okestonia / opendata-issue-tracker

Community effort to open up more and more data in Estonia
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Next Opendata Issue Tracker Grooming - almost weekly - ping @infokujur to join in #89

Open infokujur opened 6 years ago

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Friday 23.02 15:30

keeganmcbride commented 6 years ago

I will be attending.

maarjatoots commented 6 years ago

count me in

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Next grooming next week - around 11.-12.04. Let us know, when coming - then we know to book the room.

maarjatoots commented 6 years ago

I will try to attend

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Next grooming fixed: 12.04 kell 14:30-16:00 in Tallinn - centre (we see how much coming and then tell the room)

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Time changed: It starts later same day - 16:00-17:30

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Idea is to make grooming in different interesting places like makerlabs, hackerspaces, studios etc I write to few ppl and you can suggest also. I hope to test it out already on 12.04.

infokujur commented 6 years ago

12.04 16:00-17:30 will happen in the office of Estonian Cooperation Assembly - Tõnismäe 3a.

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Online grooming communication in Open Knowledge Estonia Slack : https://okestonia.slack.com Send your email to maarjaleena@okee.ee and then you will be added.

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Next grooming 23.04 15:00-16:30 - Tallinn + Open Knowledge Estonia Slack : https://okestonia.slack.com Send your email to maarjaleena@okee.ee and then you will be added.

infokujur commented 6 years ago

It will be held in k-Space.ee. It's located at Akadeemia tee 21/1, fifth floor. You can take elevator to 4th floor and then take stairs to the 5th

tiblu commented 6 years ago

I'll attend.

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Due to various consecuences Grooming will be happening 30.04 same time. @tiblu - can You make it?

tiblu commented 6 years ago

@infokujur Yes, I can make it.

tiblu commented 6 years ago

@infokujur Sorry, I have made a mistake - I cannot attend on the 30th.

infokujur commented 6 years ago

+1 I will be there

keeganmcbride commented 6 years ago

I will be coming.

maarjatoots commented 6 years ago

+1 for 30.04

jaanusleemets commented 6 years ago

Hi! From Creditinfo Eesti me (Jaanus Leemets, head of business development) and our IT analyst Julia will be glad to join the meeting and contribute if and where we can. Thanks for the invitation!

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Next time 04.06.2018 place tbc

infokujur commented 6 years ago

Next time 04.06 place tbc

infokujur commented 6 years ago

+1 04.06

maarjatoots commented 6 years ago

will join

vladsrynty commented 6 years ago

From Creditinfo Eesti I, Vladimir Rüntü (head of IT), will join on 04.06

keeganmcbride commented 6 years ago

Coming as well.

infokujur commented 5 years ago

Groomingud on jälle toimuma hakanud. Vaatame issuesid järjest @otuxe -ga üle. Saame suuremalt korraldada, kui kogukonnast impuss tuleb. Oleme sellel aastal kohtunud kaks korda ja järgmine nädal uuesti. Tööst annab märku issude uuendamine. Praegune eesmärk on teha tiir peale kõikidele vanadele teemadele ja siduda nad ära opendata.riik.ee-l leitavate viidetega. Kui viidet ei ole, siis uurida, mis haldusalas ja kelle konkreetse kontaktisiku poole võiks pöörduda, et andmed opendata.riik.ee viidatud saaks. Ka selgitada välja, kas arenduse lähteülesandes on avaandmed olnud märkena sees ning kas töö on täidetud. Ehk kas tegu on kogukonna lisasooviga või juba asutuse enda poolt lubatuga.