okfn / ckanext-pdeu

Custom CKAN Extension for PublicData.eu
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Content negotiation for RDF is broken #51

Open rossjones opened 11 years ago

rossjones commented 11 years ago


wget --header="Accept:application/rdf+xml" http://publicdata.eu/dataset/abattages-controles-de-bovins-en-bretagne-depuis-2000

should return the DCAT version of the meta-data but doesn't, in the same way that you could use

wget http://publicdata.eu/dataset/abattages-controles-de-bovins-en-bretagne-depuis-2000.rdf

Unfortunately I think some tools rely, or at least prefer, that they use content negotiation to obtain the RDF.

A test against demo.ckan works

wget --header="Accept:application/rdf+xml" http://demo.ckan.org/dataset/gold-prices