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2015 Nepal Earthquake Data Portal #175

Open arogyakoirala opened 6 years ago

arogyakoirala commented 6 years ago

* Required

Key Data Portal Information

Title *

2015 Nepal Earthquake: Open Data Portal




Kathmandu Living Labs

Description *

Official government portal that contains socioeconomic and building damage assessment data for ~762,000 buildings. Collected using a census model (all households, buildings and individuals) for 11 districts.

Additional Information

Place *

Gorkha, Nepal



License *

Open Database License

License details

The NHRP Open Data Portal is made available under the Open Database License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/

Type *

Owned by the National Planning Commision of Nepal, maintained by Kathmandu Living Labs



Portal Software

Portal Software details

API Type *

Not at this stage.

API Endpoint

Full metadata download


Your Information

Your Name

Arogya Koirala

Your Email


Your Link

www.kathmandulivinglabs.org/team By submitting material in this issue you agree to:

A. The terms of use - https://okfn.org/terms-of-use/

B. To place your contribution in the public domain (specifically you "license" any rights you may have under the CCZero - http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ and/or the Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License - http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/).

This latter enables us, in turn, to make available the resulting database openly available as per the Open Definition - http://opendefinition.org/od/.

Khumbutse-subash commented 1 year ago

http://eq2015.npc.gov.np/ is not working??