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Track processing of legislative drafts within the parliament (Riigikogu) #30

Open loorm opened 7 years ago

loorm commented 7 years ago

Information system of the parliament does not enable the tracking of legislative drafts the same way that EIS (https://eelnoud.valitsus.ee/main) does. For instance, there is no open data available about the processing of legislative proposals submitted to the parliament by the people. All information regarding processing of such drafts in parliamentary committees is send by e-mail only to the contact person indicated int the said draft.

There is a solution being created by the IT department of the parliament, but as of right now, this issue is open and Hille Hinsberg suggested we add this issue regardless.

andreskytt commented 7 years ago

Somebody should take the lead on this - agree identifiers, make sure the systems involved (parliament, government, ministry of justice, riigiteataja, courts etc.) actually maintain referential integrity.

infokujur commented 7 years ago

Its an epic reflecting process what is in highlevel given here: https://riigikantselei.ee/et/poliitikakujundamise-ja-oigusloome-protsess

As far as I have understood, then Riigikogu has only some part of it in their system (also, what is listed here #6). Lets keep that issue here for API made by them.

tormi commented 7 years ago

If only legislators could learn from IT world.. I'd like to describe an issue, then send proposal as pull request to parliament and see our president finally committing it :) I really do believe using GIT and environment similar to GitHub could drastically improve and open up the legislative process.

andreskytt commented 7 years ago

Alas, the world is not perfect. @infokujur, do I understand that you don't think the entire epic thing is too complex to tackle holistically? If that's so, then could you or @Hillehinsberg describe a minimal viable dataset that we can specifically go and request?

infokujur commented 7 years ago

1) When draft regulation is created? 2) Versioning of the same regulation 3) Related people - authors; same topic stakeholders within Institution/Ministry 4) Have been consulted? With who? External stakeholders

That goes also for: #52

ottomattas commented 7 years ago

Just opened the parliament's (Riigikogu) API's test-environment to the public. It is only temporarily up and the documentation on it is minimal but I hope you can find something worth looking at.

There will be even more data on live-environment.


infokujur commented 6 years ago

Riigikogu Kantselei told, that data is there now. Can somebody confirm that and update this issue here, then we can close that. https://github.com/riigikogu-kantselei/api/issues

loorm commented 6 years ago

We have confirmed at CitizenOS, that most of the data is there. However, one open issue (missing document links) remains, which is relevant to data integrity. https://github.com/riigikogu-kantselei/api/issues/5

infokujur commented 6 years ago

@loorm @tiblu Can You specify what consequences this lack of data integrity has?

tiblu commented 6 years ago

@infokujur @loorm In my humble opinion without the links to the official documents there is lack of detail and no way to verify the correctness of the info specially when info is published on a 3rd party site.

infokujur commented 6 years ago

@tiblu Thank You for the insight. Then issue will be not closed and we will wait for the answer from Riigikogu Kantselei. I asked them to update their documentation and issues in their repro, preferably also this issue here.

moll commented 6 years ago

For those interested: I can confirm that all of the recent collective addresses/initiatives Rahvaalgatus sent seem to be returned from the API through https://aavik.riigikogu.ee/api/ems/v1/collective-addresses. I didn't see any of the dozen Rahvaalgatus sent last year though and inquired about it in https://github.com/riigikogu-kantselei/api/issues/10. There's still no documentation for that endpoint unfortunately either (tracked in https://github.com/riigikogu-kantselei/api/issues/8).

infokujur commented 5 years ago

Something is moving there. We have 1,5 months delay cause data is not yet coming straight but from separate instants. Keeping this issue opened until its resolved.