheduler-operator I could not find it in the community and upstream.

danielchristianschroeter commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/nginxinc/nginx-ingress-operator would be great for OKD, too :)

ibotty commented 3 years ago

We have that great list. What can one do to help getting more operators into the OKD OperatorHub?

vrutkovs commented 3 years ago

This list can be split in several categories:

binnes commented 3 years ago

New item for Wishlist - Openshift Pipelines (Tekton) - https://github.com/openshift/tektoncd-operator

openshift-bot commented 2 years ago

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vrutkovs commented 2 years ago

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nevidanniu commented 2 years ago

https://docs.okd.io/latest/web_console/odc-about-web-terminal.html looks like doc for openshift operator "web terminal" occasionally appeared in okd docs, but it would be great to add it to community operators

ibotty commented 2 years ago

openshift/oadp-operator#722 says that oadp is not supported.

kaovilai commented 2 years ago

@ibotty community support is not official support. Our community support ends at OADP 0.5.6 currently.

dymurray commented 2 years ago

To be extra clear, OADP is shipped as part of Red Hat official operators. When OADP became supported we stopped maintaining the community version. If someone installs the red hat operator catalog source they will be able to install the latest version of OADP.

bdlink commented 2 years ago

To be extra clear, OADP is shipped as part of Red Hat official operators. When OADP became supported we stopped maintaining the community version. If someone installs the red hat operator catalog source they will be able to install the latest version of OADP.

Unfortunately the Red Hat operator catalog is not accessible to OKD. Stopping supporting the community version means OKD is stuck at the 0.5.6 community version.

darren-oxford commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately the Red Hat operator catalog is not accessible to OKD. Stopping supporting the community version means OKD is stuck at the 0.5.6 community version.

In order to access the RedHat catalog, you need a subscription key. You have the option of applying for a free developer account that will enable you to enable the RedHat operator catalog in OKD. What is not entirely clear is what the license then permits.

I thought that the license excluded using the RedHat catalog and images in production, but it has been suggested that is not the case.

What is really needed is absolute clarity on the issue, is it the case that…

A: A developer key enables people to use the RedHat operator catalog and images in any environment including a production OKD cluster, simply without the ability to access support by raising a support ticket.

B: A developer key enables limited use of RedHat catalog in development and testing environments but for production use, the user is prohibited from using the RedHat supplied images and must therefore either build from the public source or use a community built image.

vrutkovs commented 2 years ago

You don't necessarily need the subscription key to use OKD and Red Hat subscription key usage is out of scope for this ticket. Please clarify with Red Hat support on the implications of using developer subscription in production

bdlink commented 2 years ago

It would be helpful to have a list of openshift github repos for the Red Hat OCP versions of the operators.

For example, TektonCD does allow building an openshift version of the operator (with features not in the k8s one), but for Knative, there is a separate repository for Red Hat Openshift Serverless at https://github.com/openshift-knative/serverless-operator

Note the above repository is not under github.com/openshift (but there is one for knative-eventing !). It seems the Red Hat version requires an older version than the current knative version. Installing the knative version on a test OKD has not yet been successful for me.

If we need to build the operators ourselves, it would be useful not to have to reverse engineer the (open source) Red Hat versions.

Thanks in advance.

binnes commented 2 years ago

Personally I would like to see an OKD catalog in OperatorHub so OKD users don't need to build their own versions of commonly used operators

We should be able to create this as a community project, ideally using Tekton pipelines to have the ability to build the catalog (and contained operators) from GitHub source on an OKD cluster.

binnes commented 2 years ago

Following the working group meeting 5 July 2022, we are hoping to create an OKD community created operator hub catalog. My suggested list of operators to work on first is as follows:

Operators to allow OKD to act as a build system:

• OpenShift Data Foundation (rook / ceph / noobaa) – this is required to install the Project Quay operator available in the community catalog on OKD • Pipelines (Ideally OpenShift pipelines operator, but can use the upstream Tekton operator as it supports OpenShift) • GitOps (Ideally the OpenShift gitops operator, this is lower priority as there is the ArgoCD operator in the community hub)

A second priority is to enable development on cluster, so the images used in pipelines can be used in OpenShift Workspaces using a devfile to facilitate development without needing to do local installs

The last section is for operators that add extensions to support application development and running

binnes commented 2 years ago

Source for OCP and OKD Operator catalogs are here : https://github.com/orgs/redhat-openshift-ecosystem/repositories

ibotty commented 2 years ago

I would certainly like the local storage operator to be in the okd operators. Without this operator it's pretty hard to install rook or openshift monitoring performantly.

OleksandrShtepa commented 1 year ago

Cert Manager Operator is available now in OKD 4.11. I had install it successful. GitLab Operator is available, not tried. GitLab Runner Operator is available, but can not be installed via bug

vrutkovs commented 1 year ago

Thank you, updated the issue description

imdmahajankanika commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to add the operator for stackrox (RHACS)?

shdwchn10 commented 10 months ago

Please add to the list ClusterResourceOverride and Sandboxed Containers operators

kaplan-michael commented 8 months ago

Hey, Can the ODF operator be added to the wish list? https://github.com/red-hat-storage/odf-operator What needs to be done to support it? It seems it installs fine with OLM(latest from the repo) but fails on pulling registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-kube-rbac-proxy:v4.11.0. So that would have to be rebuilt somewhere without a pull secret required.

I'm happy to help get that done.

vrutkovs commented 8 months ago

What needs to be done to support it?

A public rebuild of all ODF components with a different names/branding (similar to CentOS/RHEL situation). For start we can start with hard fork and then work with ODF team to make sure its useful for both endusers and developers, so that devs would use it as upstream. This applies to pretty much every operator in this list

ibotty commented 8 months ago

https://docs.okd.io/4.14/networking/ingress-node-firewall-operator.html#ingress-node-firewall-operator is also missing outside of RedHat subscriptions.

kaplan-michael commented 8 months ago


A public rebuild of all ODF components with a different names/branding (similar to CentOS/RHEL situation). For start we can start with hard fork and then work with ODF team to make sure its useful for both endusers and developers, so that devs would use it as upstream. This applies to pretty much every operator in this list

Not sure where the hard form should be done(destination) and not sure what the with a different names/branding should be? I don't have the contacts to work with the ODF team to make it a useful upstream for them. I'm happy to help with the work on public rebuilds. pinged you on kubernetes slack with more details.

Tiriyon commented 6 months ago

Hey, is this issue still in the works?

I am trying to install an operator that seems to be missing:

Is this still missing? is this list still updating?

0x4d6165 commented 5 months ago

Is there a way to add CloudNativePG operator?

stolencode commented 4 months ago

fresh deployment of OKD 4.14, bare metal UPI x86_64. kubernetes-nmstate and metallb operators are missing.

lfarkas commented 2 months ago

Following the working group meeting 5 July 2022, we are hoping to create an OKD community created operator hub catalog. My suggested list of operators to work on first is as follows:

Operators to allow OKD to act as a build system:

• OpenShift Data Foundation (rook / ceph / noobaa) – this is required to install the Project Quay operator available in the community catalog on OKD • Pipelines (Ideally OpenShift pipelines operator, but can use the upstream Tekton operator as it supports OpenShift) • GitOps (Ideally the OpenShift gitops operator, this is lower priority as there is the ArgoCD operator in the community hub)

was there any progress with it? or what is the current situation about it?

bo0ts commented 2 months ago

The OADP Operator operator is no longer available in community (or only an outdated version). The link now redirects to openshift-adp which requires a RedHat subscription.