okd-project / planning

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Reach out to Volunteers #15

Open binnes opened 1 year ago

binnes commented 1 year ago

The following folks have voiced an interest in volunteering:

binnes commented 1 year ago

notes from 23 Aug meeting

solacelost commented 1 year ago

I'm interested in participating as well. I've got an OKD 4.11 cluster running my home lab on 9 nodes of hodgepodge small form factor bare metal. Let me know what it takes to attend some community meetings, though I won't be able to attend them all due to work. I just noticed the community move while investigating the Cincinnati graph outage, which doesn't appear to be planned or part of a migration. I assume this migration is an intent to make the project less controlled by Red Hat. I am a Red Hatter, but I'm happy to contribute in my personal time.


Thanks :)

PaulCapestany commented 1 year ago

I've only been kicking the tires on okd for a couple days, but so far I think I really like what I'm seeing and would be happy to volunteer a newcomer-to-okd/outsiders' perspective if that might be helpful 🙃

binnes commented 1 year ago

Are there RedHat meetups or community events we could reach out to to inform community about OKD and recruit volunteers

elmiko commented 1 year ago

are we talking about physical meetups or virtual?

binnes commented 1 year ago

either. If there are RedHat community events then there may be an opportunity to get an invite to talk about OKD as a way to grow the OKD community? If physical, then we need to have a local community member able to attend and speak, virtual events may be easier to find speakers.

elmiko commented 1 year ago

imo, it's going to be tough to align with Red Hat sponsored events (although i'm guessing they would like to have OKD content), but we should also probably be looking more broadly at larger community events we can join. i'm thinking things like FOSDEM, OSS, and perhaps some other Linux Foundation events. I know Open Infra Summit has traditionally been focused on OpenStack, but perhaps that is changing.

the tough part when talking about Kubernetes with respect to OpenShift and OKD, is the perception that this is all Red Hat owned property and i think it turns some people off in the community. i would love to see wider acceptance of OKD as a purely FOSS solution for people looking to use this platform, i'm just not sure on how we promote that.

If there are RedHat community events then there may be an opportunity to get an invite to talk about OKD as a way to grow the OKD community?

maybe this is something that Karena could help with? (i have a feeling she has better knowledge of our events than i do)