okfn / ckanext-pdeu

Custom CKAN Extension for PublicData.eu
9 stars 4 forks source link

All featured Ideas link to same page #70

Closed autofunk closed 11 years ago

autofunk commented 11 years ago

All links from Ideas here: http://publicdata.eu/related?page=1&type=idea&sort= link to the same page: http://www.mapicture.dk/OpenDataChallenge/ODC_1.html instead of linking to the actual Idea-page.

joetsoi commented 11 years ago

Looks like there was a bug in the script that generated the related.json. Luckily the old table for the ckanext-apps was still intact and I restored the urls from that table into the related table.

Many of them never had urls submitted for them and quite a few of them appear to be dead, I'm including the output of the ideas table that I've taken the urls from

                        title                         |                                       submitter_url                                        
 openBilanci (openBudgets)                            | 
 Data Trip                                            | http://db.tt/hxkNzDd
 Enki/Gaia                                            | 
 StereoTweeps                                         | 
 Brick & mortar [URI]'s                               | 
 Open data instruction manual                         | 
 Ouch!                                                | http://ouch.heroku.com/
 Spark Street                                         | http://the.sparkary.com/SparkStreet-WebLayout.pdf
 HelpMeMove.EU                                        | 
 PoliticoTu!                                          | http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2635146/politicotu-mockups.zip
 European Financial Datamart                          | 
 Breaking open the pdfs                               | http://figshare.com
 General Measurement API                              | 
 T-Bomb (working title)                               | https://github.com/stef/le-n-x
 Move move move...                                    | http://blog.openup.tso.co.uk/2011/04/12/blog-post-from-harry-harrold-openup-2011-finalist/
 openEUschema                                         | 
 Alavista                                             | 
 bePart - mobile eParticipation for urban development | 
 LiveInfoboard                                        | 
 178 X Amsterdam                                      | 
 Alternative Public Library Catalogue                 | 
 European Union Dashboard                             | 
 A-U-R-P-I                                            | http://www.facebook.com/pages/AURPI/179357715453453
 Eaupen                                               | http://eaupen.no-ip.org
 Food quality database                                | 
 Public health and individual cases                   | 
 Nomen est omen                                       | http://www.nomenest.info/index_d.php 
(27 rows)