okfn / timemapper

Create and share elegant timelines and timemaps fast
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Timemapper not loading data #201

Open BJDaugherty opened 7 years ago

BJDaugherty commented 7 years ago

For the timemap http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/bj_daugherty/ndts2017-church-history-timeline, it seems unable to load the data. It stalls with the message, "Loading data..." I suspect this is the same as issue #132 and/or issue #154, but unfortunately I still haven't been able to resolve it after looking at those. The spreadsheet is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16YEzLfQYw7NCiYibO3W_rxzrT2MklmWShsvuVbUJpzE/edit#gid=0 Any help is appreciated.



nirvine commented 7 years ago

I have had similar problems, and suggest you check : The URL for your Google Spreadsheet should be the "Share" link. You have the "edit" on the end, which suggests that you copied it from you browser window.

sytsew commented 7 years ago

I'm having a similar issue, but with the "Share" link. There's no endless loading, but in recent Chrome nor Firefox will it load any visual elements, except from the 'next' arrow. Three main divs are there (slider-container-mask, nav-next and map, but they're empty, white. Is this a problem with reading the link, or with the actual sheet? (I didn't change headers, and assume column positions don't matter since the default example and template differ, too.)

Thanks for any help

runedyret commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same issue, 'loading data' leads to a blank screen with only the 'next' arrow. http://timemapper.okfnlabs.org/runedyret/video-events-in-world-politics-timeline with source data https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12WDfmY0Mgb64cD-DzS0SR6Ag_d80ochxkSBMvpZd5HA/edit?usp=sharing

robertlanc commented 6 years ago

I'm having this same issue. It either hangs on"loading data" or it does not load any images. I'm assuming it must have something to do with the Google Doc.


I've tried all these: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dFAdVCHtD4MLdmoYwH8L9g3tTu5bSyKuLwLbEyjZhLU/edit?usp=sharing (This is the one FAQ says use. Generated from the Share button in Google Docs)

