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Publicity of parliamentary activity near elections #158

Open pmargreff opened 7 years ago

pmargreff commented 7 years ago

Search about deputies cases when the spent in Publicity of parliamentary activity happen near the elections (> 120 days) when the person take part of campaign.

Quoting the CEAP regulamantation

Divulgação da atividade parlamentar, exceto nos 120 dias anteriores à eleição federal, estadual ou municipal, exceto se o deputado não for candidato.

Disclosure of the parlamentar activity, except 120 days before elections (federal, state and municipal), except if the congressman not be a candidate.

The initial idea is only cross the data from Publicity of parliamentary activity subquota, but before that, we need fetch the data for each election the congressman participated, any idea about where it could be catch?

cuducos commented 7 years ago

Just in case: if you haven't checked this notebok probably it will help you get started: https://github.com/datasciencebr/serenata-de-amor/blob/master/develop/2016-12-07-irio-election-expenses.ipynb

Beyond that I'm aware that data from elections are widely available: take a look in #49, maybe these sources are helpful (but honestly I'm not sure).

pmargreff commented 7 years ago

@cuducos Yes, I think when saw this pull request, but I guess hypotheses isn't the same, on request Irio infer the companies from elections services (btw: awesome idea) and linked it in persons. My idea is simple, only get the subquota and date and check it.

I'll look at the #49, thanks. If anyone could help with more election resource, you're welcome.

Another related doubt: I don't know, but can they argue the spent isn't illegal if it isn't in the freeze days period? I have seen some cases where lawyer people could be extremely helpfull

cuducos commented 6 years ago

Yesterday I read an analysis by @vilapedro on that ; ) Once he opens the PR we can close this issue.