Lots of government plans need to be approved by the legislative. So existing APIs like the DIP API could be used to automatically track ongoing plans. Every law has an ID, which could be tracked easily.
The status displayed via the DIP API (here "beratungsstand") could be used to track the status of the government plan.
Bonus: If the status for a procedure in the DIP API does not change for a certain amount of time the status of the government plan could automatically changed to "verschoben".
Lots of government plans need to be approved by the legislative. So existing APIs like the DIP API could be used to automatically track ongoing plans. Every law has an ID, which could be tracked easily.
There already some projects that make it easier to use the DIP API like BundestagsAPy by @parobo, pydipapi by @lichtbaer, tidybundestag by @benjaminguinaudeau, bt-dip-sdk by @ManAnRuck and Bundestag-API by @jschibberges.
E.g. this government plan
is equivalent to this procedure
DIP API documentation suggests "GET https://search.dip.bundestag.de/api/v1/{ressourcentyp}/{id}"
So in this case the government plan could be tracked here: GET https://search.dip.bundestag.de/api/v1/vorgang/284432?apikey=N64VhW8.yChkBUIJeosGojQ7CSR2xwLf3Qy7Apw464
The status displayed via the DIP API (here "beratungsstand") could be used to track the status of the government plan.
Bonus: If the status for a procedure in the DIP API does not change for a certain amount of time the status of the government plan could automatically changed to "verschoben".