This PR works on improving the top-bar UI with the following changes:
Makes the search bar display inside the hamburger menu for mobile, as intended in the original design
Moves "OPEN KNOWLEDGE BRASIL" link inside the DIV for the logo to make placement more natural and deals with flexing it from row to column on mobile
For navbar menu ("Inicio, processos, etc") increases vertical margin on mobile, and horizontal padding on desktop. Also removes lateral borders-right for items on mobile menu
Apart from this, we are applying these other changes:
It changes all headings to 'HK Grotesk' as per OKBR's requirement
It corrects the string for external links modal where we were having "%{organization_name}." but no available variable on the original template. This hardcodes the name of "cominutas" to avoid re-writing the template
Please note that a cor vermelha aparece assim só no meu computador. O site em produção utiliza o roxo (que se configura desde o painel de administração)
This PR works on improving the top-bar UI with the following changes:
Apart from this, we are applying these other changes:
As for the css topbar changes:
Mobile top-bar:
Mobile hamburger
Desktop top-bar