okfn / opendataeditor

No-code application to explore and publish all kinds of data: datasets, tables, charts, maps, stories, and more. Forever free and open source project powered by open standards and generative AI.
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Error and Report buttons #342

Open romicolman opened 2 months ago

romicolman commented 2 months ago

Problem description

When the user uploads a file and it contains errors, it is possible to explore errors by looking at the table on the screen. He/She/They can also click on the ERROR button which is located below the main menu. This will only select cells with validation errors. If the user clicks on the REPORT button instead, he/she/they will get the same summary (cells with errors) and only when clicking on TYPE error, the ODE will display the error text report.

Steps to reproduce it

Screen 1: Red button at the top shows the file contains errors but errors are not shown on the table

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Note: if the user clicks on the red ERROR button at the top of the screen, nothing happens.

Screen 2: by clicking on the error button on the menu...

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The ODE only shows rows containing errors

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Screen 3: the user clicks on REPORT and the ODE displays a summary of rows with errors. This is the same information the user can explore when clicking on the Errors button (screen 2).

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However, when clicking on TYPE ERROR, the ODE shows a text summary of all errors

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Suggested solution

When a user upload a file with errors, he/she/they can click on the main ERROR button at the top of the ODE. First click, the ODE will ONLY show rows with errors. Second click, full table, without showing errors (the button wil keep its red color in both cases because the file contains errors).