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Datos Abiertos Ecuador #183

Open arlugones opened 5 years ago

arlugones commented 5 years ago

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Key Data Portal Information

Title *

Datos Abiertos Ecuador




Gobierno Nacional de la República del Ecuador

Description *

Bienvenidos a la plataforma de Datos Abiertos de la República del Ecuador. Aquí podrás encontrar datos abiertos en diferentes formatos según tus necesidades. Además, estos archivos están organizados por Categorías, o si conoces la institución pública a la que pertenece el archivo, lo puedes buscar en el segmento de Organizaciones.

Additional Information

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License details

Open License

Type *



Portal Software

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Full metadata download

Your Information

Your Name

Alain Rodríguez Lugones

Your Email


Your Link

By submitting material in this issue you agree to:

A. The terms of use - https://okfn.org/terms-of-use/

B. To place your contribution in the public domain (specifically you "license" any rights you may have under the CCZero - http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ and/or the Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License - http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/).

This latter enables us, in turn, to make available the resulting database openly available as per the Open Definition - http://opendefinition.org/od/.

rufuspollock commented 5 years ago

@arlugones hey, any chance you can do a PR direct against the underlying CSV?

arlugones commented 5 years ago

You may try http://catalogo.datosabiertos.gob.ec/dataset which lists all the datasets available at the site. Would you recommend to update the link to point there instead?

augusto-herrmann commented 5 years ago

You may try http://catalogo.datosabiertos.gob.ec/dataset which lists all the datasets available at the site. Would you recommend to update the link to point there instead?

@arlugones, judging from the other entries in there, linking to the front / main page of the site is just fine.

For the change to take effect, the table of the CSV file has to be changed. If you could please do the pull request directly editing the CSV yourself, as @rufuspollock suggested, it would be faster to add. But if you are uncomfortable with that, eventually one of us should have the time to add it.