okfn / opendataeditor

No-code application to explore and publish all kinds of data: datasets, tables, charts, maps, stories, and more. Forever free and open source project powered by open standards and generative AI.
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Files not supported by the ODE #316

Closed romicolman closed 1 month ago

romicolman commented 2 months ago

Problem description

When you upload a file that is not supported by the ODE, you get the following message on the ODE screen:

Captura de pantalla 2024-04-11 a la(s) 13 07 08

Steps to reproduce it

Suggested solution

Whenever you upload a file not supported by the ODE you should get this message:

Your file is not supported by this tool

roll commented 2 months ago

@romicolman @pdelboca The problem here is that the mainstream approach of using the application is not "uploading" files but opening local folders that already have a lot of files. It's a UX question: what is better to hide not supported files under the flag or use another approach. In-general, as a user I might be very confused if in a folder I see 50 files and in ODE showing the same folder I see 10 files (where are my files?). We again can learn from what VSCode etc does in this case

guergana commented 2 months ago


Hello, I think I need a more specific instruction here. How/Where is the message: Your file is not supported by this tool displayed? in which panel? Is it a popup? Can I see a visual representation of what you expect as the result?

sapetti9 commented 2 months ago

@guergana you'll find a list of supported data formats by the Frictionless-py here: https://framework.frictionlessdata.io/ under Data Formats

romicolman commented 2 months ago

@guergana you can add a pop-up window to inform the user that the file is not supported by the tool.

Message: Your file is not supported by this tool

Supported data formats: CSV, XLS, JSON, SQL

Let me know if you have further questions

guergana commented 2 months ago

@guergana you can add a pop-up window to inform the user that the file is not supported by the tool.

Message: Your file is not supported by this tool

Supported data formats: CSV, XLS, JSON, SQL

Let me know if you have further questions

Hi, I do have questions @romicolman I tried importing the files I had at hand and they are the ones from the repository itself. They are code so they are all text files and all of them are opened by the editor. One of these files is a yaml file... In the link to the frictionless api docs provided by Sara, it says CSV, XLS, JSON, SQL, and others. I think we shouldn't have this ambiguity, which are the other formats? Is yaml included in the supported types? yaml is a subset of json. Also I see the app already supports maps in the form of .geojson and images... I need the full list of extensions. 🙏

Another thing is that the add button lets the user adds several files.. What do we do in the case the user tries to add a file with a valid extension and one with an unsupported extension? Do we send the message and dont import any of the files? or do we import the files with the supported extension?


roll commented 2 months ago

@romicolman @guergana Take into account that the app is intended to be used on local directories users open. It means that there will be always 0-N files that can be opened by a data viewer but they still need to be present in the file browser (so user is not confused -- where are my files) and they need to be available for metadata editing and adding to a data package.

For example, consider a simple projects having:

There is no view available for paper.pdf but as as USER a still needs to be able to describe and package this file.

roll commented 2 months ago

@sapetti9 There are also formats supported by ODE which is not tabular formats that supported by frictionless-py

roll commented 2 months ago

Files support:

romicolman commented 2 months ago

@romicolman @pdelboca The problem here is that the mainstream approach of using the application is not "uploading" files but opening local folders that already have a lot of files. It's a UX question: what is better to hide not supported files under the flag or use another approach. In-general, as a user I might be very confused if in a folder I see 50 files and in ODE showing the same folder I see 10 files (where are my files?). We again can learn from what VSCode etc does in this case

romicolman commented 2 months ago

@guergana you can add a pop-up window to inform the user that the file is not supported by the tool. Message: Your file is not supported by this tool Supported data formats: CSV, XLS, JSON, SQL Let me know if you have further questions

Hi, I do have questions @romicolman I tried importing the files I had at hand and they are the ones from the repository itself. They are code so they are all text files and all of them are opened by the editor. One of these files is a yaml file... In the link to the frictionless api docs provided by Sara, it says CSV, XLS, JSON, SQL, and others. I think we shouldn't have this ambiguity, which are the other formats? Is yaml included in the supported types? yaml is a subset of json. Also I see the app already supports maps in the form of .geojson and images... I need the full list of extensions. 🙏

Another thing is that the add button lets the user adds several files.. What do we do in the case the user tries to add a file with a valid extension and one with an unsupported extension? Do we send the message and dont import any of the files? or do we import the files with the supported extension?


Answers below

1) Full list of extensions: @roll I read your comments. Can you provide the full list of extensions the ODE should support to work properly? One comment regarding this. For the stable release we will concentrate on describing and validating tabular data****, (no images or articles, for instance). Can you list everything the ODE should consider? These are the formats I see across comments:

Do we need to include paper.pdf? This is not tabular data but I wonder if you mention it for some specific reason. What about ?

2)" Another thing is that the add button lets the user adds several files.. What do we do in the case the user tries to add a file with a valid extension and one with an unsupported extension? Do we send the message and dont import any of the files? or do we import the files with the supported extension?"

guergana commented 2 months ago

@romicolman moving back to Backlog because the solution is to add all the files, right? and it's not part of the sprint.

romicolman commented 2 months ago

Yes, we will add all files. Let's discuss this in the planning meeting today.

guergana commented 2 months ago

Yes, we will add all files. Let's discuss this in the planning meeting today.

And then the message displayed in the viewer stays the same as now or do we update it ? In case we update it which would be the new message? @romicolman

The one now is This file type does not have a supported data view

romicolman commented 1 month ago

Please, add this message: Preview is not available for this file format Why? Because the ODE in reality supports the file, the issue is that since it is not tabular data, it cannot be shown.


Full list of formats supported by the Frictionless Framework

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-09 a la(s) 09 20 42
roll commented 1 month ago

Note, that the list from Frictionless Framework includes not only tabular formats, and a format needs to be enabled in Open Data Editor separately - https://github.com/okfn/opendataeditor/blob/main/pyproject.toml#L5 (currently, we support CSV/Excel/JSON/Parquet)