many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and
better documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and
API changes in this release, which are documented below. All users
are encouraged to upgrade to this release, as there are a large number
of bug-fixes and optimizations. Moreover, our development attention
will now shift to bug-fix releases on the 1.0.x branch, and on adding
new features on the master branch.
Some of the highlights of this release are:
Major build improvements. Windows wheels are available on PyPI for the
first time, and continuous integration has been set up on Windows and OS X
in addition to Linux.
A set of new ODE solvers and a unified interface to them
Two new trust region optimizers and a new linear programming method, with
improved performance compared to what scipy.optimize offered previously.
Many new BLAS and LAPACK functions were wrapped. The BLAS wrappers are now
This release requires Python 2.7 or 3.4+ and NumPy 1.8.2 or greater.
This is also the last release to support LAPACK 3.1.x - 3.3.x. Moving the
lowest supported LAPACK version to >3.2.x was long blocked by Apple Accelerate
providing the LAPACK 3.2.1 API. We have decided that it's time to either drop
Accelerate or, if there is enough interest, provide shims for functions added
in more recent LAPACK versions so it can still be used.
New features
scipy.cluster improvements
scipy.cluster.hierarchy.optimal_leaf_ordering, a function to reorder a
linkage matrix to minimize distances between adjacent leaves, was added.
scipy.fftpack improvements
N-dimensional versions of the discrete sine and cosine transforms and their
inverses were added as dctn, idctn, dstn and idstn.
scipy.integrate improvements
A set of new ODE solvers have been added to scipy.integrate. The convenience
function scipy.integrate.solve_ivp allows uniform access to all solvers.
The individual solvers (RK23, RK45, Radau, BDF and LSODA)
can also be used directly.
scipy.linalg improvements
The BLAS wrappers in scipy.linalg.blas have been completed. Added functions
are *gbmv, *hbmv, *hpmv, *hpr, *hpr2, *spmv, *spr,
*tbmv, *tbsv, *tpmv, *tpsv, *trsm, *trsv, *sbmv,
Wrappers for the LAPACK functions *gels, *stev, *sytrd, *hetrd,
*sytf2, *hetrf, *sytrf, *sycon, *hecon, *gglse,
*stebz, *stemr, *sterf, and *stein have been added.
The function scipy.linalg.subspace_angles has been added to compute the
subspace angles between two matrices.
The function scipy.linalg.clarkson_woodruff_transform has been added.
It finds low-rank matrix approximation via the Clarkson-Woodruff Transform.
The functions scipy.linalg.eigh_tridiagonal and
scipy.linalg.eigvalsh_tridiagonal, which find the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of tridiagonal hermitian/symmetric matrices, were added.
scipy.ndimage improvements
Support for homogeneous coordinate transforms has been added to
The ndimage C code underwent a significant refactoring, and is now
a lot easier to understand and maintain.
scipy.optimize improvements
The methods trust-region-exact and trust-krylov have been added to the
function scipy.optimize.minimize. These new trust-region methods solve the
subproblem with higher accuracy at the cost of more Hessian factorizations
(compared to dogleg) or more matrix vector products (compared to ncg) but
usually require less nonlinear iterations and are able to deal with indefinite
Hessians. They seem very competitive against the other Newton methods
implemented in scipy.
scipy.optimize.linprog gained an interior point method. Its performance is
superior (both in accuracy and speed) to the older simplex method.
scipy.signal improvements
An argument fs (sampling frequency) was added to the following functions:
firwin, firwin2, firls, and remez. This makes these functions
consistent with many other functions in scipy.signal in which the sampling
frequency can be specified.
scipy.signal.freqz has been sped up significantly for FIR filters.
scipy.sparse improvements
Iterating over and slicing of CSC and CSR matrices is now faster by up to ~35%.
The tocsr method of COO matrices is now several times faster.
The diagonal method of sparse matrices now takes a parameter, indicating
which diagonal to return.
scipy.sparse.linalg improvements
A new iterative solver for large-scale nonsymmetric sparse linear systems,
scipy.sparse.linalg.gcrotmk, was added. It implements GCROT(m,k), a
flexible variant of GCROT.
scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr now accepts an initial guess, yielding potentially
faster convergence.
SuperLU was updated to version 5.2.1.
scipy.spatial improvements
Many distance metrics in scipy.spatial.distance gained support for weights.
The signatures of scipy.spatial.distance.pdist and
scipy.spatial.distance.cdist were changed to *args, **kwargs in order to
support a wider range of metrics (e.g. string-based metrics that need extra
keywords). Also, an optional out parameter was added to pdist and
cdist allowing the user to specify where the resulting distance matrix is
to be stored
scipy.stats improvements
The methods cdf and logcdf were added to
scipy.stats.multivariate_normal, providing the cumulative distribution
function of the multivariate normal distribution.
New statistical distance functions were added, namely
scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance for the first Wasserstein distance and
scipy.stats.energy_distance for the energy distance.
Deprecated features
The following functions in scipy.misc are deprecated: bytescale,
fromimage, imfilter, imread, imresize, imrotate,
imsave, imshow and toimage. Most of those functions have unexpected
behavior (like rescaling and type casting image data without the user asking
for that). Other functions simply have better alternatives.
scipy.interpolate.interpolate_wrapper and all functions in that submodule
are deprecated. This was a never finished set of wrapper functions which is
not relevant anymore.
The fillvalue of scipy.signal.convolve2d will be cast directly to the
dtypes of the input arrays in the future and checked that it is a scalar or
an array with a single element.
Backwards incompatible changes
The following deprecated functions have been removed from scipy.stats:
betai, chisqprob, f_value, histogram, histogram2,
pdf_fromgamma, signaltonoise, square_of_sums, ss and
The following deprecated functions have been removed from scipy.stats.mstats:
betai, f_value_wilks_lambda, signaltonoise and threshold.
The deprecated a and reta keywords have been removed from
The deprecated functions sparse.csgraph.cs_graph_components and
sparse.linalg.symeig have been removed from scipy.sparse.
The following deprecated keywords have been removed in scipy.sparse.linalg:
drop_tol from splu, and xtype from bicg, bicgstab, cg,
cgs, gmres, qmr and minres.
The deprecated functions expm2 and expm3 have been removed from
scipy.linalg. The deprecated keyword q was removed from
scipy.linalg.expm. And the deprecated submodule linalg.calc_lwork was
The deprecated functions C2K, K2C, F2C, C2F, F2K and
K2F have been removed from scipy.constants.
The deprecated ppform class was removed from scipy.interpolate.
The deprecated keyword iprint was removed from scipy.optimize.fmin_cobyla.
The default value for the zero_phase keyword of scipy.signal.decimate
has been changed to True.
The kmeans and kmeans2 functions in scipy.cluster.vq changed the
method used for random initialization, so using a fixed random seed will
not necessarily produce the same results as in previous versions.
scipy.special.gammaln does not accept complex arguments anymore.
The deprecated functions sph_jn, sph_yn, sph_jnyn, sph_in,
sph_kn, and sph_inkn have been removed. Users should instead use
the functions spherical_jn, spherical_yn, spherical_in, and
spherical_kn. Be aware that the new functions have different
The cross-class properties of scipy.signal.lti systems have been removed.
The following properties/setters have been removed:
Name - (accessing/setting has been removed) - (setting has been removed)
signal.freqz(b, a) with b or a >1-D raises a ValueError. This
was a corner case for which it was unclear that the behavior was well-defined.
The method var of scipy.stats.dirichlet now returns a scalar rather than
an ndarray when the length of alpha is 1.
Other changes
SciPy now has a formal governance structure. It consists of a BDFL (Pauli
Virtanen) and a Steering Committee. See the governance document <>_
for details.
It is now possible to build SciPy on Windows with MSVC + gfortran! Continuous
integration has been set up for this build configuration on Appveyor, building
against OpenBLAS.
Continuous integration for OS X has been set up on TravisCI.
The SciPy test suite has been migrated from nose to pytest.
scipy/ was added to allow redistributors of SciPy to
add custom code that needs to run when importing SciPy (e.g. checks for
hardware, DLL search paths, etc.).
Support for PEP 518 (specifying build system requirements) was added - see
pyproject.toml in the root of the SciPy repository.
In order to have consistent function names, the function
scipy.linalg.solve_lyapunov is renamed to
scipy.linalg.solve_continuous_lyapunov. The old name is kept for
A total of 118 people contributed to this release.
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete.
This is the beta release for SciPy 1.0.0
gh-7211: BUG: convolve may yield inconsistent dtypes with method changed
gh-7216: BUG: integrate: fix refcounting bug in quad()
gh-7229: MAINT: special: Rewrite a test of wrightomega
gh-7261: FIX: Corrected the transformation matrix permutation
gh-7265: BUG: Fix broken axis handling in spectral functions
gh-7266: FIX 7262: ckdtree crashes in query_knn.
gh-7279: Upcast half- and single-precision floats to doubles in BSpline...
gh-7336: BUG: Fix signal.dfreqresp for StateSpace systems
gh-7419: Fix several issues in sparse.load_npz, save_npz
gh-7420: BUG: stats: allow integers as kappa4 shape parameters
scikit-learn 0.18.1 -> 0.19.1
Once you have closed this pull request, I'll create separate pull requests for every update as soon as I find them.
This is my first visit to this fine repo so I have bundled all updates in a single pull request to make things easier for you to merge.
Close this pull request and delete the branch if you want me to start with single pull requests right away
Here's the executive summary:
Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.
scipy 0.19.0 -> 1.0.0
scikit-learn 0.18.1 -> 0.19.1
Once you have closed this pull request, I'll create separate pull requests for every update as soon as I find them.
That's it for now!
Happy merging! 🤖